Congratulations, Rick and Morty is now officially trash...

Congratulations, Rick and Morty is now officially trash, and it is entirely because of the new shitty female writers they hired.

Special thanks to all the shit normie fans who invaded the fandom and forced the creators to make shit decisions

Wow bet you feel like a real big boy riding that bandwagon

Yeah this last episode was complete shit

I have to kind of agree. I'm not 100% certain it was due to the female writers but for the most part this season kind of sucked. There were only a couple of funny episodes but the show didn't feel like the normal Rick and Morty.

Oh , poor guy
your cartoon has been ruined?
gonna cry?

Tales from the citadel would have made a better finale..

yeah, I noticed it getting shittier in season two when they kept bringing on guest star voices. Too bad about popularity killing everything good. SO long morty, so long rick. Maybe there is a dimension where the show doesn't get shitty.

Ditto. The forced resolution felt incredibly off. It didn't even feel self-aware just "LMAO BACK TO THE STATUS QUO AHH JEEZ"

Would have preferred another cliffhanger than this.

This show fucking sucks so did community arrested development garbage

I get this reference!

seemed fine to me. I mean why did you expect it to be as good as the first season? second season wasnt as good as the first.
That's the way mostly improv humor goes.
HAH yeah that's not as funny the 30th time.

The episode it self was alright However it was absolute shit for a season finale. No cliff hanger no advancement for either of the main conflicts. Just an ominous shot of Rick staring at them after they said he wouldn't tell them if they were clones

Why? What happened? I like that show.

It really would have, it had a good cliffhanger to start off the next season. This was just "We changed shit and regret it so here's this shitty episode to explain why it's back to the old shit."

PC culture stamps out everything good in the world. I'll give it till the mid of season 4 until I truly give up on it

Are we not going to mention the new season of American Horror Story and the amount of liberal lunacy contained within?

Blow your brains out you whiny cunt.

We'll miss your constant and consistent autofellatio in the background, user.

"Darkest year of adventures"

Total fucking bullshit. This show is just like Steven universe in the sense it's uber fucking popular yet nothing seems to happen.

Evil morty? Phoenix person? Guess we'll acknowledge that in 3 years or whatever.

You too. Just fucking kill yourself. Nothing you do or say in this world has value.

To be fair it shits on both sides. However I hate political commentary on TV shows that aren't about political commentary

The only bandwagon is the pro-R&M fanbase

AHS has been shit since the 2nd season, the first season was alright at best.

Then you should probably stop watching tv. Every single writer's politics seep into the shows they write.

Rick n Morty was always shit and preyed on the "I'm such a nerd" group of retards.

It's no different from The Big Bang Theory. Bazinga! XD

Yea, creators are thinking whether or not to make a sexual relation-ship based episode between Rick and Morty.

I quite liked community actually. I think with this show it's that the first seasons set the bar pretty high and a wmyn infested writing table just couldn't live up to the standard that previous fans had come to expect.

Op here. Know what? Why do t you go rape yourself with a steak knife. Chop of that nub you call a dick and start calling yourself Caitlyn. You fucking piece of shit tranny. Eat your balls too. Choke them down and chase them with nigger semen.

Again, just fucking kill yourself you pathetic subhuman goblin. Nobody give s afuck about your opinion.

Its better than all the other garbage on Adult Swim

lick my balls, Morty! --from the original version of this show, Doc and Mahrty

Typical female shitty bitch

I miss aqua teen

Hell Dave is stuck doing live streams as carl because we can't even get the lock anymore on YouTube.

whoa, dark.

Looking forward to reading about your suicide.

tbh i don't blame this guy, ram has turned trash over the years/months


>Walking on egg shells to avoid catching shit from people with influence
It's not just the writers, it's because you can't take a shit in the woods without someone watching and making sure you bury it anymore.

Bahahahah listen to this fuckboy cry. Nobody fucking cares. I should slap your mother for giving birth to you son.

Looking forward to hearing about your attention garnering suicide attempt that reveals that noone around you gives a fuck about your worthless existence causing you to want to kys for real but your too much of a lil bitch so you just sit there crying like the pathetic roastie with nothing to give and everything to take that you really are.

And im not even mad here lol just a bystander that inferred your roastie status from your level of butmad

Now show your tits, first rule.

Aww you made the baby mad! You gonna cry baby? I'm sure if your dad wasn't drowning in booze and self loathing he be real proud of you.


Sup Forums is such a terrible board

Stfu bitch, get out of here you homeless street slut

needs more desu

the moment "the president" wasnt evil morty in this season finale, the show died

death, instant. instant death. just died



To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.



I liked the first and second season. then Coven was complete shit and it hasn't been very good since.
what's been going on in this season?



I was waiting for Phoenix Person to make an appearance. Guess we just have to wait for Season 4 for him to show up.

Not OP, fake news

>now trash

i remember when my friend told me about it and he thoght the butter robot was actually funny

this shit is for retards

Have a drink. We'll feel better.

Jesus Christ, again with this faggotry. Three episodes were written by women, and all of you beta faggots can't stop sperging over it.

Said the SJW to the GGer

Newsflash: Rick and Morty has ALWAYS been shit.

This season, compared to others, in my opinion, was lacking.


ive seen up to episode 8 so far, but nah, its definitely not trash. the mad max one kind of sucked but other than that its pretty much on the same level of quality as before. its just that, yes, it did seem to get infiltrated by SJW bullshit just a little bit, but it only comes up a few times, its not like theyre just shoving this SJW crap down your throat now. chill out fag, youre just as bad as the extreme leftists.


I don't think the show is trash, I just think they chose to take a new direction with season 3 that just wasn't as enjoyable to watch. I loved the absurdist humor in seasons 1+2 (Meeseeks, Mr poopy butthole, inter-dimensional cable, morty almost getting raped). I know they wanted to make this season about "dark feels n shit", which is fine, but I hope they return to the wacky shit that was in seasons 1-2.

Finale sucked balls. The two episodes from the female writers thought were shit, but all the dumbasses that invaded the fanbase keep shouting pickle rick. Stupid as fuck.

These guys blew their load in the first two seasons, now they are just improvising all kinds of shit

agree, best episode of this season by a mile


The problem was that they were written -solely- by the new writers (gender doesn't matter). They really didn't fit with the flow of it all and were genuinely just not good.

lmao, the show has like two or three libtard lines and OP suddenly loses his shit and cant stand the show anymore. youre no different from them, pussy.

lol, obvious shill, can't wait for you to grow old alone

which were they? i know the mad max one was written by a woman. that one sucked but i came to that conclusion before i even knew about the new writers. the rest i thought have all been at least good though.

I don't understand?

which episodes were they?

>"what ever do you mean??"
come on dude. you look like a newfag with this weak bait.

Episodes 2, 3 & 4 were written by women, according to wiki. Admittedly I found those to be the weaker episodes this season but I agree with that it has more to do with the writers being new than being women.

I was speaking from the heart. I'm sorry if it cheesed you off.....

2 was really weak, 3 was pretty fun but still not up to par. i thought 4 was pretty great.

This entire show feels like it was improvised. They just sorta went with it

what? if anything there was more improvisation before, lard tard.

I just trolled one of there live streams wtf did you useless faggots do?

Sup Forums is all complaints and no action

Yeah, they had good improve before, now they are starting to run out of creative energy and use the writers more.

I think all 3 definitely had their moments. The season as a whole had plenty of ups and downs, I still like the show and will continue to watch. It often takes a show a little while to really find its voice and I expect R&M to get better as time goes on.

>>Thanks Trump

>be me
>see autist Reddit fags talk about gay show on Sup Forums
>watch it
>realise the only people who would like this shit would come from a place like Reddit
And your acting like something valuable was lost ?

other than the mad max episode i liked the season. not sure why everyone seems to be hating on it tbh. im usually a pretty big critic of things too. i think it was just too hyped

Are you seriously crying over the fucking show??
This is some top tier autism

This whole season has been garbage. The only interesting thing about this season was the development of the evil-Morty plot, but the rest has just been utter Reddit/Feminist pandering bullshit.

Fuckin retard falling for that level of bait. Get off my chan.



I only liked 1/5 of the season and even those episodes paled in comparison to most of the previous seasons. fuck this show. i'm out.

that's the least of this season's problems

Do you really think these female writers just took all the creative rights to the show and harmon and roiland just fuck around in the background? Shit wouldve been changed if they didnt think it was good, get some fucking pussy

>female writers
You realize women only wrote the 2nd, 3rd and 4th episode of the season? This was all Harmon.

oh really, i thought everyone wrote the season.

How about I strangle you instead

Get off my chan.

We can't go breaking a 14 year streak, now, can we?

>This was all Harmon.
so that's why it sucked. also his least favorite episode was the 4th episode. so if "everyone writes the episodes, you idiots", wouldn't it be a dick move to credit the new writers for it?