Why is the Democratic party dying out? How will they ever recover from this madman?

Why is the Democratic party dying out? How will they ever recover from this madman?

Such a shame to see our two party system turn into just the Republican party. I feel so sorry for libshits.

it's actually likely the Republicans will pick up seats in the house in 2018

The Republican Party is waaay more divided than the Democrats. Alabama Republicans just primaried an incumbent Senator endorsed but the President and Mitch McConnell. Steve Bannon is threatening to wage war against any Republicans that don't follow through with the President's agenda; so odds are in 2018 there's going to be a ton of infighting within the GOP with Democrats united around one common foe: Trump.

Do you really think that either party represents you? Ever hear of an oligarchy?

>muh infighting
>muh Dems will rayze uhgayne...

The GOP is being defeated in every honest primary and the Democrats have been universally hated since going full retard on identity politics. Traditional Republican candidates who are not tied to the party leadership will have the best chance in 2018. Everything else will be a blood bath, if not fought in a safe state like Texas or California.


Because they're elitest pricks. At least the Republicans are better at hiding the fact that they're also elitest pricks

Trump is literally Hitler

It's on the rise unfortunately.

This. Two sides of the same shit sandwich.


Trump is literally Trump. If he was literally Hitler we’d have zyclon B showers for liberals by now.

this timeline is truly the worst possible outcome

You’re dumb and no one loves you. We all agree on that.

does anyone on Sup Forums even contain the capacity to love or be loved

how much money do u have

Dems need to shake this idea that they're in the pocket of Wall Street and George Soros. They have some good ideas but they're phenomenally shitty at politics so people don't take them seriously. They have a shot at making up lost ground in 2018 depending on how bad Repubs continue to fuck up, but it's going to be an uphill battle.


Republicans are firing up for impeachment. They just want something other than Russia so the Dems don't get a victory. Pence will last until 2020, then Ryan or someone else will step in and either party could win.

how much money do u have ?

answer how much money do u have

do u use marijuana

Take your shit to Sup Forums you tard


do u smoke marijuana

u use marijuana?

do u use weed 420

u are a furry?

u are LGBT avodocate?

how much money

u are what amount of money in bank account

how much in debt u are ?

in what way are u financials ?

tell of what money u have

sweety honey answer : you are what amount of money ???¿¿¿

I have 237 billion dollars

how much money are u ¡¡¡

answer truth !!¡¡ liar

How much money do you have?

how much money are u made of ?

please please please tell of how much money

how much money r u have

u r a money man how much

of what amount money u have "!:??!?!!

how much money u have cockroach sucker

A troll as president, the Sup Forums dream




Trump just ensured Democratic presidents for the next 20 years or so, so I don't

do you like poopy?

it's spelled avocado you fucking inbred

I guess we'll see 2018. Either way still corrupt as shit. The Red and Blue bullshit will still fuck us over.

money ?

what number marijuana you smoke per fortnight

this ! you good Guy...!

Parties, huh?

I usually set it to 7 or 8