Spics are so fucking disgusting

spics are so fucking disgusting

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But Chile, you are one.

Dis our lan esse


Those are idios, my sudaca friend


U wot m8?

you would know

why do mexican grandmas live forever

i mean theyve gotta have some genetic telomere action going on or something because they live for centuries



I wonder what it smells like under that fupa. I would let her fucking shit all over my face.

The ones I have met were either ugly and/or fat. What gives, I though Hispanics were supposed to be attractive!

Is there an uglier race of people?

Just their facial structure looks deformed.

this one is nasty too, better just post hayek or shakira than that Mexican tranny.


The only race you can objectively say is ugly are abos. Every other race has at least one or two examples of sexy, non racemixed women.

I'm sure there's at least one pretty abbo.

>Is there an uglier race of people?
Probably Aboriginals.

The best looking Hispanic Women are absolutely stunning though.

well when you are a poor white person you tend to be around poor brown people.

>t. spic
But good on you for having a sense of accountability. Also Chile and Argentina are actually pretty respectable as far as spicville countries go, desu

Said Sweden's autistic cousin

Ya, Abo's dude. Get with the program. some spics are hot, but usually because they are at least 33% white

He has never been to Miami . The best Latin American women are the best looking women besides indigenous European women imo

>>Is there an uglier race of people?
>Probably Aboriginals.

Objection: not human.

You're disgusting.

Hispanic/latino isn't a race.

Mestizos, then.

Genuine mongrels.

Beat ones half abo and still looks ugly

>un puto mapuche

Every Mexican that lives in Texas cried when she died


Good lord was she THICC
My mommy loves her

You mean the country. Illinois was like this too.

Beaner spotted.

What the fuck???

Do they all look like that?! Dear god in heaven they look like orcs from lotr.

lmao that blur

Would lick her dirty body clean


Looks like pretty much every woman in Mexico.

>he's never been to Mexico

nice body, shame about the face.
you can't polish a turd.


I got bad news for you then.


She's not a spic. She's a shop.

>being this retarded

literally not even a race, two people can be Hispanic and not share any ancestry/genes what soever.

>some lime thinks he can actually comment on others country's women when his look like this

Trying to explain this to Sup Forumscucks is like talking to a wall

>a fellow footpussy connoisseur
Have this lad

The spics' look smaller in comparison

Could be the angle, look decently sized to me

God bless her. Truly a musical genius and an angel gone from this world too soon. RIP in peace, Selena.

as you were gentlemen

Didn't some Sup Forums-teir faggot assassinate her?
She had a beautiful voice, nice lady too.

She got rekt by a fan I think

Let those poor women be. They are someone's beloved mother, show some respect

You were right, damn bitch.


Inshallah brother.

>be Chilean immigrant in Poland
>get mistaken for an Arab
>White nationalists beat you into a pulp

"LOL but fuck those mexicans amirite guise? Le mapuche Aryan masterrace xDDD"

>blonde hair

>current year + 1
>not being obsessed with Asian women

Because they live sedentary, comfortable lives. A Mexican woman's only goal in life is to eat and shit out as many children as possible before her cunt dries up. After that, literally all they do is sit on their asses eating tacos until they die.

>t. A fat white faggot

What made you so edgy?
Being rejected by Stacy and Rosa, or was it Carmen? Maybe Julia?