continued from: Points of discussions so far:

>It was Atlantis, the people were white, the younger dryas impact lit much of the western hemisphere on fire, melted the ice caps and raised the water level 400 feet.

>The Atlanteans spread across the world to become the Ainu, the Egyptians, some settled in Nigeria and Niger where r1b is common, Western Europe and MesoAmerica.

The flood hypothesis:

>Easter Island is triangular and the three volcanic peaks on Easter form an isosceles triangle with an apex angle of 108° and base angles of 36°. The ratio between the length of the base and the lengths of the sides is φ (6.8 miles x 1.618 = 11 miles).

Other urls found in this thread: pyramid has eight sides&client=firefox-b&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwijkanJruzMAhUFDxoKHbqFBacQ_AUIBygB&biw=1067&bih=505#imgrc_

>They are first referred to in the Erra Epic by the character of Marduk who asks "Where are the Seven Sages of the Apsu, the pure puradu fish, who just as their lord Ea, have been endowed with sublime wisdom?"

>Though the order of the appearance of the sages is not precisely agreed upon, Conrad and Newing give an order of their appearance:

>The first is Uanna, "who finished the plans for heaven and earth",

>The second is Uannedugga "who was endowed with comprehensive intelligence",

>Third came Enmedugga "who was allotted a good fate",

>Next was Enmegalamma "who was born in a house",

>Fifth was Enmebulugga "who grew up on pasture land",

>The sixth is An-Enlilda "the conjurer of the city of Eridu",

>and last came Utuabzu "who ascended to heaven."

>>Tenure. When you've spent your whole life as a respected professional saying "we know this" and "we know that" and being paid handsomely for it, you can't allow anything to jar the narrative.

>How many archeologists and scientists also have tenure at universities? Honestly I'm not sure how much of an overlap the leaders of fields have
How many hope to one day have tenure?

What are the career prospects for an archeologist, outside of academia? Probably fuck-all.



what this about?

another meme magic revelation?

I think the post and lintel door designs are telling.

These people obviously had civilization, but even the Romans figured out true arches. So while the construction of the pyramids defies explanation, we know that their engineering knowledge did not encompass proper arches.

What's the deal with the bottom pictures? How are they related?


That landmass is located right on the mid-Atlantic ridge, which is where the two tectonic plates are diverging. Perhaps it could have been a volcanic island?

It may have been "sunk" or destroyed once the plates moved. It probably would have been beset by earthquakes.

time to take your meds, /x/nogs

All are mummies.

The question I suppose is where all three deliberately mummified? For instance, was there organ removal in all three cases?

Impact of meteorites on the ice caps, followed by massive flooding
Notice the creator of the map dates it at "after the catastrophe of 80.000" years ago. Was the dryas impact happening at that time?

YES. I said this all int he last thread but search "glacial isostasy atlantis", this in conjunction with the impact hypothesis is probably the best explanation I've heard...And it really ties all the parts of the story together..

It's strange how similar oral traditions are from all cultures of the world.
Almost every single culture has a flood story in it's mythology

Why is this such an enduring myth?

Agreed, this also seems like a plausible explanation.

Yeah that was what I was thinking. I don't think the pyramids having doors or arches like that is too far fetched, nor does three different cultures trying out mummification, however if they were all mummified in a similar manner that would be interesting.

These people will go to great and bizarre lengths to dismiss any ideas (or even evidence) that doesn't fit their preconceived historical perspective.

i bet the answers are still under water

The Younger Dryas Cooling must have been a massive event on a global scale

This is ice core data stretching back to the ice age

yes, but we are finding some of them

Looks almost like a mass extinction event

>>The first is Uanna, "who finished the plans for heaven and earth",
>>The second is Uannedugga "who was endowed with comprehensive intelligence",
>>Third came Enmedugga "who was allotted a good fate",
>>Next was Enmegalamma "who was born in a house",
>>Fifth was Enmebulugga "who grew up on pasture land",
>>The sixth is An-Enlilda "the conjurer of the city of Eridu",
>>and last came Utuabzu "who ascended to heaven."

nice dubs

Why are the plants so different in these places though? If they were to somehow have connections to each other they would have needed to travel, and to travel they would have needed food. When one traveler would get to the other civilazation they would have brought some foods and would have shared it, and the other would have eaten it and planted it. But that's not the case, why do the vague similarities stop at monolithic architecture. Same goes for languages.

thats pretty interesting, i wonder if it was dropped by romans or something or if it really was there and then flooded, that would be so cool

>successive layers get worse in sophistication not better
Like the pyramids, then? The best ones still standing are older. My guess is the later ones were the Egyptian trying to replicate engineering they didn't understand.
>Within the younger dryas, we see spikes in temperature drops and other random things, indicating multiple comet strikes if you look at it that way.
Or multiple great lakes evacuating into the ocean, perhaps over a period of centuries?
Would the sudden rise in sea level of a few hundred meters alter the landmass/ocean ratio enough to affect global temperatures/climate, I wonder?

This is interesting.

The language is another interesting thing.
One third of the mayan language comes close to pure greek. Who brought the dialect of Homer to America? Who took the greek to the Land of Maya? Greek is also the offspring of Sanscrit. Are they coeval? Thirteen letters out of the maya alphabet bear most distinct relation to the egyptian hieroglyphic signs for the same letters.

is this from the book of enki?

This is something I saved a while ago. Could be relevant.

>"after the catastrophe of 80.000" years ago. Was the dryas impact happening at that time?
11,800 years ago, I think was the dryas

I strongly suggest to listen to this.

These are constantly deleted and reposted.

I remember that.

>the first gwai lo
top kek

>that video where he talks about the birdman

Holy shit.

half the megafauna perished, the randall carlson podcasts with joe rogan have a lot of evidence regarding this

I read the pics posted in the last thread, and he cites fraud and jung, both charlatans, imho

why don't you give us a reason to watch him?

what are the most important things that he has to say?

You know why Canada has so many lakes? The entire landmass used to be crushed under a massive sheet of ice. The ice melted, all that fresh water rushed into the ocean (billions of gallons) and left behind the thousand lakes that Canada is known for today, including the 5 Great Lakes.

The reason the plains of the American Midwest are so uniformly flat is because titanic glaciers slid upon them, carving away all the hills and boulders and divots.

The world was a much different place back then. Giant ice sheets invaded from the poles, covering large amounts of the Earth's surface. Sea levels were much lower (because of all the ice). Lots more sunlight was being reflected away from the Earth due to all the bright white icy surface. Ocean currents were different.

Once those massive sheets of ice started melting and dumping their water into the ocean, you would have a large change in the environment. (The ocean regulates the temperature for the entire planet). Not to mention local changes in ocean salinity would have affected entire regions of the planet.

I think the reason temperatures were fluctuating so wildly was because of all these changes the world was going through.

You know it's kind of creepy how the temperature leveled off right around the same time we saw the first early human civilizations. It indicates that modern society was only possible because of a brief respite from the rapid historical temperature swings. If these swings ever returned, we might be in for it.

Eh? What time?

He studied most ancient traditions for at least 30 years.

He concluded these studies with making parallels between many populations.

I own some of his books and I saw tahose videos.

Clearly if you are in a hurry you can't grasp anything.

The association with his name constantly deletes those videos.

>tfw no 12,000+ year old monoliths
I think there was civilization, maybe even bronze-age advanced, but fuck there's not much left for us to find after all this time.

yeah dude definitely, they say the giza pyramids are about the same age as those crappy looking ones, its a bit ridiculous, giza is way more complex. but who knows i guess..

yeah thats a great point, it could have been something just like that! i think it certainly could considering the ocean currents in that part of the ocean..the atlantic warm waters used to be kind of deflected by the 'isostatic landmasses' and as the ice melted, land moved away and more and more warm waters were able to move north and cause and even more rapid warming and giving us our current atlanitic currents.

>It indicates that modern society was only possible because of a brief respite from the rapid historical temperature swings
Or earlier civ's got wiped out because humans like to live near the coast.
We discussed most of this in the last thread, but thanks anyway, Gandalf.

>He studied most ancient traditions for at least 30 years.

I asked what the most important things he has taught you are

as I mentioned, I distrust him because he cites fraud and jung

come on, what's the top three?

man, this is a great post, really helps you visualize just how many things were intertwined with each other, causing the ice age feedback loop(that were still in of course)..but yeah who knows what was going on with humans before the younger dryas/major climate change period and the humans during, it must have been so freaking insane.

You were right, canada has a huge ton of big lakes. I didn't even know that. And funnily enough the lakes seems to be lined up or something.

We will never know how it really was

A kid using Lego blocks would use the same fucking method to build a door.

Oh yes, Canada is well known for it's lakes
"The land of a thousand lakes" we call it sometimes

he talks about how and why the symbols are the same between different cultures

because they are truths of the unconsciousness, that come from the inner being.

A certain concept went with a certain animal or symbol because its the closest thing you can represent something in the real world.

Campbell is renowned for detailing the "hero's journey" archetype of mythic works.

>bird sent down through the waters to carry up mud
>"earth-diver" creation myth

It's neat, but connecting that to the Apkallu seems like a bit of a stretch to me.

a lot of it would be under water, but of course there should probably be something inland as well..I bet a lot of it is buried like gobekli tepe and its sister sites are. there is also gunung padang and similar random overlapping things like the venus culture of malta(3000 bc) and the venus culture in prehistoric europe(30000 bc).. there probably is a lot of big stuff we havent disocvered yet based on things like this...maybe lots of cool prehistoric roman type civilizations. idk haha

>The reason the plains of the American Midwest are so uniformly flat is because titanic glaciers slid upon them, carving away all the hills and boulders and divots.
haven't there been many cycles of glaciation and thaw?

He jumps from native americans to the finns and lapps.

>since you've already done so, what values did you get?
Doesn't matter. Not the values the image supplied. Listen faggot, I can give you any random numbers right now but the fact remains that the image is bullshit and that a simple one minute fact checking would've showed you.

>I only see one other volcano
That's because you literally did not even have a look at the map you yourself linked.

It shows 8 more volcanoes in addition to the initial 3, and those are only large enough to be mapped. Shit like pic related won't even make it on the map.

>I count 23, on or very near this alignment
The maps you linked me to give only 14.

Out of those I have heard the names of only 8 before. Chances are you've never of them before reading about this bullshit either.

Out of those only 5 are relevant on a global scale as determined by their size and historical relevancy.

This means that a large fucking chunk of them are largely irrelevant. Do you realize the whole planet is literally littered with ancient cities?

Now what about all the known cities that aren't under the line? We just ignore the fact that most of the known cities belong to this category?

> The other approach was to define the metre as one ten-millionth...
Which is not related to Earths diameter, retard.

Besides it's not even the current definition of metre which is a fraction of speed of light.

Do you realize metres are an arbitrary measure? Besides you realize we already know Egyptian measures?

- common bases on different cultures that shouldn't have any common lores.

- the freud and jung citations are just confirmations of his studies and his hero's journey destroys freud in many pieces.

- humanity has been founded on legends we can barely grasp any sense and he helped a lot with his studies.

Yes there have.
It probably took many cycles to carve away everything.

There is a mountain in California (where I live) called "half dome", where half the mountain was carved away by a giant slow moving glacier (pic related)

Looking at the mountain, you can see just how massive this glacier must have been. It was taller than the mountain. The glaciers only moved a couple inches a year, but they were able to carve away rock and depress the land underneath them. These were huge slow moving walls of destruction

>because they are truths of the unconsciousness, that come from the inner being.


what a book, nigguh

This really helps to put things into perspective.

>Campbell is renowned for detailing the "hero's journey" archetype of mythic works.

and it goes with some jungian ideas as well

True. But you know what else? Corbelled arches are much, much stronger than modern ones, and will last for ever. If an earthquake hit Giza, the grand gallery wouldn't even budge an inch, because to collapse the arch, you'd have to collapse the entire structure it's locked into.
Also, what's with the corbelled doorway in the queen's chamber. It goes nowhere. Or is it an indication to "climb the stairs"
Personally, I think the Great pyramid is, apart from it's other functions, a learning tool. A giant rubik's cube that teaches you math as you try to figure it out.
Did you know it's eight sided, not four. Look at the pic. That effect is all that's left since the local's stripped the outer marble casing off. Egyptologists say it's caused by an internal collapse. Yeah, internal collapse that causes a geometric configuration on all four sides, which only shows up as a shadow triangle for a few minutes once a year when the sun is in the right place, making the pyramid a calendar as well as everything else!

>These were huge slow moving walls of destruction
And guess what? They left traces of what they did allover the place. But nowhere are there any signs of the "civilization" they wiped away.

he does quote the jews but Campbell drops all the Jews secrets into his work, he is obviously a Mason, but he explains it how the ancients explained it

he is basically putting together what the Jews know from the same old text where they got it from.

It's not eight sided though. Just because there's a narrow valley running down the middle of every pyramid doesn't make it an 8 sided object.

And no they're not visible "once a year for a few minutes".

Besides how would a calendar like that work? If you miss those "few rare minutes" in the entire year then the whole point of the calendar is gone. Seems kinda stupid, don't you think? Oh wait, you don't think. That's why we're having this thread in the first place.

>That effect is all that's left since the local's stripped the outer marble casing off

You know I always forget they used to be white with gold hats until someone mentions it

The claim here is that the melting of the glaciers ended the antediluvian civilization, not the glaciers themselves.
How much of our stuff would be left after a global catastrophe and 12,000 years, do you think?

>Campbell is renowned for detailing the "hero's journey" archetype of mythic works.
well, that's kind of interesting, although I remember reading some book that claimed there were only ever three characters in a tale, I can't remember what it was now

>Doesn't matter. Not the values the image supplied. Listen faggot, I can give you any random numbers right now but the fact remains that the image is bullshit and that a simple one minute fact checking would've showed you.
yeah, course you did, you just don't want to tell us

>It shows 8 more volcanoes in addition to the initial 3, and those are only large enough to be mapped. Shit like pic related won't even make it on the map.
you said MAJOR volcanos, yet you claim they aren't on the map?

>The maps you linked me to give only 14.
14 is stretching coincidence a bit, hmm?

>Out of those I have heard the names of only 8 before
I see, your ignorance is some kind of proof?

>Which is not related to Earths diameter, retard.
the diameter isn't related to the circumference? oh come on now xir. surely though hast heard of the formula C=pi*D?

>Besides it's not even the current definition of metre which is a fraction of speed of light.
a fraction of the speed of light which closely matches the old definition? or is it out by a lot now, and all meters had to be adjusted?

>Do you realize metres are an arbitrary measure?
kind of, yet derived from the diameter of the earth

Besides you realize we already know Egyptian measures?
like the royal mile? and the cubit? what are you trying to prove by saying this?

well, I watched the trickster one, and it's kind of interesting that the same kind of myths occur in different cultures. personally I would attribute this to historical links rather than expression of inner consciousness or whatever he calls it

>How much of our stuff would be left after a global catastrophe and 12,000 years, do you think?
A fucking lot. You have no idea.

One single foundation of a building in a place with dry sandy climate where nothing geological ever happens and boom, there's all the evidence we need.

this is pretty amazing. I can't imagine the sheer view one had when visiting for the first time the giyza plateau and you saw the shining white pyramid with a shing gold top.

What about the sphinx though? It had apparently a lion head instead of the human head.

Well floods are a fairly universal disaster regardless of where you are.

awesome, in the proper sense

>But nowhere are there any signs of the "civilization" they wiped away.
kek, that's some good trolling. evidence of civilizations that are wiped away


>Just because there's a narrow valley running down the middle of every pyramid doesn't make it an 8 sided object
6/10, moron forgot the base also

stone erodes, metal oxidizes, plants grow through roads, soil gets deposited on top of objects

Oh, boy! You are full of yourself again. Been to church for a top-up, have we.
They ARE 8 sided. Each side is actually slightly "creased inwards" into 2 triangles, making them ever so slightly star-like. The effect can only be seen by standing on the causeway at a particular point in front of the temple at a particular time of day on 3 days of the year (approx 2 weeks before the traditional time of the Nile spring floods...a very important time if your a farmer).
You can see the effect replicated from a plane in the top picture here, but you can google 8 sided great pyramid if you don't believe me

Really? Why would they do this?

I thought masonry was judaism for goys, with the objective of building the third temple in isreal?

yes and no

its like the temples in OP pic, they are all the same but not because its all the Jews

just because when you get close to the truth its all the same shit, just depends on how you use it

you are the conduit for the good or evil, not the symbols

Israel is a metaphor and the Jews take it literally. Israel is not a physical place.


So you know when the Nile will flood, presumably. When it does, it deposites rich silt on the land, and it was the principle reason Egypt was an ancient powerhouse empire. The soil is very fertile. So it's an important event.

So can anyone figure out what the strange cross represents? Or are you just all drones?

Is it true that ancient pagans drank and ate menstrual blood from young adults to act as a fountain of youth so they would have longer lives?


Does it mean St. Peter had Nazi ties?? What does it mean senpai

who knows with all the shit people made up about each other

>ancient pagans
Abos, maybe.

>yes and no
well thanks for clearing that up

where did you even find that?

>Does it mean St. Peter had Nazi ties?? What does it mean senpai
I don't know, that's why I'm here, asking you.

> PS. I live in one of the most ancient masonic places

ancient alium semophores?

no, why don't you tell us

In abandoned ruins near a mountain, someone else found it while hiking.

where? which countrw?


>uneducated plebs literally take one of Plato's thought experiments as being real.

I bet you think Socrates was being for real when he said he met the Thracian God-doctor Zalmoxis and that he was taught how to cure all diseases and harms of the human body.

This is why I take offense whenever anybody suggests that abbos are people.

What is it with primitive cultures and mutilating genitals?

>yeah, course you did, you just don't want to tell us
Lel so how long are you going to pretend this has any relevancy to the fact that I know for certain you never measured the distances yourself and blindly accepted the image because it seemed "anti mainstream" and because it played into your schizophrenic delusions you created for yourself because of how depressingly boring your life is?

>you said MAJOR volcanos, yet you claim they aren't on the map?
>i do not have one single ounce of reading comprehension
In total there are 11 volcanoes on the map. But those are just the major ones because there's a shitload of smaller ones that didn't even make it to the map.

Will I have to reiterate myself again after this?

>14 is stretching coincidence a bit, hmm?
Huh? Is hunch all you're operating on? Have you EVER taken into account the sheer massive number of all kinds of ancient temples and cities that there are? Lets not even pretend for a second that the 14 he mentioned aligned perfectly. One was literally FOURTY (40) MILES away from the circle. When he's stretching that much and coming out with so little, some kind of bullshit alarm should've gone off in your mind. But it didn't because you've suppressed it.

>I see, your ignorance is some kind of proof?
Yes, lets now pretend that you could've named Ollantaytambo and Preah Vihear off the top of your head when asked about ancient locations.

>oh come on now xir. surely though hast heard of the formula C=pi*D?
Mhmm and when I say 2+4=2 then obviously I mean 2+2=4 because they're 'related.'

>kind of, yet derived from the diameter of the earth
No that is not "kind of". That is literally ARBITRARY.

If we made it so that one km is 1/30000 of the Earths circumference then it would still be ARBITRARY regardless of the fact that it's "derived" from the circumference of the Earth. Some ancient temple or the fucking VOLCANOES LOL being at a specific distance from eachother that would fit into some kind of formula would be AN ARBITRARY COINCIDENCE as a result of AN ARBITRARY MEASUREMENT SYSTEM.

>like the royal mile? and the cubit? what are you trying to prove by saying this?
That they're not related to ours in the least bit? I dunno what the hell were YOU trying to prove with it but I'm just disproving your bullshit.

>kek, that's some good trolling. evidence of civilizations that are wiped away
Yes, you see, science works based on evidence. You cannot pull bullshit out of your ass and claim everyone who argues against it is a retard because the only reason you don't have one single shred of evidence is because it all got destroyed.

>6/10, moron forgot the base also
What about the base?

>stone erodes, metal oxidizes, plants grow through roads, soil gets deposited on top of objects
Whoah thanks for telling me shit isn't eternal. I GUESS IT SLIPPED MY MIND THAT THINGS IN FACT EXPIRE HEH!

You realize we have proof of our conditions of life from 100k years ago? When what we built was to our civilization what a fucking anthill is to a concrete building?

>The effect can only be seen by standing on the causeway at a particular point in front of the temple at a particular time of day on 3 days of the year
So this MASSIVE GIGANTIC three minute a year calendar is the best the ancients could come up with? Mhmm, of course. And the plane that took the upper picture, the black whiteness and graininess of which suggests it's a very old photo, during those exact three minutes in the entire year? Wonderful coincidence!

You really are pushing the moron-boat out tonight, aren't you?
Here you go, faggot. pyramid has eight sides&client=firefox-b&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwijkanJruzMAhUFDxoKHbqFBacQ_AUIBygB&biw=1067&bih=505#imgrc_
By the way, how much lunchtime fun do you actually have as a member of the plastic spoon club?

>posts a link that has nothing to do with the post
>claims opponent is "pushing the moron-boat"
Uh huh.

How about actually responding?

>you never measured the distances yourself
since you claim you did measure them, what are the distances?

>In total there are 11 volcanoes on the map.
name them

>Have you EVER taken into account the sheer massive number of all kinds of ancient temples and cities that there are?
how many?

> lets now pretend that you could've named Ollantaytambo and Preah Vihear off the top of your head when asked about ancient locations.

>Mhmm and when I say 2+4=2 then obviously I mean 2+2=4 because they're 'related.'

>That they're not related to ours in the least bit?
sure they are, the royal mile is 8/7ths of a standard mile, strange that edinburgh has a street called the royal mile which is exactly 8/7ths of a standard mile, huh?

>What about the base?
that makes it 9 sided, fool

>You realize we have proof of our conditions of life from 100k years ago?
what proof?

Yes. Step pyramids are easy to design structures that are extremely stable, doors tend to be rectangles, and people tend to like symmetry. Ad for the triangles the shape is a pseudo arch, it has similar structural properties to an arch but since it is easier to engineer was discovered in several cultures before the arch itself.