Could you say that music has changed your life?
Could you say that music has changed your life?
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It didn't help
Yes. My favorite band, Kyuss, made me wanna take a roadtrip through the desert, and also gave me an extreme love for guitar playing.
I would say Julia Louis Dreyfus is a definite MILF.
Whoever says they wouldn't is a liar.
No, it just sounds good and I like things that sound good.
Yeah x10000
Have you seen her ass? I would play it like a bongo drum.
Nope, but I want to now.
Google it. Thank me later
Goddamn, as an ass man, I approve.
Yes, it occupies most of my life now
Julia Louis Dreyfus' ass occupies most of my life now.
Yes, but not in the big way people mean when they say something has changed their life.
Quit lying
post it, I can't find
There are whole forum threads about it if you google Julia Louis Dreyfus ass.
were her tits always that big?
When I was younger, near the end of Seinfeld's final season, I had a collection of Julia Louis Dreyfus printed photos that I printed with our new at home printer. I hid them between my bed frame and box spring.
It was big thing at the time to have a full color printer. The computer was in my parents room so I seldom had private access to it, but one day I spent a bit of time downloading and printing pics of her from magazines, photo shoots and even a few really early celeb fakes. This is one of my fondest memories. It falls right at the sweet spot of good sitcoms and the golden age of video games, and I think that reinforces the memories.
I still remember the fear of being caught if someone heard the modem dial while I was trying to get JLD smut. Thanks anons. It feels good to share such a wholesome memory.
I love the new direction of this thread
Fuck man. You're making me miss probably the best thing to happen to me in high school was finding that site.
Sup Forums's only nostalgic fap thread
MAde me more open minded about things, but didn't really change my life.
A little bit. Getting into music made me a lot happier.
Fuck off
Fuck Julia Louis Dreyfus' ass instead
Wouldn't think twice.
Who wants to talk more about the goddess known as JLD? She's holding a guitar so it counts for Sup Forums
I really think music actually kinda ruined mine
Definitely. I have a purpose again.
I guess her show was pretty funny and she's attractive so I guess I would "fuck" her
Care to elaborate?
cannot find a pic of her bare cheeks or asshole, not sure we're using the same google
I think Dreyfus is a Jewish cunt.
It gave me one more thing to be angry about
I want to say this while being respectful as I can, but I’m not sure there is a good way to do it....but can you even begin to imagine...
...uhgg, I’m getting shaky as I say this.... absolutely divine Julia must be at anal sex?? I mean can you grasp the thrills and chills that would shoot down your spine if she looked you in the eye and said, “tonight, my butt belongs to you”? OOH GOD! I mean...I...I am at a loss for words!!
Her curves, the sheer size of her perfect, plump rear...i just don’t think any other earthly sensation could even compare to the sheer ecstasy a man would feel if they were granted that privilege. Her husband is lucky beyond words. Bless you Julia Louis-Dreyfus!
Made me an outcast and have weird interests or thoughts
Well idk, to put it in a nutshell sometimes i wish i was a normie cause they seem happier than me
what curves
I'm talking about a beautiful woman, you are talking about proctology.
Fuck off
You even got /x/ to dislike you, how sad is that?
I barely post on /x/.
best album to start with?
I have no idea why you take so much abuse and still post here
I started with Welcome to Sky Valley, but they're all great except for Wretch, which I really enjoy, but make sure you like their style.
Because he's pathetic. 80 percent of his posts are self loathing bullshit. As I said, even the schizos at /x/ ran him out.
He just floats around with no fucking point to him. He doesn't even troll anyone, he just chirps in and that's it. He adds nothing to anything.
Why did I think that was Courtney Cox?
What do you want from me? Honestly? When I even try to talk about music it turns into this shit so it's 50/50
yes, because i enjoy it a lot.
marry / fuck / kill
Or he's just bored like the rest of us
>Hope you like feet, because she has a wonderful pair.
Then there's no reason for him to tripfag like an attention whore.
He wants to be recognized, he gets recognized.
Ffffff. Marry JLD(ofc), fuck Tina Fey(had the hots for her for seventeen years), no love for Poehler. Kill her.
JLD was hot as fuck in that show, remember the episode where she tried to seduce the CEO of NBC in that restaurant? my dick
impregnate them all
can you shop out the tattoo guy
In Deconstructing Harry, when she says "you can cum anytime you want", while nonchalantly taking it from behind... I felt like I was the only one that discovered that. But now I can see I'm in good company.
PS: if you haven't seen that scene, give it a try.
same thing happened with montie but he has the courtesy to turn off his trip or stay in oasis meme threads
source me up family
It gave me tinnitus which lead to crippling insomnia and three suicide attempts so yes
I would go so far as to say that it literally SAVED my life!
Blues for the Red Sun