Social classes

Sup Forums
What's your social class?

What does being upper middle implies?

everyone thinks they're middle class, plus the meaning varies by country

More wealthy than middle class, usually some degree of old money wealth aswell.

I said upper middle since my parents' house is worth over a million and my grandparents' house is worth ~3 million

You can afford college without loans or aid but you still apply for aid anyway. Upper class would pay without loans or aid and not even bother looking up financial aid.

Middle would be similar to upper middle, except there might be a higher chance they do take a loan but can pay it back without worry.

Anything below that would have to rely on a loan or aid and worry about paying it back.

At least that's my interpretation of it.

social classes are set by coercitive power, authority and priviledges, it's not related with fking wealth, income or success in your career

fucking faggots stop the colectivist memes, you're fkin programed

The most loyal lapdogs of the system - too much to lose yet no real say in any matters.

>born poor
>inherit millions from deceased grandparents who left nothing to my parents due to them being "hippy scum"

>falling for the social class meme

On the day of the rope all men and women are on equal position

Upper for Turkey but I think I would be Upper Middle in USA.

t. 140.000$ sallary, approx 1.9-2 mil wealth.

Working Class / Aspiring Middle Class

lmao no wonder why you retards support trump

Working class and poor, but not underclass.

Well actually shitskins will be positioned on the end of the end of the rope, the whiterace will not.

working class

Those that make good money, say 150-250k/yr. Basically can live a rich lifestyle but are not truly rich. There's a gap between the two. The best example I can give is say a home at 1.5 million dollars. Buyers will either be upper middle class that can afford a big mortgage without any issue vs those that can pay cash.


What the fuck do you do

cockroach extermination surely
bussiness is never lacking

Lower middle class like most of America. Well due to living with my parents while I attend college. If it wasn't for my parents I would be pretty poor.

But it's like this for most people too.

I inherit.

You maintain the outward appearance of being upper class, but your grip on that lifestyle is somewhat precarious.

Think doctors or lawyers. They're relatively rich, but they have to work for their living and if they ended up unemployed for more than a short period of time, they would sink back to a regular middle class lifestyle.

True upper class is when you have enough money stashed away that you can support a lavish lifestyle through investment income alone. If you're still working, it's because you want to not because you have to.

If you ask the salary, Its coming from the business my grandfather owns. We are in the stainless steel business, not a grand prestigious job per se but it made us very wealthy
I also own salt mines in argentina

>turks own stuff here
the British should have nuked us when they had the chance

Upper Class

DO you guys really get fucking ego boosts from lying online?

There was a thread the other day about incomes and not a single person (other than the fuckers lying and saying they earned over a million USD per annum) would be categorised in the 'upper middle' range.

Also, working class and middle class people comprise the entire populace of those who have to live with shitskins and become redpilled. Every single middle-upper and upper-class guy i've encountered is liberal as fuck

Who knew shitholes like latin america and middle east have their own rich? Oy vey what a shoah.

To give you credit when I talk about my wealth etc people tend to get more aggresive here, So besides the NSA info threads I tend to keep it to myself and let them think I'm some poor muslim roachie.

>my wealth
WHICH wealth? I do Not accept your level of Wealth as high.
im just upset we cant even own our own salt
>own rich
i am a member of the Argentina upper class.
but i hate this shithole.
I wanna go to England


Smuggles refugees to Greece

>born underclass
>mid 20s and now middle class and only getting started

God bless America.

You make more money than the typical American middle class family (around 45-80k household or so) but you're still broke because you're eyeballs deep in debt because you think you can afford three $600/mo over 8 years car loans and a 500k 30yr mortgage just because your income is around 100k.

>working class

recently moved up from working-poor

feels good man

I do come here to get outside my bubble tbqh. I studied abroad, lived abroad and I was surrounded with other upper to middle class faggots. Its nice to get out of your bubble and see firsthand what the average police-soldier-blue collar worker etc think about you. Now I understand the casual racism I encountered from garbage collectors-janitors etc when I made small talk with them.

and to be honest with you satisfying your ego with some bitter far right foreigners is pointless.
Its my "parents" wealth but they are on me. For example my mother buys a house and he puts my name on the deed, hence "my" wealth. The factory- business itself etc is a family company and I'm not the sole inheritor. But I'll manage.

I did studied in KCL actually, London is a nice place, plenty of oligarchs and their spoiled kids live there. . Ignore the muslim meme here, plenty of "white" neighborhoods are out there if you can afford it and if you like art( theater especially for me) You will be very happy.

But again If I had to work (rather then mooching of my family) I would be very unhappy, still If you can afford it do live. KCL-UCL accept plenty of rich brats since they can charge them higher.

nice work

its a slippery climb up when you start from the shit sewers

underclass Sup Forumsack in need give me (You)s if you wish to donate to my paypal

oh btw, just noticed. Salt was a joke "you being salty"
ffs I don't own any salt mines in Argentina.

>This poll
I'm sure it will be 100% honest.

I make minimum wage and I have way more put away than anyone I know it's crazy, nobody knows how to save money. Someone actually suggested I take out a loan to buy a PS4 (I don't even want one) it's ridiculous how people waste their money and cry they're broke

i'm considered upper middle here maybe in the USA it's middle class

Without strict rules the poll is obviously going to shit


post pics that prove wealth or OUT OUT OUT

>social class

i spotted saw some liars and btfo'd them

Raised poor by a well-off family.
It's complicated, OP.

Upper middle class. Parents were both engineers. They didn't act like niggers though and didn't wastefully spend money on extravagant bullshit though.

I'm incredibly fortunate that my parents were willing to pay for my college education, which is something I can never thank them enough for. Now I'm a pharmacist and make good money myself.

My father is filthy rich,last year alone he made about 5 millions easily
But i live in a shitty apartament starving doing medical school and working part time as a waiter,all of my brothers that work with my father are literally dirt poor because he is a complete asshole
To summarize i was born richer than the majority of the people but i probably live worse than the majority of you fags


>I'm incredibly fortunate that my parents were willing to pay for my college education, which is something I can never thank them enough for.

This triggers me most about americans. I get along with latinos better. It seems for we take a lot of thinks for granted. White Americans must be thankfull that their parents "do not kick them out" "pay for their college" etc. As if they are abnormally heroic things to do.

No, family is blood, its the only thing that matters. The cruel threatment (or rather Apathy) of parents towards their children baffle me.

Maybe that's why people stuck them in nursing homes and never visit back. I know I wouldn't had they kicked me out and forced me to go in brutal debt while they had the means to prevent such a thing.

I'm pretty confident that most of these people who are saying upper middle are actually just slightly above the median and see themselves as wealthier than they are because man in the middle class proper tend to live very close to the lower middle class.

t. the upper cusps of the upper middle class

It's refreshing to know that there are other people out there that can handle money responsibly. You can build wealth and work towards a higher income even on minimum wage which is why I can't stand this raise min wage crowd. Those idiots have no ambition or goals, just sliming through life and staying broke and in debt. This is why I listen to Dave Ramsey and really feel like he got me in the right mindset to focus on finding a great job to build wealth with and stay out of money and debt traps.

Pretty much everyone here is working class, just like in real life. People like to dupe themselves into thinking they're middle class but it's a capitalist illusion. It's particularly common in America.

>born into a 98% white area to parents who make a combined 600 thousand a year
>currently going to college at Northwestern with no debt
Feels patrician man

Do you own a Golden AK 47?

Yeah, I'm just happy I have work, my friend worked his way up from cashier to manager in just a few years and he's making nearly 40k a year now. People just don't have a good work ethic anymore, they take day offs constantly, complain when they get called into work, go in hung over and complain the whole day. It's amazing they aren't fired.
I know so many people who complain that $11 an hour isn't enough, I just ask them how much they can save if they stopped drinking so many times a week or going out to clubs and bars, it's the same response every time "oh my god that's so boring what will I do all day?"

Probably lower middle class.
>own three cars
Mortgage is the only debt I have. I live somewhat comfortably but I can't afford to do much stuff outside of work.

So if I'm reading you correctly, it's triggering because paying for college should be something that should go without saying?

I'm not a spoiled brat and I'm not going to hold it against my parents for not wanting to or not being able to put up thousands of dollars on my behalf. There's nothing wrong with being appreciative of them doing something for you, even if you believe it is to be expected.

>I know I wouldn't had they kicked me out and forced me to go in brutal debt while they had the means to prevent such a thing.

That's not something that typically happens in upper middle class families though. People in general are just fucking shit at saving up money, and many families don't put money aside for their children's tuition years down the road. It's not that they can't help their children. It's that they are unable to do so. Due to both not being wealthy enough as well as not having the foresight to save up.

Like I said, a lot of people are nigger rich and spend money instead of ever saving. For example, I would have actually appeared poorer than a majority of my class mates back in highschool, because my family did not spend money on frivolous bullshit. Meanwhile, there were poor kids that had the latest phones, new cars at age 16, designer clothes, whatever. But then these same kids had to use loans for college.

I own land and have a lordship. It's easy it cost like 20 quid

Upper lower middle class

Daddy's the CEO of one of the 1000 largest companies in the world. I don't work despite being 24 and play vidya and jack off to 2D all day.

I think I couldn't explain myself. It is one thing to have a poor family or one who didn't save money and its another to have a family that is able to pay your college, buy you a home etc but do not help you one bit. Maybe I'm wrong, its just my anecdotal experience but American families tend to be very individualistic and do not want to "help" their kids as much as other cultures do. My american friend who had well off if not filthy rich for example had to took loans to pay for his education. I naturally assumed that his family would help him paying it surely but nope, they said he was on his own.

Maybe thats a bad thing but we also take it to the extreme. If your family is well off you will deffinetly buy your son a bmw,mercedes, pay fully his private education tuition and find a job through your connections. Spoiling and nepotism in its finest. It might be a neau riche thing, most turks who became wealth did so in either Liberal ANAP in 80s or Liberal-İslamic AKP in 2000s (economically liberal, funny that many anap MP's did jonied AKP soon after). So they know the half stated controlled economy, and remember their poverty days, maybe thats why they are spoiling their children.

I don't have any stats on this, but I believe it's generally the case that parents that can feasibly help support their children's tuition and such generally do so. It's just that most don't have the immediate means, even if they're upper/middle class, because so many people lack foresight and don't save up for their children.

But on the flip side, you also don't want to spoil your children. I've known people my age who grew up in successful families. They had cars bought for them. College tuition paid for them. Everything they could ever want, all expenses throughout their 20s paid for. And they ended up becoming spoiled brats because of it. There's a fine line. You don't want your child to be a spoiled cunt. You want them to learn the value of a dollar and all that. But you also don't want to leave them out to dry.

Interesting perspective though. Never heard a viewpoint on this from outside america.

Lie on the internet.

You moron

working class, slowly getting there
i used to be dirt poor, even been homeless
should've sued my parents when i still had the chance

>Interesting perspective though. Never heard a viewpoint on this from outside america.
I can't understand why this is surprising to anyone. Americans carry over the "children are my property, not my family" mentality from the anglosphere they got from the kikes. Americans are truly ungodly to their children. They sacrifice them on the altar of capitalism to Mammon as soon as the law permits. If the law allowed, I wouldn't be surprised if a sizable percentage of the company (oh wow, that was a Fruedian slip. I meant "country", but I left it in to illustrate a point) cast their children unto the street if they didn't get jobs at 11.

what are you talking about everyone at my school was white and hated islanders and only brought them in for scholarships to boost the rugby team

Same my britcuck friend