This has been bothering me for awhile.Is it just me?
Anyone else get triggered when britfags pronounce or spell mom as mum?
Just you and ur mum m8
Is that mummy autist getting to you?
Like we give a shit about your semi-ebonics version of English.
>anyone else triggered by the stupidest thing?
tumblr pls go
Only when they shitpost with pictures of that Russian military chick
idk, probably just you man, i prefer mum but iif you get triggered by a single letter, you might have feminism
have you spoken to the pretentious cunts?they add way too much emphasis on a vowel that doesn't exist in the word
I heard British mums are hot and would impregnate one if I had the chaaaaaaaaaance.
Ofc I'm just a white American who will never experience Yurop again, let alone Britain.. Where I can't enrich your women with my superior American bull semen.
noun: mummy; plural noun: mummies
one's mother.
"he loves his mummy"
From the same box.
>Using google to tell you things.
>Complaining that british people speak the language they invented the wrong way
U wot m9
I shagged yer mum.
well your name is under the definition of faggot in the dictionary and i dont go around yelling your name at gays
>Getting upset over a letter
>Used by the country which invented the language you speak
Aspergers: The thread
how are the refugees?
You're OP. Naturally it's you who is the definition of faggot.
noun: faggot; plural noun: faggots; noun: fagot; plural noun: fagots
Sorry I forgot 50% of the world speak American.
Has anybody found a link between being obese and very low iq? Or does this only happen in America
America was literally our dumping ground for genetic waste
>he's triggered by another regions way of speaking
>bait thread
>low age poster
They're okay, we're at 87% white at the moment.
How's 60% going?
Now you know how we feel whenever someone starts discussing the "Queen of England"
the white people that are still left in the UK are fatter than the US
and you're wrong, Australia was your dumping ground for genetic waste
has anybody found a link between the lack of dentists and the amount of cucks in your trash country?
What about the lower class scum who say "mam"?
That really grinds my gears.
I can't stand it user. Every time I see it I hope they get stuck in the EU forever as punishment.
I have indeed.
Though it is worth noticing that they sound different all over the country, and I must admit that it is poosible that I didn't hear the worst of it.
I say Mum and I live in Atlantic Canada.
What's wrong with me?
no "mummy" yet???
this is why you will always be our allies
no legal weed and burning trees
Bleach enema for you with all these shit memes kid
trust me it gets bad.
the french have poisoned you
you wanna talk shit memes m8?
uncut > cut
Enjoy your loss of sensitivity.
fuckoff Yank and stuff your 'math' up your 'ass'
meemaw is worse
I like "mum". It sounds really cute, in a "you'll always be mum's little boy" kind of way.
"Mom" is devoid of soul.
I.. I think its trying to communicate with me.What do I do?
>87% white
>only 63 million people in UK
>US only 60% white
>Still a 150+ million more white people in the US than in the UK
try harder, retard
>This is a mummy thread now
I want to cummy in mummy
Yes, it sounds homo as fuck.
Also, "I'm going to university." No, you goddamn motherfucker, you are going to *A* university.
None what so ever, however I'd take bad teeth over my gf being BLACKED anyday. Has their been any links to a black president being in power and the degeneracy in your country?
>nigger president
>Going to lose guns
>put men in women's bathroom
>bombed your own people
>Cant even buy a kinder egg
Say it with me. President H.Clinton
oh shit waddup?
>not understanding percentages
9/10 bait
yanks just don't get it do they
Too bad that also means 95 million more shitskins.
This big brown pot of paint contains more white paint than the white pot of paint! Therefore the brown pot is whiter!
Man I love these threads. Everyone takes the piss and rips the shit outta each other. Overall, fun.
>pig fucker leader
>cant have any guns
>have major feminist party in gov.
>already being cucked by refugees
>choke on the egg cunt and then get a cavity you will have to live with for the rest of your life
I kinda like it. Although I was confused when I first encountered the word in a book.
>wtf why are there mummies in this book
>and why is this kid talking to it and not running away from it
>what kind of bullshit book is this
Don't Worry OP, you're not the only one that gets seriously triggered by English English dialects and slang.
Case in point, I watch a whole thread explode because someone said "At the mo." Mo is English short form of Moment.
The Triggering happened because someone thought it was Niggerspeak.
> That moment when the leaders of the white pot of paint start dumping black shit into it, while continuing to point and laugh at the larger kettle, calling it black
Face it. There's way less white people in Briton than there is the US, and you brits will only continue to be overrun by islamic sludge for as long as you're in the EU
here have a mummy for you to cummy in
You disgusting fat fuck.
it just seems that while the english language was allowed to evolve in america it stopped in the 1800s in the uk
please stop defending me.I didn't want this.
>pig fucker leader
Only mayor, but is bad enough.
>cant have any guns
no gunz meme
>have major feminist party in gov.
I have nothing on this one but I don't think it is true...
>already being cucked by refugees
You've been cucked by beaners and niggers for so many years you are desencitised to it.
>choke on the egg cunt and then get a cavity you will have to live with for the rest of your life
I wish I could fuckin die instead.
t. other bong just replying for (You)s
Enjoy your sexual diseases, Aussie.
based texas coming in with the mummies full of cummies
American english is an archaic form.
In the 1700's everyone in england went around with an american accent. Believe it or not.
We grew out of talking in a stupid way but you lot apparently did not.
We have a decent chance to leave the EU though, what are you doing about your niggers and pacos?
You should go to some countryside villages in the UK.
Trying to understand a gammy old man speaking old as fuck dialects is near impossible.
Enjoy your rotten mushroom nigger.
>You've been cucked by beaners and niggers for so many years you are desencitised to it.
they have no power though your people making them into the uk's mascot
But the small white pot of paint still only has 13% brown and black paint in it.
Whereas the big brown pot has 40% brown and black, making it much less white.
Stop trying to do damage control for your severe retardation. If you are the product of American education then common core can only be a good thing.
i like how they and aussies use the word cunt. i actually use it irl which in America can fuck you over with women because for some reason its like saying nigger aloud now.
Building a wall
proof faggot.
>Blacks have no power
>Literally elect one as president
At least the mayor of london is a meme job with no actual power
our lord and god emperor will fix him
there's just something about bland women that I love so much
I wanna strip her like a banana and ram my dick up her ass to hear her mummy cry
I remember when I was in Florida and I said cunt aloud since it is common speak at this point in the sheap shagger part of Scotland. Everyone looked at me weird. I understand now.
Here have some more mummies for you degenerates to masturbate to.
You love mummy don't you? Don't you want to cummy in mummy?
Fucking neck yourselves.
Foreigner detected
Nice logic, lol
>Muh population is more pure thus it is more white
Nice logic
You seem to be forgetting that there always will be forever on from here until the end of time more white people in the US than in the UK.
Fuck's the king's English. Just because your ancestors were illiterate.
Is this a thing? If a Mexican illegal has a child they can stay because the child is a legal citizen?
And will be forever until the end of time, more niggers, beaners and chinks than us...
Read about it on the internet you stupid american helm
Enjoy your future caliphate, cuck. And yes, I will steep that low because you should be nicer to me as an individual, Americans saved you all from Germany.
And to think it would've been better if they had taken you all over. We should've never helped you fags.
>majority of men feminist
>Muslim leader
>Free health care (so I can get all the cavities in the world and hardly pay a dime). Don't get a papercut jamal you'll have to remortgage your house
>Your dumb if you think we don't have guns, and I get to enjoy going to the cinema, going to school, going down the town without getting shot.
>We train your military
>We are leaving the EU
>you will also not have guns soon
Please don't try and bring the bants, it will be very painful, for you.
>hasn't won a single war (you did nothing in WW2, except protect Australia, I'm guessing so you you know there's slightly worse genetic trash out their than yourselves)
>it's the king's English
>incest baby
Fuck you man, I was born n bread in the UK.
I just grew up on the isle of wight and occasionally had run ins with this one old man with no teeth who wouldn't stop talking to me even though I couldn't understand a thing he said.
It's not our fault your economy is up the shitter. Chill.
great source
Yes, my mother is not a flower.
>australian accent developed by generations of drunken slurred speech
come on now m8
>More niggers, etc
So what
That's what happens when you compare the population of an island with that of half a continent
USA is more black than Somalia, how does it feel?
your's isn't because i deflowered her
>majority of men feminist
>Muslim leader
>Free health care (so I can get all the cavities in the world and hardly pay a dime). Don't get a papercut jamal you'll have to remortgage your house
>Your dumb if you think we don't have guns, and I get to enjoy going to the cinema, going to school, going down the town without getting shot.
try going out in public and someone seeing it Muhammad
>We train your military
>We are leaving the EU
>you will also not have guns soon
trump 2016