Alright listen up nazi's. After the little shoot out in vegas it's clear antifa needs to step it up

Alright listen up nazi's. After the little shoot out in vegas it's clear antifa needs to step it up.
So from now on if we catch you out with any nazi uniforms including trump gear you'll end up like pic related.

Not a big change for you losers, everyone knows drumpets never leave their basement but now you're on lock down.

Let me find one of you nazi's, we can always add another to the toll.

Other urls found in this thread:

you wish this was antifa

I'm a fellow EU fag

I own a nazi bet and wear it every day to college
It's the best belt I have

If I was in America would I get killed for it

Im not even racist


don't worry the eu antifa will deal with you
just getting the word out to warn some nazi's

Bait  Better 

>I'm too much of a bitch and know I'm wrong
>I'll just call everything bait

Sure thing kiddo

its funny no one has ever said shit about my leather nazi replica trench coat but i have been call a muslim for having a beard and heard allah akbar hundreds of times so sure antifa will come get me like the boogeyman

i made it 4 words and im out

Antifa is a bunch of fucking faggot ass titty babies that got molested by their coddling, trainwreck mothers.

Bring it.

Fucking shitstick.

antifa are a bunch of spoon fed pussy that cant fight for shit


The problem is that once we allow for the possibility of intolerance by not tolerating the intolerant, the same cascade effect happens because there is always something the mostly tolerant won't tolerate, and purists will exclude them as well, so tolerance becomes a tool of intolerance and exclusion. See: feminism, BLM, SJW, etc.

Corollary: there is no 'pure' tolerance, only degrees of tolerance and prevailing popular creeds.

i rate 1/10 for your reaction bait


Will you also suck my cock?


That is America, god damn what a place. myself own a long leather coat, gestapo style, don't even like the implication but by god is it a good coat. I would be hanged from the first lamp post in America. Such an open and loving country

stopped reading

you're huge


time stamp or your not live also tom petty is dead

Fair enough. Let the left and right choose not to tolerate each other. Let us see who comes out on top.



Lol, like 80% of us conceal carry. If you fags try to pull shit, you'll end up looking like you went to that concert in Vegas

It was the antifa cowards.

no it wasn't unless you have some evidence to back it up

you cant stop us

this is the future you have chosen

europe will rise again




actually it's the spin on a story created by /po/



Lmfao come on user. Everybody knows this has nothing to do with antifa. At least make a half ass attempt to correlate the two together if youre going to troll. This? This is a shitpost.




eu antifa now thats a joke have you seen how europeans fight and riot for fun they make the treatment look like a modest ferm antifa look like a bunch of faggots so good luck with that



Yeah, good luck with all that rioting... Without guns...

Fucking cucks.

you know i think we should let antifa have this one, not out of fear or respect (we all know they didn't do it) i just want to see them get classed as a terrorist group

Why does antifa hide they're faces if they think what they're doing is a good thing? Serious question

Dude, youre not even trying. How the fuck do so many people take the bait? Like do people unironically believe antifa did this just because you said they did? What the fuck.

They are.

So you can stop running the name into the ground. We've achieved what we wanted. Lets pick on anotger group now. Tired of hearing about antifa 24/7

Who is that guy? He looks like the actor from The Purge

Germanfag here. I'm moderate right wing. I know moderate left wingers who understand to take a good racist/Nazi joke. Don't like their political opinions in general, but at least we can laugh together.

Nazis died a long time ago annon.. get back to school and restudie history.

Newfag, kill yourself

could be because
>having you face on a paper could lead into loss of job (not publicly accepted)
>could lead getting beaten later as a retaliation
>even if they feel they are morally right, everybody know they are not legally protected from being arrested

there's also views about personal freedom, identity, the communistic ideology conflicts with the orwellian security state, old ides coming from the 1930's when the movement was founded and not accepted clashing with the new v for vendetta thing (not a direct relation, but can affect individual background logic).
Would you actually find someone from the inside of antifa, he might be able to give you a better answer, this thread is Sup Forums once again having a go.

......his name was Robert paulson

He's the actor from The Divide

The Shooter was liberal.

Try again faggot.

Hated trump. Loved Bernie Sanders.

Yet another left wing nut job goes on a mass shooting rampage... WHAT A TWIST!!!!

Supporting the nation's president is not a crime and does not make a person a nazi. I did not vote for Trump, but he is our president so I support him because I am a citizen of The United States of America. Besides, all you dipshits screaming "impeach Trump" are very short sighted. If that happens, what is Mike Pence gonna do for you? Antifa needs to figure out what the real fucking problem is and deal with that. You are all getting played. You want to be the dogs driving the sheep but you're just more sheep. You're the sheep pushing the others in line with the dogs at your heels. Wake the fuck up.

>Let me find one of you nazi's, we can always add another to the toll.

>Let me
>me as in "i can't do shit alone cause im a pussy, so i need 50 other guys who only want to thrash and hit people"
>also we are nazi

why would you just make shit up?

Ok lads, Mistress Mandy make me feel funny in my pants. Have we more of her??

>Fascists v. Nazis
Oooh boy, where's my popcorn?


No one has too because you are a lazy, overweight basement dweller with too severe of depression to talk to anyone, much less defend yourself from violence. A ten year old girl could make you kill yourself

russian bot using tragic incident to sow discord among american populace. Just ignore the comradefaggots

could be made by Antideutsche Antifa, literally the same ideology
gg, faggot

I don't get it. Isn't being a cucked sissy dom Sup Forums's dream. Is this supposed to make everyone on here jealous?

>Sup Forums exposing anything but their own shit eating fetish
lol, nice own goal

Pussy nigga come to bama wit that attitude


>reality check


Who is Karl Pooper and why should I give a fuck about his shitty opinion?


oh hi there, russian fag, where are you writing from? St. Petersburg? Moscow?

>Not a big change for you losers, everyone knows drumpets never leave their basement but now you're on lock down.

Fuck you, snowflake. Bring it on.

Aren't antifa young? This dude was like 66

>get punched by a literal sissy cuck
Wouldn't that make Richard Spencer even more beta?
