Why are there so many white women getting into the porn game nowadays? Not only they seem to be younger than before...

Why are there so many white women getting into the porn game nowadays? Not only they seem to be younger than before, but they are engaging in more extreme scenes right at the beggining of their careers.

Who's behind this? What can we do to save them, Sup Forums?

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>What can we do to save them, Sup Forums?

Nothing. Women wanted to be strong and independent? Then it's up to them to assume responsibility.


Stop watching porn

>Why are there so many white women getting into the porn game nowadays?

White girls love to fuck Asian guys

>professional porn

it's shit. homemade porn is where it's at


Don't be a bullshitter. You just want to make a thread about porn to keep you warm on this lonely Saturday night fago

Not you again.

Whats funny about this is it doesn't piss me off because of the comradely between our races. I'm not a cuck because I've fucked about as many Asian girls as I have white girls.

There's probably some gook thread up, there was one with asian girls and black guys if I rememeber
If you're into that

>comradely between our races.
>he actually thinks this
Good job falling for the RiceJew

Asian American girls are complete whores, don't know how many I've known that fuck like crazy and get in an abusive relationship

> www.xvideos.com/video21291795/perfection_pmv_you_re_a_big_guy_remix_

>posting porn links
Nigga what are you doin

fame, attention, decent money i guess.

>american education

>only job where women literally just have to lay there
it's the only thing they're good at, i guess

>I'm not a cuck because I've fucked about as many Asian girls as I have white girls.

Yeah, since both numbers would be 0 I believe this is accurate.

Amateur porn is where its at now.

>those bantz!!!!!!

Competition. The dawn of web streaming has made born a very impacted market. Since their sexuality and modesty is becoming less and less sacred, the only way for them to compete is to do anything and everything.

>how can white women even compete?
by being massive whores, basically.

Shit economy, low morals. The social stigma of being fucked on camera is being removed.


also cultural marxism, but you're already on /pol, so you knew that

Paris Hilton. Kim Kardashian. Countless others.

According to reverse image search and wikipedia, that's a jew. Not white.

And as for your question, it's pretty simple. Porn is a market like any other and operates on basic economic principles. There is higher demand for white women. Therefore, more white women are hired. Other races are mostly just fetish shit, for the most part.

On a related note, I heard that interracial porn isn't actually profitable and is done only for propaganda purposes by the jews. I'd like to see any data/articles on this, if there are any. Wouldn't surprise me.

Because their sexuality is the only thing they have to offer.

Same reason why modern feminism is so vehemently 'sex-positive.' As technology improves, women find themselves in a world spiraling out of their control and understanding. (Although they're not alone in that.) Sex is the one arena where they are consistently valued, appreciated, and powerful.

>Why are there so many white women getting into the porn game nowadays?
Because of the Jews.

>Who's behind this?
The Jews.

>What can we do to save them, Sup Forums?
Make a White-only nation for ourselves.

>not white

You're retarded

No idea. I am a guy and I engaged in variety of porn: classic vanilla, rough, group, bi, maledom, femdom. All 40+ shoots I did in 6 month and then quit. Most people around me don't know and I have no idea how can I participate in political quest for White Race survival.

If ashkenazis count as white then so does obama.

They're mixed mongrel mudbloods. Not. White.

Porn attracts broken, suicidal women. It may be bad, but to them, it's better than suicide.

first post best post

we need a catholic revolution

Europe's Ashkenazi Jews are 50-54% Middle Eastern

Ashkenazi Jews Are Not White

"Porn: At least you'll live" - there's a marketing slogan that speaks to me.

>Third, the Nazi driven Holocaust removed almost six million Jewish genomes from the current Jewish ancestral gene pool.


Yeah, I wonder if someone got in trouble for that little slip up.

if you've already contracted herpes why wouldn't you?

these bitches are below average. always have been, always will be. there have probably been less than 10 actually beautiful women in the history of porn

They didn't have dads. Fatherlessness is bad for girls too.

>catholic revolution
Hold on my child, I am busy blessing this furfaggot.

Sup Forumsbros/sis, how can a person who did porn publicly advance right wing pro-white cause? Any ideas?

Don't forget the Church of Scots sanctified gay marriage between PRIESTS today.

They went from whore, to attention whore.

>Who's behind this?

Hmm. I wonder . . .

Never gonna happen. Pope is weak and lacks authority. We need a crusade, but all we get is guilt for being well off from our own hard work.
t. Catholic

Go fuck yourself we need a pagan revolution, your cucked religion needs to die.

I guess exterminating you once wasn't enough. I would gladly take up the sword of the Teutonic Order so that I can purge you heathens as my ancestors once did.

The Roman Catholic church is a useless organization that has neither the will or desire to set people on the straight and narrow path. Their love of money, their scandals, and their disturbing theology has turned countless away from Christ. It is vile from the top down, and can't be fixed. They will continually change their message to fit with the times, so as to gain more followers and revenue, perverting God's truth in doing so.

fuck off you filthy divider, you subverter. your misguided idea of a "pagan revolution" would only lead to islam conquering europe outright. paganism is one of the most cucked religions ever, you actually put women on an equal level with men and even above men when you have female deities. rid yourself of this obsession with nazi imagery and their foolish ideas of paganism or leave.

I am a guy. Incredible income, top European uni diploma, top of the class. The only twist is that I did porn.

*slow clap*

La-dee! Only two posts in!

You know who's behind it.
It's what sells. Asian broads are a dime a dozen and people aren't into darkies.

I agree that Paganism is a cucked religion but
Pick one unless you're referring to "Neo Nazis"

>Not only they seem to be younger than before, but they are engaging in more extreme scenes right at the beggining of their careers.

do you mean interracial? are you some sort of racist? oh lawdy

So they're faithful after all?

>white women in porn
>posts jewess with a black cock obsession

It's that entitled conservative mindset. They want money, they think they deserve money, they'll do anything to get money.

>they are engaging in more extreme scenes right at the beggining of their careers.

Jesus Christ you sound like a huge fucking faggot. I bet you're not even talking about anal prolapse midget porn.

> Paganism
Go fuck sheep barbarian

1.Economic decline/loosening morals
2. Markets have high demand for niches, think gluten free but for pussy.
3.Producers and consumers are behind it. The only thing you can do is ban it, but then youd be a faggot, literally saving hoes.

Why are there so many men bitching about women these days?

Excuse me? He's not "watching" porn.

He's doing important research.

Casey Calvert is so fine. Too bad she ruined herself by doing nigger scenes.

Cause a lot of them suck

I agree. A lot of men suck.





Germany, you are well on your way to acheiving the American dream.

And anal.

porn is awesome. it's like hollywood, but you get to retain your individual dignity.

>citing the times of israel
ashkenazi jews are most genetically similar to italians.
