Truly the patrician choice

2 GOAT's can't be wrong

/ourguy/ confirmed

>peeing like a woman
yeah just flip your dicks inside out and live like the roastie you long to be

I would install a urinal in my mansion

the old school trough kind they used to have at ratty municipal stadiums but with solid gold fixtures just like Emperor Trump

God, south americans speak so weird

>Irish education

es la verdad,
y ademas, de nada senor o higgins

That's because they're afraid of diving into the water

>Implying the autist still wouldn't sit down



Exactly what implication were you trying to imbly, Mr Burger?

Suarez does it because of his wife and daughter, he said nothing about comfortable.


I've always pissed sitting down desu

Io decian en serio o era una joda? Vi 1 min del programa nada mas

>standing to pee just to prove a point
why would you do that when you can get comfy sitting down and shitposting at ease

Suarez lo dijo el año pasado cuando Cotelo(el murguero/comediante que charla con ellos en la "entrevista") fue a la casa a comer un asado por el tema de la camiseta, Sofia dijo que si es cierto.

Ahi fue que conto lo de que empezo a hacer sentado por la hija que era chica, por higiene.

Ahora este año Cotelo lo fue a gastar a Suarez con Messi y resulta que Messi hacia lo mismo porque es comodo.

>not using what you were blessed with properly
and there i thaught you were my best ally

I've always peed sitting down and always wondered why everyone didn't do it. Do you stand when you watch TV? Why would someone stand when they had the option to sit? I can read when I'm sitting.

Is this the breed of leaves that gave us /hoc/? I'm disapointed

Go ahead and meme because that's all standing up to pee is. If I'm outside and I have to I will, it's not a fucking skill. But in my home why would I stand? It's also cleaner to do sitting. When friends come over I make those fuckers sit to pee because I always have to clean up something after. Even the most accurate stand-uppers will spray shit. You stand up to pee in a bar because you don't give a fuck about the bathroom or floor, but your home? I understand in Portugal you live in the equivalent of stables so a little piss on the floor isn't a problem.

doing it while standing is simply a faster operation, even though sitting is far more comfortable, if you got time to spare you can shitpost here too.

sometimes i drink a liter of water in 20 minutes and makes me wants to piss like 10 times in 2 hours, luckily i use a bottle in such situations (only one at all times, i empty it every 10 hours)

>Making people sit to pee
So do you physically enforce this rule while being in the bathroom with them or do you prefer peeping through the keyhole while they're in there and screeching loudly if you see them standing?


Sitting is faster because you don't have to think about aiming, or rate of flow, or carefully undoing the pants. Pants to floor, dick in hole, and begin. It's way faster to pee sitting down. I guess it takes "longer" in the sense that you go on your phone and shitpost. I'm literally sitting down and peeing as I type this and it's probably how Caesar or Napoleon felt.

Do you think Ceasar used an iPhone? Personally he strikes me more as an Android kind of emperor

Caesar didnt sit to pee, Napoleon did though

t. pissing pro

>sp : peeing generals

anyone that doesnt pee sitting at home, never lived with a girl

probably never touched one either