If it was a Hip-Hop festival would you have cared?

If it was a Hip-Hop festival would you have cared?

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand mass shootings. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of bullet trajectories most of the rounds will go over a typical victim's head. There's also the shooter's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Elliot Rodger's YouTube videos, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of the suspect, to realize that he's not just funny- he is saying something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike mass shootings truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in the shooter's existencial catchphrase "GOODNIGHT LAS VEGAS," which itself is a cryptic reference to The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as the shooter's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a YOU CANT DODGE THE RODGE tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

yes, the genre doesn't matter

>implying I care about this
No, and also no.

Maybe not, but the skin color and voting habits of the dead people sure do.


Also since I know what you're implying, the majority of people who are at hip hop concerts and festivals aren't who you think they are.

oh no other people think and look different then me

Which song was Jason Aldean playing when the shots started?

You use the word "then" differently than me.

They're all fucking niggers

I like you user

the return fire would have been immense.

>If it was a Hip-Hop festival would you have cared?
Fuck No, who cares about dead Nig Nogs and there ilk?

i'd be proud of him if he killed all nonwhites

Yes, in a good way since i despise hip-hop

there = their

fucking kek


Yep. There would be more dead people but the shooter wouldn't be one of them.

>takes 59 problems down
>leaves 340 million problems standing

Moving on...

If you go to a dex or Kendrick concert it's 80 percent white

would it have been news?
But I do want to say this: on Sunday, liberals were all yelping that of course they should be celebrated for inserting divisiveness and politics into sporting events, because fuck you for thinking you can have anywhere to go where liberals aren't spoiling the fun by turning a pastime into some chance to complain and protest, and then some dick shoots up a concert and they're all, 'how could this happen? all these people wanted to do was have fun!' Can't have it both ways, fucktards. Nothing is allowed to be fun anymore.

hip hop is always better than country music - dudes wearing high heels and fedoras are ment to be killed


found the 'u mad white boi" nigger-loving shitposter

I don't even care now bitch. country music is for fuckin rednecks, so it wouldn't make any difference if it was a hip hop event, blacks or rednecks, who cares?

Go be a brainlet somewhere else

what kind of concerts do you think should not be subject to mass murder?

i wish you where there

Guys, why are we worried about this shit at all when Fat Single Moms Need Cock?!?!

Like who the fuck cares when I can give a Fat Single Mom my stupid Cock?

You should all learn to get over these inconsequential events and start giving out Cook to all of these Fate Soongle Memes

>inb4 "yur a faget"
If I was a fag I wouldn't be getting all these Fat Single Moms

hip-hop festivals are full of white people

I have been to so many different rap concerts and I mostly see white people every damn time

No; the genre doesn't matter.

they would have started shooting themselves

Shut up faggot

Yes I would but can you get 22,000 people to a hip hop show?
I'f it was a 3 day hip hop show, the shooting would have happens on the first day from within the event because someone was disrespected.

That's optimistic for your position.

Point guard

I wished you got AIDS from sucking nigger dick, and my wish came true.

Type of festival is irrelevant and I don’t care. I honestly hope murica implodes in violence and killings right before NK nukes the place, good riddance. (Go ahead and call me edgy, still want the us to burn)

Good luck defending your shit country from Jews muzzles and niggers without the US


That's because than is used to show a greater amount you fuck wad. Ie: John has more bitchs than me. That's greater than those.

If it was a hip hop festival, they would have all shot each other

good luck with that vladimir

I would have cared a lot more. I’m glad it was just a bunch or rednecks getting killed. I don’t give a fuck about those people.

I felt the same about the Bataclan
All those SJWs lying in blood would have been the first to welcome their killers to France

Jesus wept

I would, if I were black. People have a tribal instinct and identify with their own kind. Newsflash at 11.

Neither would the media. The only reason its getting this kind of attention is because the shooter is white.

if it was niggers would have killed the gunman in a few seconds.

I would have cheered

This is why a homogeneous society is better. Greater social cohesion.

Also bc best bodycount, and it just happened.

But don't worry white supremacists, we don't call it terrorism if white ppl do it.

No because im all black yo ann hip hop iz muh life fo reel yo. Fuck whiteys on whites i aint gunna lay down da pipe yo. Pz to all ma nigs outtere da real enemy is da white yo

is that why the media talked about that black dude shooting up a white church? oh wait...

Multiculturalism is unnatural.

>paying for admission
Ok...? Kendrick shows especially are full of whites.

Studies have shown that people in multicultural neighborhoods tend to "hunker down" and aren't as outgoing as they would otherwise be. There's a reason why foreign things seem "foreign."

no, and go away with your dr ice tea, you rake ones and your snoop diggity dog

Yea, It's called ignorance.

is if no one on Sup Forums listens to hiphop.

I would have been less surprised if it happened at a concert full of filthy apes, although they would've had more shooters and probably less casualties as the wannabe thugs try shooting sideways like in movie and miss more folks.

Also, i would have been happier with dead niggers.

How did you hear about it if the media didn't talk about it?


When is your mass shooting? Surely with your IQ you can perform a true masterpiece. I'd love to be there.

You can't be this dumb.

I didn't realize that anyone could equate kneeling down to a mass shooting. Now I understand Trump supporters. I feel like I dropped a few IQ points though.

This is a good point
It's not equating the two. It's talking about party pooping

if only midgets were killed would you have cared?

Forgive me. I didn't realize that mass homicide is the same magnitude of "party pooping" as taking a knee. Kaepernick is basically murdering people in the stands and stopping the whole event.


What makes you think i care now?

I care about it regardless of what kind of music because those were people.

He murdered the spirit of the game. He murdered the ratings. He murdered John Madden. He murdered pretzels. He murdered the national anthem. He murdered children.

How do you feel about abortion?

Everytime we go too far, im taking a knee here. When will we blame gun manufacturing?

100% this

Nah, all the concert goers would’ve shot him dead in seconds. Big memorial for fallen whitey.

Hell no

>When will we blame gun manufacturing?

If the morons on the left win enough seats in the house and senate, which will never happen as a result of this kind of stupidity.

If you drive over someone, is your Saturn Manufacturer to blame?

This kind of silliness doesn't pass as intelligence.

These people had loved ones, had complex lives, etc. If it were your father/sister/whathaveyou you little keyboard warriors would feel a fuck of a lot different you pieces of dog shit.

Bernie was against blaming gun manufacturers...it's not just a left thing it's a political niche thing, albeit sizable.

>If it were your father/sister/whathaveyou you little keyboard warriors would feel a fuck of a lot different you pieces of dog shit.

Why would the venue turn the lights on the crowd during the attack?

Why would you reply to my post with a completely unrelated comment?

Was that Saturn manufactured specifically to kill humans on a massive scale?

i dont care either way.

He had just finished up "my kinda party" and was starting "Just Getting Started".

wtf is a "hip-hop festival"?

likely yes

after all it was a country festival and everybody cared

wtf is a wtf?

>completely unrelated comment?

Your comment was unimportant to me. Blubbering country and western fan family members. Ask harder questions. The alleged facts don't add up. And here come the Jews and liberals insisting that "gun control" is necessary WHILE THE BASIC FACTS DON'T ADD UP. And the perp, of course, is conveniently dead. Doing very little talking.

Use your deductive reasoning, retard.

Lol conspiracy fag. Bet you think 9/11 was an inside job and Sandy Hook was a hoax. So pathetic it's hilarious.

If it was a second grade classroom filled with 7 year olds would it matter? If it was a movie theater would it matter? If it was a gay nightclub or a black church or a white church or a baseball dug-out filled with GOP Congressmen would it matter? And the answer is a resounding NO. Sadly.

>autistic screeching

Should have been a golf course.

A bunch of niggers and pretend-niggers nigging. Thanks bro!

Saturn huh?