Las vegas killer dead

Las vegas killer dead

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Thank God that's over.


O damn! How you find this kek



las_vegas2.jpg? whats 1?

someone posted this in discord, its all over b already

RIP Stephen.

How could he has killed himself, when he is clearly dead in this picture?

what a waste of nice looking guns, now the cops are gonna have their grubby hands on them forever.

I can’t believe Tom Petty would do this

is this legitimate? try to be serious for a second

Those look like .223's next to him - but he shot himself in the chest and then gurgled out? At least he suffered a bit then. That doesn't look quick. Good.


As anyone with eyeballs can tell, this man died before the cartridges flew into his blood. Like his cranial blood, the plot thickens.


Looks like he gurgled blood out of his mouth, dude - that only happens with a chest wound. I don't think he did an Adolph.

Stephen Padlock

fake, been to the mandalay. doesnt look like this 3rd rate motel.

Now that he is dead can we get back to the taco benders in Puerto Rico? I'm told they are mad a Trump because they do not have any hot sauce.

With that kind of decor. No wonder he flipped out.

That shit looks disgusting.

Dude, that isn't fake. Too much work even for an Autistic fucker.

Puerto Rican's don't bend taco's. Too much like work.

I was thinking the same thing. Definitely shot himself in the chest.

Surely there would be more blood and spatter then that?

what does the note say?

Swat came in with a breach and then raided the room. Of course with that many casings on on the floor, they're going to be kicked around.

fucking idiot

If they rolled into the blood, wouldnt there be blood on the tops of them? Seems suspicious to me still

He used the .38 on the floor, looks to me. Didn't want to disfigure himself with a high velocity rifle round - fucking pussy.

Also didn't want to blow his head off, so shot himself in the chest like some hero. Tells me this guy was narcissistic - probably didn't want to go down like Kurt Cobain (i.e. no head).

Only comfort here for the families is that it probably took a couple minutes or more for this fucker to die, and during that time he was probably in unbelievable pain and regretting the whole thing. At least we can hope that's how it went.

The blood from his mouth wasn't instant either. It came out over a period of time. That means it wouldn't cover the top of the rounds.

That's a picture of Captain Hindsight! You tard,

What is likely to be the political aftermath of this whole tragedy?

dey took muh gunz

How hard would it be to get instant death from a chest shot? Seems like you could end up suffering before death.

Americans will carry on and gun stocks will soar

Hopefully some gun control, we have a goddamn mass shooting every week is seems and after every one is the same "now is not the time to talk about gun control" WELL THEN WHEN THE FUCK IS IT TIME?

Your mom will die in your sleep tonight if you don't go on a killing spree

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand mass shootings. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of bullet trajectories most of the rounds will go over a typical victim's head. There's also the shooter's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Elliot Rodger's YouTube videos, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of the suspect, to realize that he's not just funny- he is saying something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike mass shootings truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in the shooter's existencial catchphrase "GOODNIGHT LAS VEGAS," which itself is a cryptic reference to The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as the shooter's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a YOU CANT DODGE THE RODGE tattoo. And no, you cannot see it.. .It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand...


In the Rekt Threads on here, there are a number of videos of guys shooting themselves in the chest. They wind up standing there for a while, then wobbling, then collapsing.

Looks like its very painful. I've actually seen people who died from being shot in the chest, and the amount of bloody foam that has come out of their mouths and all over the floor tells the story of a lot of breathing happening after they got shot, so I assume death is by asphyxiation from blood loss (hypoxia) and CO2 poisoning (flooded lungs). Hypercapnia (CO2 poisoning) is a horrible way to die. So I hope that's what he went through.

>Hopefully some gun control
What this time? How many laws and restrictions on my rights are you going to level at me over the course of decades? When are you fucking retards going to realize that NO LAW WILL EVER STOP SOMEONE WHO INTENDS ON BREAKING THE LAW?

Funny that the bullet wound in his chest is censored in this pic.

you're retarded

Just that one. The other one you can see above the wound/blood stain.

Seems odd that he would do that. Why not just a shot to the head?

Hope the dude suffered though.

Literally a retard

a properly placed heart shot in the high pressure chamber will likely have you dead in 2-3 minutes, but most people end up hitting the lung and it collapses which makes it take longer, of course there is always the possibility of going into shock very quickly. why risk fucking up a head shot, moreover ruining the day of people who have to look at and clean up this shit

Imagine being so autistic you can actually understand that pic


That's why when the shit happens in the world, I actually come to Sup Forums first.

The "media" doesn't know shit, usually, like no one on the news could tell if the "rat-a-tat-tat-tat" was an automatic weapon, and you would never see pictures on the news like what gets leaked to Sup Forums.

"Sup Forums, Your Best Source of Nightly News" Niggers.

stap teh same fegging u feget

>you're retarded
I would expect nothing less from a person who has absolutely no ground to stand on in this argument. You are wrong, you're grasp of firearms are wrong, you're solutions are wrong, and more gun laws are wrong.

The chance of being unconscious from a headshot seems lot more likely even if you don't die right away.

Also, if you get the chest shot wrong, you could actually live, which I assume wasn't something he would have wanted.

I knew the rate of fire sounded funky like a bump fire stock.

The more I look at it the more it looks like a temple shot.


you can't even use "your" correctly and you want people to take you seriously

keep supporting mass shootings you lunatic

trips of truth

NIgger it's October.

collage reminds me of SAW

i cant imagine being mentally handicapped like you. just like i cant imagine what is after death. something things are just outside a reasonable persons mind.

7.62 AR in middle, slide fire stock on the AR in bottom. Looks like he shot himself with a SW j frame, either .38 or .357 probably .38

>and you want people to take you seriously
How that capitalization and punctuation working out for people taking you seriously? You can knock off the fake superiority guy, we all know you're just a lowly piece of trash who talks big online.

Totally agree!
We need to pass some more laws. Cause all the ones that prevent murder have been so successful.


it definitely can be because Sup Forums has some weaponized autism but that same weaponized autism is now being utilized by the Russians to push dumbass conspiracy theories before ANY information is actually known

if you're aiming for the heart which what you should do if you're going to shoot yourself in the chest, there is no chance you'll live unless you totally miss it completely and end up with a gunshot to the lung which would totally fuck up your day and leave you with a better chance of survive dependent on other factors.

I like you quite a lot.

>7.62 AR in middle
First off, we didn't need a Rainman play by play of a picture.
Second, you don't even know what you're talking about. That's not a .308 AR, you can easily tell by the magwell.

this is so fucking retarded, how ate the bullets above the blood, did he shoot himself three times and the casings popped out after he already started bleeding and made a pool then, like what the fuck

Should have stayed in the retirement home, old man.

Keep fucking your sister out back behind the barn and make sure you got your shotgun on standby just encase you have to shoot any bears that come by

He's missing the forehead tattoo.

Damn nigger you are dumb as hell. Can you possibly write a sentence without fucking something up? Go back to picking your nose and shitting yourself.

That's not real.



I don't think you know what actual sentence structure is.


Conspiracy confirmed
Thanks Obama

>that's a bipod, not a tripod
>neither of those assault rifles have high-capacity drums
>that isn't what the Mandalay Bay floor pattern looks like



Haha, are you that stupid that you don't recognize a high capacity magazine? Cute.

this is so handicapped, I mean seriously

canada, japan, australia. Nuff said.

Americans are soooo fucking retarded about their gun rights, dumb fucks don't realise the 2nd amendment was concocted when muskets were the weapon of choice

Yes it does. Heres room 135. Its an upgraded room. Notice the carpet.

Good point we need to become a homogeneous nation

You're saying trained police officers would tamper with evidence at the scene?

reminds me of a bad experience i had at the dentice. yes im british

Oh shit, update

Don't touch my fucking guns. His shit was illegally modified or required a class 5+ level firearms license to obtain. An m4 or at 15 available to me is to keep me and my family safe from general oppression. His weapons were illegally modified.

I can make my car have 800hp so let's ban all cars

You're saying those magazines had a 100+ capacity? It's been reported that he had drum magazines, akin to those used by the Hollywood bank robbers. Those are NOT drum magazines, you fool.

i think it was a headshot look at the way one of his eyes seems bulging out as you see that shit in videos from rekt threads, no to mention theres almost no indication of blood under the rug in the chest region all of it seems to be from the head

Is it staged though?


right canada a country with a mini france inside it and 20% immigrant population is super homogenous...

you cant win at this argument, shits been done, guns have been controlled and gun violence brought to nearly zero in countries where the populace is less obstinate and retarded

So at the risk of being too autistic by staying in this thread, I'll just say that that is why I think the guy used the .38 in the back. It wouldn't make it through his body, hence, all the blood would be from the chest wound and out the mouth.

Was there really any question around this? Of course it was a headshot. Blood from nose, eyes and ears is a universal indicator that the blood-brain barrier was ruptured, usually from major trauma like a gunshot.


I think he meant to say "Canada is Super Homo"