Hi Sup Forumstards

Hi Sup Forumstards

So, about a year ago, i had a psychosis which made my life a living hell since i was on anti-psychotics for almost a year.
Turned me into a complete veggie. I at some point began to grow roots.
3 Months have passed since my last shot, and i'm returning now to a normal state, less veggie like.

What i was diagnosed with was a genetic predisposition of being "alergic" to THC.
This was their opinion because i only had THC in my blood, and the same was true for the past 2 months, perhaps more.

What i think happened is i entered a HPPD state trough acid, and it put me in a state where THC started to make me paranoid, something which never happened in 3 years of smoking.

What are your opinions?
I want to try shrooms and salvia, in small doses just to see how i react.
If i can be clearer in anything, please ask away, ill reply real fast

TL;DR - Had psychosis because of one acid trip (not the first) was diagnosed with THC psychosis. How do i discover what drugs i can do without going cucu again?

Other urls found in this thread:


so many drug threads. stop being a nigger asking the know nothings here and go to 420chan.

You were useful, i had no idea that it existed.

predisposition for mental illness = no drugs for you faggot. Best advice you'll get, nobody can tell what will happen, when or if. Everybody talks shit on the internet anyway, you'll find no consensus on anything.

That was the diagnosis of some faggot doctors.
I've smoked more than 50 joints since i left the hospital, on and off of medication.

I only got paranoid three times, and i didn't freak out, was able to talk to people and everything went smoothly.

If you don't know what i meant by HPPD, here is a video:


Stop doing drugs. Thats all. Srsly. Sry! CU in the icu. For doing drugs. Again. Yupp. Every time.

Anyone with some knowledge instead of just stating drugs are bad?

I'm schizophrenic and have done shrooms. But I'm well medicated too, so I guess that sorta helps me out in the end.

If you're suffering a direct psychosis I wouldn't recommend you do shrooms, only in microdoses that doesn't make you trip.

I suffered the worst bad trip I've ever experienced, but I also learned a lot, and it really improved my view on the world as I see it. But I also don't suffer too much from my symptoms anymore and had an antipsychotic in my bloodstream too.

It goes differently for everyone, some suffer, others have the best time of their life. I guess it didn't help I took 6 grams either.

If I were to recommend anything I'd recommend micro doses

Do you think the chan is a reliable source of information on neuroscientific studys how weed can cure any psychotic outbreak? Are you high again?

It literally is one of the most used image boards, even if it's not reliable info, i can perform a research from whatever is said.

So, if you not stupid, very reliable, yes.

I've tried lots of drug cocktails, and i was normally focused and felt free.

One acid led to this horrible chain of events.

I'm assuming you were born with that condition, right?

Maybe double check on quitting the drug thing you dont want to stop. Because you are addicted. Thats what drugs do. I never said that they are bad. They are bad for you. Because you are not exactly healthy. Sorry again.

I guess that mostly you're born with schizophrenia, and it starts blooming from traumatic experiences.

I'd say, if you had such a reaction to the acid, stay away from psychedelics in general, it's only for some people. Despite what others say. If it doesn't feel good it isn't worth the bother, but at least it can't kill you, just fuck you up pretty badly

But I shouldn't tell you what you should and shouldn't do, even though I still choose to recommend micro doses that doesn't make you trip

lol you dumbass

You were diagnosed with psychosis after an episode involving psychedelics, and now you want to go an fucking do more "will i be safe user?"

No, you won't. You deserve whatever happens to you, and hopefully you wig out and run at a cop with a screwdriver so your goofball genes never make it into the pool

mmm quints of truth

I am going for micro dosing than eventually more to see how my body reacts.

I haven't touch anything in over 2 years except for THC related things.
I chose to do it, because i wasn't enjoying my trips.
Trying a different approach won't hurt.
One thing you should know is that once you enter the drug world you never FULLY leave it.

On a side note, i drank some beer which had MDMA and SPEED while i was having a "hard psychosis" and it went perfectly fine, felt like a normal trip to me, besides the psychosis part.
I did it because i didn't knew the beer had it, once my friend told me, i had already swallowed it, and just went with it, led to me drawing and talking openly about stuff, which i have a small struggle with.

Please explain this psychosis. I also have done acid and get paranoid while high on thc. I want to know how bad it has to be to go to the hospital for it.

I've been having trouble distinguishing dreamed events from real events, like I dreamed someone keyed my car, but when I checked the same place, no marks, so I assume I just randomly remembered visuals from when I was sleeping.

My only advice for you is that you don't take on any kind of medication.

Your brain can and will help you overcome anything if you eat the right stuff and try to explore the place where you are at.
Terrence Mckennan on Schizophrenia can be a guideline.

Finding someone who can help you with reiki or any kind of alternative healing will help you.

Basically the acid trip was so intense that i felt i had re-discovered life, it involved telepathy, and me trying to find my path to a new place.
Hard to explain, check the video i posted here:
Read this "dumbass"

Listen OP

this is exactly why you don't do drugs.

go visit a mental hospital, where the lunatics reside.

and talk to them

9/10 of them have / had drug or alcohol problems

this is why you stay away from drugs.


derp had psychosis because of drugs

I want to continue using drugs derp

There are a few factors which i didn't fully explain.

Currently what i believe is that i took an acid which was not LSD, and it led to a bad trip.

After the bad trip, i started to become paranoid with THC.
I got homeless and that led to me fully embracing my paranoia and living it, and ignoring everything "real"

I did took MDMA while i was homeless and nothing bad happened.

I was in a mental hospital, and what you are saying is not true for my case.
Mostly there were old people.

Pretty sure misremembering details in dreams as events is normal, at least I've done that a few times. Think about it, it DID happento you (in your sleep), it DID get stored in your memory, it's just that your brain misfired and confused it with something that actually happened.

The human mind is fragile, c'est la vie

And if you get paranoid on psychedelics, honestly it's probably not worth it to do them at all