
My dad did the 23andMe thing and got the results yesterday. These aren't exactly mine, but my mom is just as white as my dad so I'm confident the results are the same more or less.
I was

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My dad also has a ton of neanderthal variants.

You know the kikes add on 0.1% not white to everything right? It's only to make you feel sympathy for Jews and nigs

Did one recently myself

>sub-Saharan african
sup homie?

It throws in minimum .1% for, no 0%

>be black
>want to know my ancestory
>use a dna service that specializes in African ancestory
>get test results
>my bloodline begins in England, with heavy German traces

Feels bad man....


Is that the place where they store your DNA so the police can subpoena it?


too bad the military already has my blood and a piss sample.

I got 0.3% Moichant.


"I'm racial fluid" when?


>0.01% mudslime
fucking subhuman

>100% William

get out of here mudslime

The reality is that the future isn't a question of whether or not the public is completely naked and monitored 1984-style, but rather a question of who controls this more awesome-than-ever level of power, and what their interests are.

You can never turn technology back, and as Houellebecq said, technology has more force for changing society than politics (just look at how much Tinder and online dating apps have changed the "relationships" landscape in comparison to any stupid ideological bullshit).

anyone wanna reproduce?

you know, he's probably not your dad

Only one piss sample? Nigga the army has collected enough piss from me to fill a swimming pool.

it is clear. you must move to your native land of africa and get in touch with your roots

I'm not really talking about the technology so much as what they do with the data that arises from it. They could easily destroy the DNA sample and the raw results, but it doesn't seem like they do. And until then, I can avoid giving them the DNA.

Genetic weapons were always a goal. They want to make a sickle-cell equivalent for whites, so when SHTF, they can release it, and suddenly all of the white males testicles are rotting off and their cocks are bending up into their assholes.