

Other urls found in this thread:


>banned and taken down

The high score is for schools and universities. If you were around for Cho you would know that thjs classic Sup Forums game has rules to make it interesting.

The rest of the world's reaction to your echo chamber bullshit surprises you?

Silva said: ↑
As per usual, it's the nazi's on Sup Forums who spread the fake suspect.
Such a toxic site that is

I'm more concerned that some faggots are breaking rule 1 and 2.

Don't really care about the various iterations of 'who is this Sup Forums'. Those tards are so far removed from what goes on here they don't matter.

To some extent it doesn't matter. This place is still just vile enough to ward off popularity, even if it is run by the CIA.

It used to be, now it's way to mainstream and full of faggots that think memes are life and repost everything of Facebook and other shitty sites.

can you imagine getting paid to browse Sup Forums? what a depressing life.

if you're out there CIA, i just want you to know, hang in there

Oh look it's the faggot who got ass blasted by Sup Forums trying to shill his shitty drawings

>if you're out there CIA, i just want you to know, hang in there
>Thank you
>mfw user could be apart of three letter agency

Sup Forums userbase doubled in one month's time during GamerGate, and The Trump Train in late 2016 tripled it.

Sup Forums became a magnet for one specific flavor of stupid jackass. It's just a cesspool now. Ruined everything, honestly, can't even have a thread on /ck/ about pasta without things devolving into niggers-this and cucks-that.

I came because of The Fappening


how disappointing.

It didn’t make you cum too?

Man, I couldnt sleep at all that night, pretty disappointing stuff thought tbh.


I've always found it full of degenerates and edgey wannabees. But everything stayed here, now the hi high school kids try and show off how underground they are by posting Sup Forums stuff on whatever fag social sites they use. This in turn brings more idiots.

It's not cool to be here. It should be embaressing, a last resort, or just a home for some of the last bastions of anonymity.

its this kid. I was in that thread.

you're doing it for free


We were also warned to stay away

Will normies ever learn?

What do you mean what? that user just told the three letter agency to hang in there and you said >thanks
>You guys aren’t as annoying as selecting street signs over and over
You know if you're a cop you have to tell me.

rule 1 and 2 have been irrelevant for years?

Do you know how much traffic Sup Forums gets?

This place might as well be facebook.

Sorry about that OP. It's been taken down now.

not as much as it used to.

I agree. But it was consistent ignoring of the rules that made this into a Facebook style shit hole instead of the old shit hole we had.

Not technically a cop.

Rule one isn't broken as much as old Sup Forums was, It's really non existent on Sup Forums.
Rule two, Well nothing you can do there, It's no different then clicking a yes i'm 18 or older on a porn site. Kids will plague or people with an underdeveloped mind will always be on the internet.

Sup quad boi

EVERYONE hide your memes the feds are here.

Hi cia
Hi mossad
Hi fbi

Am i getting warm?

Let’s pretend this never happened. I don’t want to erase this from the internet if I don’t have to


Exactly the the letters you’re looking for

Oh don't worry OP I will post up the link for you.

metro.co.uk/2017/10/02/Sup Forums-users-treat-las-vegas-shootings-like-a-game-6971576/

The goyim know shut it down

How is that even a news article? We've been laughing at this shit for years. Fucking redditor newfags have got to go.