If you found out your girlfriend has had sexual relations/sent nudes to her "best friend" a few months before you got...

If you found out your girlfriend has had sexual relations/sent nudes to her "best friend" a few months before you got together with her and she was with someone else would you trust that she wouldn't cheat on you?
Pic unrelated

Nope, she will almost certainly be either looking to fool around/ is currently/ will in the future. Fuck her then dump her, not worth it.

Nope, unless you think you're so special that you'll magically repress her whoreish needs.

Quit being an insecure faggot and talk to her about how you feel, don't be a fucking pussy.

Fucken... coming here with your problems? Really? Fuck.

Just get the fuck out, get on the phone now. Talk to her you moron.


grow the fuck up, OP

Just got done with some similar shit. Let me be your trial and error and conclude that u need to fuck and dump good sir.

a whore doesnt "get together" with you.
shes using you for something, while she waits for the alpha male she really wants.

Well I'm assuming she wasn't the one that told you this happened, but even if she did tell you here's what you do. Fuck her, fuck her again, keep fucking her, take pictures, take videos, use her to fulfill as many as your fantasies as you can, once you find someone else you can fuck dump her.

What a whore! Seriously? Months before you probably even met her, she sent nudes to ANOTHER GUY? Omg how can you even live with yourself, dating such a slut?

She didn't know you then, but she should've KNOWWWNNNNNNN.

Grow up fuckstick

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she was with someone else apparently, this is obviously a case where he needs to fuck and dump.

She was with someone when she did this or else I wouldnt wonder

Oh yeah nah fuck that shit then.

Whore for life. Forgive my mistake!

Op don't waste time on a fucking cockgarbler like this.

not to mention its her "best friend". Seems like the kind of girl where she actually has a thing for her best friend but won't get together with him yet because she wants to fuck around more.

Whore who doesn't respect herself, commitments, and has cheated before even if it wasn't on you.
Einstein answered this when he defined insanity.

Hell yeah put your trust and heart into a relationship with her. Fucking moron

Had to send him nudes to make sure he sticks around.

she's not ready to settle down yet, though. Got a few more miles of cock to go through

That's called monkey branching my dude.
Women do it all the time.

yea personally went through something like this, though it seems the girl ended up wanting me to be her new "best friend", I loved her but fuck that I wasn't going to wait for her while she fucked around with other guys. She still messages me on my birthdays for some reason, probably trying to draw me back in.

Good form. Don't get dragged into the whole NiceGuy bracket, or worse, Incel. Makes r9k look like alphas.

Parenting 101

few months before/
u insecure faggot

Try to fuck her and get your dick sucked the most you can and then ditch the bitch

I had a girl friend?!?!