Is it "@ @" or A TEE - A TEE?

is it "@ @" or A TEE - A TEE?

Other urls found in this thread:


at at


I'd say the second

nah, it's at-at

number two

A Tee A Tee, you're abbreviating 4 words not two.

A Tee A Tee.

You don't say Ahtst for AT ST


All Terrain Attack Tank

They're called @ Saint

obviously it's 88E

official lucasfilm pronunciation is indeed "@ @"

Transport you stupid nigger


At and tee?

ooooweeeee boys I caught me one!!

It needs to be A Tee A Tee, because the two legged walkers are AT-ST, and are you going to call them At-Sta, because that sounds retarded. If they're called A Tee S Tee, then the AT-AT should follow the same convention.

It's "@ @"
It's GIF with a "G" not a fucking "J".
"Meme" rhymes with "scheme", it's not fucking "may-may".
For you old-school fags, "SCSI" is "scuzzy" not fucking "sexy".
And finally, Frodo had to carry the ring himself because the eagles couldn't be trusted to be be corrupted by the ring's power.

contact lucasfilm asap!

>eagles couldn't be trusted *not* to be corrupted by the ring's power.

No it doesn't. Jeep got it's name as it was a General Purpose military vehicle or GP for short. People then just called is Jeep and dropped the ee from Pee. So you could still have an @@ and an A Tee Ess Tee when it comes to names

I just say, A-T A-T

>number two
>A Tee A Tee,
>A Tee A Tee.
>needs to be A Tee A Tee

Except that characters in the movies call them @@'s.

>Except that characters in the movies call them @@'s.

Nowhere in the OT do they acknowledge them by name

>Frodo had to carry the ring himself because the eagles couldn't be trusted
The real stumper is:
"If Yoda and Obi-Wan were trying to hide Luke and Leia from Vader, why did they send Luke to Vader's home town, to be raised by family members, UNDER HIS REAL GOD-DAMN NAME???"

wrong! in video games, yes

they are not mentiuoned by name in the movies...


>Nowhere in the OT do they acknowledge them by name
I'm pretty sure they do in the beginning of Empire Strikes Back..


maybe they talk of walkers? not sure

>wrong! in video games, yes
OK, that must be where I'm remembering it from.

It should still settle the question on the side of "@@" though.

They just call them Imperial Walkers. I don't know if they're ever referred to by acronym. Also that, it's an acronym so it's probably "ay-tee ay-tee"

>Vader's home town

Anakin was from Mos Espa, Luke lived on a moisture farm in the middle of nowhere and they're not blood relative and their name is Lars no Skywalker

Well I'm 100% sure they call them walkers.

>, it's an acronym so it's probably "ay-tee ay-tee"
Do you say "EN-EH-ES-EH" or "NASA"?
Is it "DEE-OH-ES" or "DOS"?

More importantly, am I the only one on the 4chins that says "Opie" instead of "ahp"?

All - A
Terrain - T
Attack - A
Transport - T

Now if they were called Attack Attacks and you shortened the two words down to At-At then it would be @ @

Given the scale of the galaxy, anywhere on Tatooine is still practically the same neighborhood.

And Anakin and Luke both used the name "Skywalker", ffs.

I say "nah-suh", "daas" and "ahp"

Exactly, sometimes we pronounce teach letter ("FBI", "ETA", "DOA"), and sometimes we pronounce it like it's spelled ("RADAR", "NAMBLA", "WYSIWYG")

i say "herp-derp herp-derp DERP!!!"

How exactly do you pronounce that?

