Is veganism a cult Sup Forums ?

Is veganism a cult Sup Forums ?

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No, it's a mental illness.

Whats wrong with the idea of veganism?

Because it's retarded. I can can understand vegetarianism, but veganism is dumb. Like what's wrong with eating eggs? Chickens lay them naturally, they aren't forced to.

So what about people who eat fast food do they have a mental illness ?


>unfertilised eggs are alive
Retard. No wonder you don't get why veganism is retarded, you are retarded, retard.

That picture is so retarded.. why not put healthy meats on the left side instead of all that shitty fast food? Oh that's because, because veganism IS a fucking cult full of mentally ill children.

Vegetarian is the biggest load of shit in the world. At least vegans live by a creed where as vegetarians claim to be against animals but don't have the dedication to be vegan. They then try to validate milk, cheese, eggs, gelitan, fuck even fish

t. vegan

I would never be vegan but still respect them over vegetarians. They are the worst. The funniest are the fast food vegetarians

t. vegan
Only vegans are as insufferable as people like you.

nuggets arent made out of eggs tho

Well, they have extreme views, they will not accept any criticism of their "lifestyle", and actively attempt to recruit new members through preaching and use of propaganda.

What do you think?

I don't think there is a justifiable reason to eat meat that doesn't come off as hypocritical unless your world view includes having 0 value on the life of any animal.

That being said I still eat meat (although I try to be very conservative, if there is a vegan option of wherever I am eating I'll take it, and I generally eat vegan when I cook for myself unless I am feeling super lazy), and I recognize that it is hypocritical for me to do so.

I think a lot of the same arguments against eating meat can extend to vegetarianism. It falls in this weird middle ground where it makes some concessions but still has exceptions for their worldview that don't really make much sense logically and come off as hypocritical.

I think in 100 years we are going to look back at the meat and animal agriculture industry the same way we look back on slavery now... with disgust.

you can not eat burgers pizza french fries burritos and still not be vegan... lol
go grill up a steak and baked potato

Why reply with nuggets when I said eggs though, retard?

>I don't think there is a justifiable reason to eat meat that doesn't come off as hypocritical unless your world view includes having 0 value on the life of any animal.
t. vegan
Go back to living in a cave if you think eating meat is so bad.

It’s a wrong way of looking at food, stay fat OP

If they eat it everyday its an addiction, eating just to be eating is a problem. Eating because you are hungry because your body tells you it need fuel is ok.


I'm just saying I am on the fence about eating meat. I try to avoid it if I can but I don't put up a big fight about eating it.

It is just weird to me that the same people that own dogs and cats and get upset that some dude killed an endangered rhino are the same people who consume shit tons of meat. You either logically justify eating meat by placing the same value on every animals life (which is 0 if you're eating them), try to find logical reasons as to why some animals deserve special treatment over others (which is impossible), or recognize the fact that your worldview is hypocritical and illogical (most likely)

>dumb animals that will follow each other off cliffs like cows and sheep are as intelligent as dogs and cats
Do you consider squashing a mosquito comparable to killing a mammal, user?

>or recognize the fact that your worldview is hypocritical and illogical (most likely)
Yours sure is, vegantard. If you're so unbiased go eat a dog or soemthing.

Why not both?

We are omnivores. All omnivores and carnivores eat meat. So it is not only a feature humans have. So there is a justifiable reason right there. The only thing I can compromise with is that we treat them like shit, breeding them to be eaten. They never get to live their lives. But the problem is only going to get worse as the population increases. Eventually people will start to eat less meat if demand surpasses production. Not conversion for moral purposes, but for economic reasons.

But the human population has more problems beyond eating meat. And we are going to see many of these problems come to fruition in the coming decades.

So you've chosen "try to find logical reasons as to why some animals deserve special treatment over others"

It seems like you're going with an intelligence argument. How do you define intelligence? Where do you draw the line between animals being not intelligent enough to eat and being intelligent enough to give special treatment to. Are we going to go through the entire animal kingdom to make sure that we have a clear idea of which animals are ok to eat?

Tis indeed a weird idea of a cult group of people punishing themselves of necessary protein for no reason other than because they believe its a good idea.

Humans aren’t even remotely close to natural omnivores. We can not eat uncooked meat, we sweat through our skin. Features no omnivore on earth has.

Right because if you want to build muscle you only eat veggies. Stay bones user

Meat may have been essential to human development in the past, and probably still is in underdeveloped countries, but don't you think that modern nutritional science has sort of pushed us past a necessity as a part of a modern western world to consume meat? What dietary justifications are there that can't be met from somewhere else? Is it a convenience thing? Convenience doesn't get a free-pass as far as constructing justifiable arguments as far as I'm concerned.

Pay more attention in school. Protein only comes from plants. The protein you get in meat is recycled. Thus not very efficient.

Take your own advice bud. Or pay attention on school.

Aren't you all forgetting we can make artificial meat in the lab already? No animal involved just reproduction of muscle cells. That should solve all the problems vegi ppl have with meat. Not to mention its far better for the environment...

I still think it is important in the right portions. Most people in wealth nations over consume everything, not just meat. Sugars, butter, fats, etc. Westerners in particular over eat meat and dairy by a lot, making it the cornerstone of almost every meal.

Just because people over consume doesn't mean complete removal is the solution. Moderation in everything will bring balance.


As the "lazy-vegan" fag posting I 100% agree. Lab grown meat is the reason I mentioned that we are going to look back on our animal agriculture industry in 100 years with disgust.

>"An omnivore is a kind of animal that eats either other animals or plants. Some omnivores will hunt and eat their food, like carnivores, eating herbivores and other omnivores. Some others are scavengers and will eat dead matter. Many will eat eggs from other animals.

>Omnivores eat plants, but not all kinds of plants. Unlike herbivores, omnivores can't digest some of the substances in grains or other plants that do not produce fruit. They can eat fruits and vegetables, though. Some of the insect omnivores in this simulation are pollinators, which are very important to the life cycle of some kinds of plants."

This is why nobody likes you vegans. You are insufferable egotists who spout a lot of drivel to sound superior. Get of your fucking high horse.

And summed it up best. We're OMNIVORES. WE EAT MEAT. You don't like it? Go back to being a dumb caveman then.




Fun fact: some plants react to be being eaten with stress.

Also fun fact: scientists agree that most fish we eat lack the capacity to feel pain

Checkmate vegans

No, this is what a vegan is, you propaganda-pushing cunt:


Derp because evolution is a lie from hell that only cults and idiots believe.


Hi Peta. Gonna make another add about how cooking fish is like domestic abuse?

You think vegans are weak small beta fags but thats isnt reality. I havent eated meat for 12+ years and recebtly went full vegan. Its amazing. I am pretty buffed even i dont workout alot or eat alot.
There are only 2 ways
You love animals
Or you eat them.
Its phatetic look at my cute kitten and then you take burger and say how tasty it is. Killimg someone because you can it doesnt mean that you are hero but pussy.
Look how that animals live. In comercials they show happy animals just wating to be killed and served on you plate but reality they are in conpletly bad enverioment.
Why dog or cat is better than pig or cow? Because school said you need protein?
Brockoli and potatoes have more protein than steak. Nowdays we have meat replacements from full plant based foods.
Stop live in paranormal things. Or you enjoy you american fatty life?

veganism is the only way to save planet from self destruction actual consumistic model,also living without killing animals is wonderfull,and make you a better person.
there no need to add anything more or to reply to people that refuse to get really informed on how things are just because they are so pathetic to consider changing the habit of what they eat an insuperable problem.

Lol. You are phatetic. No wonder why you sit in Sup Forums. Clear looser. Enjoy your GMO meat foods.

Low doses of protein MAY be found in beans, but meats only have fatty acids that are good for the body and infact some fat is necessary especially during teen years or declining years of aging people 35+. Stay in your cult stop spreading lies though.

Lol, another retarded vegan.

Eggs are birds period and cum tasty right? Maybe you will give away your kids to serve them on plate?
Milk is from raped cows. We cant rape girls but raping cows is okay. Non other beings use other animals milk only people does that.

I havent eated meat, let me stop you there. Must be the lack of fat to the brain...

Kind of. I get why some people wouldn't want to eat meat but to go so far as to avoid cheese and honey seems a little ridiculous. I don't have a problem with it unless they're militant about it and shame those around them for not also being vegan.

This nigger is comparing humans to animals. True niggers act like apes but infact people are not animals. Stay without milk and watch your bones go poof. I wouldnt want to be you at 70 80 90 100 ouch.

>there are no gmo vegetables

not a cult, just a goofy fad diet that gained traction


>Eggs are birds period?
So nothing alive, retard. Unless you vegans feel bad for eating microbes too?

>Veganfag posting Ramsey as if he'd be on their side

Humans require animal products to build their bodies. Vegans literally degenerate.

my sister is vegan and she doens't look healthy, i don't think she has a balanced diet at all.

she came home for a bbq a couple of weeks ago and i tried some the vegeburgers she had brought.. blergh jesus christ what a sad taste. what a sad way to live your life forcing yourself to eat that sort of junk.


I have 4 sisters, and 2 went through vegan phases in their teens. By the time they reached their 20s, both of them rejoined those of us with a complete diet. Which is important for anyone having a child.

The food chain IS based on power. We are part of the food chain. Kys you brainswashed cultist.

Sure 10+ years no milk products and i feel better than before.
Keep repeat what school tells you.
I dont eat meat or any animal products or any junkfood. Dont drink soda or water from shops. Its all poisoned. Not all are smart. People are so stupid. But i dont care keep live in your buble. Not all people have chance to change.



I didnt said that. But meat is 100% unneedet product. Ofc you besides meat use junkfood. If you would have some understanding you would grow something by your self. Why you need. Government fully control your life every move you make and every food you eat. You dont have any choise. Keep live in your buble

>But meat is 100% unneedet product.
Lol Enjoy your iron deficiency!

Put animal hand on fire he will try run away. Put your hand same thing. Put vegetable on fire it will stay there.
Vegetables dont have brains or feeling sensors.
Its dumb to say plants have feeling to.

If you want to be on a lower part of the food chain go for it man, no one is stopping you. Feed yourself to the sharks you egotistical bastard!

No. They're either poor or have existing unhealthy habits

Guess who will live longer. Im proud to be vegan.

Lol, nice try vegan. Murdering all those plants.

And i think you're the biggest fucking retard

Meat eathers be like

>Guess who will live longer.
Not the vegans, lol.

Sure they can. LOL. How stupod must be to think that way. Some retard scientist whobis paid shit put this up to make some retards belive that. This is another level stupidity

A baby on fire wouldn't run away

>implying living longer actually matters

He would cry and try get away. That is reason why some ppl eat babys. Like you said they arent able to act but they have feelings.


>vegans disagree with science
Not surprised in the slightest

Just had to get the black man out of the picture didn't you.

I still want to know who initially decided eating eggs was a good idea. I like eggs, but I feel like its a weird thing to look at and think, "Yeah, I'm gonna eat that." Who was that guy and how hungry was he?

Biomass retard

I've maintained a vegan diet for about 7 years and don't intend on eating animals again. I don't love all animals. I only care about herbivorous ones.

Lol, Morgan would tell vegans to pull their heads out of their asses.


Some plants have feelings, even if they can't do anything to save themselves.


Inside of the vegan mind

Smoke weed Eat weed Go Vegan

People wanting to eat healthy for their own sake is their own choice, and if vegans did that, then there would be nothing wrong. What IS wrong is if they claim they are morally just and everyone who disagrees with them is morally unjust. Let people eat whatever the fuck they want, whether it's unhealthy or not. I would rather live to be 60 and have enjoyed eating amazing food than live to 80 and eaten shit. Those 20 years I'd have been a weak old man barely able to do anything anyway.

>>I talk now only about myself. I dont include other vegetarians or vegans.

Guess what i dont belive that nothing explodet and created everything. In this case space.
Im not religious even cristians think god created balls in space.
Earth is flat we are in center and there is creator.
There is no space. There is no evolution. Sun moon stars are just lights. They rovolve around us.
Science tells you live i fairy tale. I see any life as important and plants arent alive they are everyones main part of life.
I dont repeat what school, news and science tells but i do my own research. I know what we are and where we are and clearly we arent accident.
Scienceists say everything is accident so that is normal to kill everyone. Just remember you are:
1 out of 7 bilion people
One planet out of 8 planets
One sun of 300 bilion suns
1 galaxie out of 200 trilion galaxies.

Its all false and there isnt any proof.
Everythung is fake. 9/11 was demolishen. Las vegas shooting is false crysis acting.
Keep repeat old bs.
Enjoy your slave job.
>>Just reminder it wont be better only worst
