Can we get a thread for people who aren't completely useless to society?

Can we get a thread for people who aren't completely useless to society?

Electrical Engineer here- working on some cool stuff at work

and u?

Sr financial Analyst at a fortune 500 company.

Make good money...not entirely sure I'm not completely useless.

I move money from...

Yea mate, you're a high skilled worker, you belong here!

You happy there or going to move on soonish?

Studying EE and working part time, coding python at a train related company.

Although I think being a part of a society is not only about having a useful job..

Nice python is the future, what field of EE do you want to work in?

t. 18 y/o apprentice
One day you will understand

Yeah, its awesome, I just taught it myself for the job, so the learning curve is pretty steep.

Ill probably go into IC design.. Had some lectures about it and enjoyed it a lot.. You?

I'm am electrician. Doing commercial construction. I think i'm useful sone of the time. Other times i feel like the things i do are just unnecessary and outrageous.

software dev with a unix admin beard.

>and u
>aren't completely useless to society
Good for a laugh, I guess.

Programmer here.
I get to design and code educational apps!
Making good steady money, and more importantly I'm happy about what I do and have fun doing it. I code in c# at work and python for fun! Python is the future for sure.

Indie game maker here.

I help people waste their lives with temporary entertainment. So I'm useful, but not in a good way.

I know it seemed implied- but you don't have to have a tech job to be here, anyone working or doing ANYTHING that's not being a NEET is welcome

Molecular Bio major, heading toward MD PHD so as to synthesize human DNA and administer it to humans.

Mechanicfag here. I keep cars on the road. Solving the world's issues? Not a fucking chance. But I'm about as useful as you can get for the everyday person.

Lawyer here
useful as long as people keep fucking up

Define "cool stuff"

specifically, i am trying to find the reasons why humans age and die and prevent them. given enough time, i want to completely alter human DNA so as to be just more efficient.

How do you people pick what to do from all the fun stuff? Studied IT for 2 years, got a qualification to teach English, currently studying Physical Anthropology. I'm sure something else will pop up, I just can't settle on doing a single thing.

Starting study in Mechanical Engineering in 2018. How did you guys find the first year?

You do circuitry or some shit my nEEga?

Junior EE

first year filters out the socialites. Study and dont play league if you want a good gpa

MechE here, it's pretty easy I guess

Do you like math?

Well, I'm studying to maybe try and attempt being en EE as well, so far I haven't done any engineering classes, mostly just maths and physics.
Besides that, part time at a retail store.

Never saw people as deluded about their "use" in society as engineers.

What do yo do?

I teach English to Chinese kids, and do art as a hobby. I bike, go to local events around town, and volunteer at bike repair shopswhen i can. I think the sum of those add up to something that I hope may be meaningful to society. I think people have a social obligation to somehow integrate themselves in the richness of their town or city.

I suck dick.
Zero compensation.

not many EE jobs you might as well just focus on programming

Alright, stop using everything engineers have invented then

Oh wait...where would you be a gremlin all day?

Really? What would you recommend for a programing language?

...he said as he wrote on a computer over the internet.

Is inefficiency that much of a constraint then?

engineer here for aircraft company (Chem E by trade)


Fiction editor. Halfway between a writer and an industry parasite. It's a job that needs doing.

thank you for keep the riff raff out.


Mental Health Therapist (MS / LPC)

Y'all're crazy

Studying to become a software engineer

Software engineer here, writing shit for the healthcare industry.

I was volunteering as a youth advocate for kids in the foster system but I moved.