How do we fix California, Sup Forums?

How do we fix California, Sup Forums?

Sink it into the fucking Ocean.

split it into 3-5 states
it has the population for the split
and it already is very heavily politically divided

I agree. It would also be nice to turn Washington and Oregon into some kind of sub-states. Maybe split them into 3-4 states, and recombine them with the surrounding states. Combine all the coastal hipster cities into a state and give the rest of the land to North California, Idaho and Nevada.



SoCal should be nuked and sunk into the ocean

NorCal should become its own state

try again faggot

k homeless hipster faggot
same shit, different pretension

uh oh...

should i not move there in 6 months?

Kill off the commies and liberals

Don't need fixin boi

no, i'm including SF in socal. it's all a cesspool

i just want the mountains and shit to be preserved. Oregon can have them

Same way that everyone else calls for when there's aproblem apparently..genocide.

It fixes guns. It fixes blm. It fixes immigration problems. I don't wanna coexist with what I don't like. Kill kill kill. Just like how the Muslims do. I'm starting to like their religion more and more. Harem wives. Comfy clothes. Mandatory days and timeoff because religion. Get praised for killing off "enemies" i.e. anyone not Muslim. Get to enforce Sharia law anywhere. Fuck Cali. Fuck most of the u.s of a. Only thing good about this place I have illegally been living in for 20+ years that literally anyone can make it big with a little effort here. That and my guns. Food here is shit. Thank good I can cook.

T. Argentinian living in Florida.

Porque vivis ahi? Trabajo? O mque onda?


When the first reply is the best post.


Like I said. Anyone can make it big here with little effort. Obviously I work. I even went to school here. Argentina sucks ass. I would have been stuck as a gaucho most of my life there. My family owns a lot of land. I was never poor. It was mostly about starting our own legacy. My dad,brother and i. He is the oldest son and I am the first born. Essentially I am the head of my massive family and their land.


Your joke is lost on me.

Fellow argentinian here, congratulations bud.

I'm 22, 1 year off from graduating (software engineer). I plan on getting a few years of experience here and grab the first job I can get in the US or Europe and just get the fuck out of this mediocre country.

Oh cool. I was looking into the same when I was in school. But fuck me I hated coding and shite. Decided to be a civil engineer instead as my grandfather is very deeply rooted into most land and building developement in Argentina.

Gl to you tho. Hope you make it out of there. And get settled somewhere nice. Avoid Cali tho. That place sucks even more ass than any other state...besides Ohio.