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Whoever is advertising /bleep/ all over Sup Forums needs to stop

Anyone here who's knowledgeable on digital music production hardware, who can tip me off on a beginner piece of equipment I can just jam on? The TR-9 looks fun to have but will obviously be very limited on its own as it just replicates the original model, and the price is kind of a ripoff for that.

It's just for playing with obviously, no big dreams. Styles I'm mainly interested in are most flavors of techno and breakbeat.

reminder that literally no one in this club music general actually goes clubbing lls


speak for yourself nerd

I go every weekend

Just get a midi controller


What you mean?


I'm on the same boat

atm I'm working with ableton+maschine+max/msp
and I'm using this AKAI MPK249, some guitar pedals and that's it

my next purchase would be a kaoss pad+a midi controller

here's my top quality production

>tfw hardware is key for electronic music :(

I'd go if there were any good clubs

How the hell was this shit approved?

I was at a club last weekend it sucked though.

I like house, but don't like to dance.

Where do you live? I always feel sorry for bleep lovers stuck in the U.S where you can only really find decent venues in select cities

I thought it was pretty good. The only thing that got me was that it's not just titled Workshop 22

damn ur stupid

i got my first club gig on friday, im gonna play an opening set at around 120bpm, i got a ton of moody lo-fiish tracks, any last minute /bleep/ recomendations?

open with what's a girl to do

>120 bpm
>not opening with 144 bpm bangers

sounds like a shit party

Greg Beato

open with this lmao


thats so generic tho

Opening with slow moody/melodious tracks to "get everyone into it" is even more generic tho

anyway it was obv not serious

He was joking


It's a total wasteland for bleeps of any sort

i think i just forgot where i was for a minute.
So what else do you recommend to get everyone going?


You're the DJ faggot make your own setlist

Go back to your clairo threads retard

I would make a serious recommendation now but he didn't say what kind of club and event it is

its a small german underground venue, mostly techno and house played there

wo digger

Kys clairo is ourgirl she lurks bleep and listens to bladee


geheim :^)

dummer hurensohn

holy fuck youre dumb


A track I really really dig as an opener is youtube.com/watch?v=kE8afmcLg1k but I'm not sure how it'd sound at a lower bpm.

BAKA all u lame niggas stand me

can't go wrong my dude

even swms rates yung matthieu

turns out you have worse taste than refugees, fuck off lad desu

s/t was the og refugee

What are some DJ's that mix jungle with house in their sets?

legends in this bitch
adtbg too...
summerpack, s/t
leader of the weew


nah, that was >slowbro

Forgot to add she likes jungle too

she's a pseud

>saying "ourgirl"

s/t please

how so

And makes grimes generals

Yes, that's only ever posted on Sup Forums - Sup Forums

this, it's all screamo and niche here

What that's a /bleep/ meme isn't it

What's wrong with clairo? She DJs too and sometimes mixes amens into her tunes she's p /bleep/


No, its a Kowton meme

is disco /bleep/ approved?


s/t :/

any man go to the club alone? banging line up near me but no one i know is interested


any advice for getting long tunes into the mix (15+ min)? wanna play something like this but not skilled enough to continuously tease in and out like villalobos





Any Sup Forums old heads in here?
The s/t situation is now reminding me of Ryan Scholes

Tbf she probably won't ever be Laurie Anderson either but that's not really fair Laurie was a titan

>chekcing out a label b/c of an RA feature
I feel like such a poser now

which part of the amen break is your favourite?
I like the one that goes "tschh"

the quick double kick at the end is the best

100% agree

The one clairo uses

no lie s/t you've become insufferable


clairo intelecto duh

any toon man in?

ya because who uses music news and reviews sites to find new music what a stupid fucking idea

I guess you would be looking at a sampler if you want one piece of hardware that will be able to do lots of things, preferably one with a built in sequencer. Akai MPC, Emu E4x Ultra, maybe Maschine studio if you don't mind being tethered to a computer. Samplers are really versatile. I have a few hardware samplers and Maschine Studio which is pretty much the heart of my studio...highly recommended especially if you. Pick one up in the sales

>sample classic drum machines, now you have a drum machine

>sample some waveforms, now you have the basics of a synthesiser

posting 24/7 about a barely legal girl in the hopes of becoming the next brandon

>s/t became lame

we Sup Forums now

Anyone with some tunes similar to this weapon ?
I love the fuck out of this track

gonna be seeing him soon, can't wait

Most people in our culture seem to shun the idea of taking real risks, whether it be through drugs or high-risk sports such as mountain climbing and hang gliding. On the other hand, when someone goes and climbs a mountain without adequate equipment and training, and then falls to her death, nobody goes and blames the mountain.
There are many people who believe that the risks of DXM (or other drugs) are worth the rewards. If you are a legal adult and are willing to take responsibility for your actions, in my opinion you should be permitted to experiment with psychedelics to your heart's content.

Lool, harsh.

your post is like picking up in town. A bit too bait

Where you at?

>not skilled like Villalobos
Mate his sets fucking drag, decent if your a bit gone but the moment you come back and it's 10 mins of boring tech house its effort

sheffield, not too much here but manc and leeds aren't too far off. don't really like having to travel alone after a night out which is part of the problem. was thinking about going to this

lads help me give these yanks some proper taste
someone called Mala "garage" and calls everything "EDM"


Dubstep is garage though.

tr8 is way better than tr-9. more versatile, bigger knobs and usable faders and such tr-09 is hipster trash

Why are you posting this here, I can't imagine anyone who visits a thread dedicated to a music ingrained with drug culture being against drug use.

>If you are a legal adult and are willing to take responsibility for your actions, in my opinion you should be permitted to experiment with psychedelics to your heart's content.