Marilyn Manson Redpilled?

Is he redpilled /pol? Should we listen to his music?


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Fine ill bite.

Yes lets listen to the bipolar sexual deviant who normalized confused gender roles for teens of the late 90's and early 2000's.

not as redpilled as gucci mane.

lol. (I really did laugh)

Why dont we all recite lines from The Rocky Horror Picture Show while we are at it?
How do you do
I see you've met my, faithful, handyman
He's just a little brought down
'Cause when you knocked
He thought you were the candyman
Don't get strung out
By the way I look
Don't judge a book by its cover
I'm not much of a man
By the light of day
But by night I'm one hell of a lover
I'm just a sweet transvestite
From Transexual, Transylvania

He's a degenerate deviant faggot.



Wouldn't go so far as to say that Antichrist Superstar is a redpilled prophecy, but in anticipation of the elections, it's worth looking into. No other Marilyn Manson album is worth anyone's time, though.

Fuck you britbong. I could make a whole thread on you faggots

looks like a childish faggot who still likes to play dress-up to me

Best manson song

>Should we listen to his music?
No, because it's mediocre regardless of his political views

>From Transexual, Transylvania

wait wat?

Lol Its from the movie Rocky Horror Picture Show.

Marilyn Manson personified.


Keeping things relevant to Sup Forums...
Marilyn Manson is from Ohio.
Cleveland is in Ohio.
The Rock-n-Roll hall of fame museum is in Cleveland.
The GOP Convention is in Cleveland.

>The Beautiful People

>anti white and anti man
>I've got rhe anti future plan

Fuck no. The album Antichrist Superstar was the kikes telling us what they had in store for America and the world. I bet they laugh their asses off everytime they hear a song from it playing.

I dont think you need to worry about it.

Any time a lady boy is posted in full regalia its Sup Forums related.

I thought Emo stopped being a thing over ten years ago.

>Emo stopped being a thing

i like him, but he's not the best.

skinny puppy makes better industrial rock songs.

He simply banks on shock value, but inserted a lot of informed social commentary into his songs. A lot of it was going over people's heads in the song 'The New Shit' was a fuck you to all those idiots.

He's the 90's version of KISS, but at least he's less of a jew than KISS's frontman. Gene Simmons is the most jewy jew that ever jewed jewywood.

Skinny Puppy on the other hand is outright trash. cevin key is a brainfried liberal and Ogre is Manson without the good business sense and social awareness; pure shock value.

Cringe as fuck.

Honestly he's just not relevant now because the media is totally saturated with degeneracy and nothing's surprising anymore.

Yeah it's all otherkin and trannies now, special snowflake teenagers don't need a bunch of cheap black makeup to stand out anymore.

Sabaton is where it's at, they may be Swedish but their music kicks ass.

>Is he redpilled /pol?
Absolutely not. He's at the other end of the spectrum. Brian is partly responsible for creating a generation that uses tumblr pronouns today.
People need to learn that just because someone or something might share a belief or two with Sup Forums it doesn't mean they're in the club.
>Should we listen to his music?
Sure, Antichrist Superstar is a fucking great album.

i want to hate fuck michael moore.

You may have to check the dates on Rocky Horror and Marilyn Manson.

My edges are in orbit.

this. even worse during the height of his popularity he was promoting degenerate shit to youth and not even doing half the crazy shit he claimed he was. i dont blame him for cashing in but like you said he's responsible for a lot of the godless hedonism of this generation.

>America can NAZI anything.

Mansonfag here

>Portrait of an American Family
>Antichrist Superstar
>Mechanical Animals
>Holy Wood
>Golden Age of Grotesque

Everything else is shit after. I think his peak was post-Columbine America. Though I don't think he could get away with pic related. SJWs would think he is a Nazi.

So who would be the right wing Marilyn Manson?

Rob zombie?

He fights degeneracy by being the biggest degenerate possible and showing how dark the postmodern world really is. Pre Gaog Manson was always about the perversions of the modern world, that's how I interpreted most of his music

After Gaog his music was more about his shitty personal life, that's why it sucks. Honestly he should have just started a completely different solo project by that point instead of tainting his really good discography


No fucking way he could get away with this today

Tapping into the spirit of the times and parlé that into something profitable, like the elephant in the room, or things left unsaid; the peak of Marilyn Manson was during the time when religion dominated the right wing. It's like the idea of the spooky kids as a thing in society. It's basically the same accusation Trump makes against Lyin' Ted, the hypocrisy of it all.

Donald Trump in a way is the modern Marilyn Manson, conservatism and nationalism is what's shocking these days

He's alright.

>No fucking way he could get away with this today
Of course he would because it's parody.
You're confusing that with him expressing his own political beliefs.
He is a showman like Alice Cooper and Bowie before him. Shock and controversy sells records and keeps you in the public eye. That's the bottom line. He's no more red pilled than Anton LaVey was a satanist or Rammstein German Nationalists.

He's an edgy faggot that dropped the edge once he was associated with Columbine

>I would have done what no one else did, listened

talentless attention seeking whore

once appeared on TV at a young age saying "I'll do anything to be famous"

proceeds to be as outrageous as he can be, hurr antichist superstar durr

Interesting that Hair Metal was all about excess, from drugs to women, and people grew tired of it which led it to falling off the map, Now all that is celebrated again.

>Though I don't think he could get away with pic related. SJWs would think he is a Nazi.

That's why he's a cuck

he's redpilled in how he views his parents at least

they were always close even at the height his popularity

Sup Forums is an edgy faggot that's been overrun by normies ever since being associated with that thread killer Eggman from /r9k/, so any meaningful discussion of the sort of "people's champion" or "fearless leader" archetype that every candidate for president must portray in order to get elected is shilled to death.

Everything's reduced to BTFO, BUILD WALL, POO IN LOO, etc.

Some of his music is pretty good

Hes a very intelligent person, im sure he looks baffled at retarded libs even if they say they "share" much of his views.

Those dugs and makeup relly took a toll tho, also all that screaming. I feel sorry for him now.

Compare music fashion and lifestyles from 1986 to 1996 only 10 years but utterly different. Now compare 2006 with 2016 barely anything has changed except technology.
There's a culture void today and the current generation knows it. It's no surprise then that they regress to eras when things were less homogenised. There's also the 20 year rule to consider although that's possibly not as much a contributing factor here.
Also people never stopped taking drugs. It's just that the drugs of choice changed entering the 90's.

Just to add
Feminism ensured the only womanising allowed on display today is by black artists via rap music.

He's a wanton degenerate who called out and destroyed PC culture/guilt-tripping before it even started and then coasted on his own legend until he cucked his shit up.

Portrait of an American Family is redpilled, but he ended up shilling it as a bluepill to degenerates for shekels


>Marilyn Manson

Good lads, but cringe as fuck

This user gets it