What the fuck is this and why is it only on my 1 hand??...

what the fuck is this and why is it only on my 1 hand??? they start as these white dots that turn into this peeling skin they dont hurt but they itch... what do???

Wash more and you won’t get athletes foot on your hands

i do wash...

Probably a fungal infection.

Dry skin faggot
Never had dry skin before?
Just get your first job?
Moved furniture?
Take a shower
Use moisturizer daily

Nerve gas reaction
You're lucky to be alive op

It's odd to get it on your hand. Fungal infections usually take root in the dark moist places on your body. Crotch, armpit, feet.

However it's possible to communicate it anywhere on your body.

But just go pick up some antifungal cream at the store. And be prepared to use it regularly for a long time. Fungal infections are fucking tenacious.

nickel allergy

My hands look the same want to give each other handjobs?

Dry skin

oh... yay...
i am using eucerine but its still here and getting worse...
great... no fapping till the new year...
no thanks

Dry skin and friction has rubbed it off, I get it when I lift weights some times


Well if you're really in a hurry, you can go to the doctor about it. They can give you a prescription strength topical cream as well as an anti-fungal pill, which will greatly speed up the rate at which it is cured. Reduces it down to like 2 weeks.

Also, while you're there, you could actually find out from a real doctor whether it IS a fungal infection and not just an allergy to fuckin' soap or something.

it's dry skin retard...

hmmm i did recently move from tx to fl i wonder if it could be something in the air causing it... or something i touched... perhaps i should see a doc... i have insurance for a reason i guess...

Dishydroztic eczema?

it doesnt look like most of that nor does it hurt and its not really dry just bubbles then pops... no fluid either...

have you been handling alot of cardbord/boxes lately?

kinda i just finished my move to fl but it didnt develop till yesterday and i unpacked by mid last week...

Had fhe same thing. You are probably handling washingfluid with your bare hands. Stop that. Also wash your hands and apply handcream (your skind is dried out)

hmmm ok ill give eucrine another shot...

meh...dry skin...got that when I was drinking a lot, had it a few days ago, seems to be gone now

Cool. Apply couple times a day and it should go away in 24 hours. If not see doctor

this basically
an this

Oh and drink some water faggot perhaps eat some apples. Take care of yourself

As a spoke man of ISIS we claim this act of terror as only the start Allah I Need A Snackbar

thanks! i will and i drink tons of watter... i get meds that harm my kidneys and water helps flush them...
what are your demands???

i had that exact thing before i had scarlet fever and then my entire hands peeled
you're fucked OP

had that problem when i washed dishes a lot in fast food from the soaps and shit, modtly the super san shit they have you use.

If you just started working fast food or somewhere washin dishes dont worry an use lotion to fap, rub lotion on like 10min before fap an it'll take off roughness

>what are your demands???

yet another ailment that a good fap can cure...

I have eczema on my hands. Trust me, it's either dry skin or eczema. I would recommend washing and DRYING your hands thoroughly after bathroom and before meals. I would also use lotion 3 times a day especially before bed. Just do this religiously and you should see improvement in a few weeks. Good luck.

You have dry hands , dry hands dude. Lotion. It help better. Lotion it help

nigger im telling the truth
i had that exact thing before/during the time i had scarlet fever and it grew to the point where all the skin of my hand was peeling off
shit was crazy, no blood or anything it was just making new skin and now my hands are fine