Waifu thread

Waifu thread
Previous: I'm much too lazy for that.
The rules are very simple:
>Claim your waifu/husbando
>Discuss yours and other's choices
>Keep ERP to a minimum
>Refrain from posting porn

Other urls found in this thread:




>Didn't sleep; multiple call outs at work



Aнacтacия — звeздa, чтo вeдeт мeня


Slep you silly

Fuck off

I'm calling out from work tomorrow and there's nothing you can do to stop me.

Yeah ok stop being gay to me

does alice2 make threads anymore~?

I get Steam messages pretty much daily about them

Hello what is your name?

is that so~
did she make one today?

i dont think this claiming kind of thing works guys :D

I claim sagiri

My waifu has yet to be claimed so I think we gucci

Quit posting cutes


why is she bending over like that? she want dick?


Getting to be that time of year.


How are you doing?

Claiming best girl.

I miss you



Its been a while..

It has..
How's you?


What have you been up to?
Better that you're here..

I don't really know what I've been doing..
I should post more..

Morning...checking in before I head for work

As long as you're ok..
yes please..

So, how's everyone doing?

Pretty good, you?

not bad....only a couple of clients to see so short day for me


I mean, I was under the impression you knew exactly how I'm doing.

Ah right, what is it you do?


nooo u!


only have two today thank goodness...tired as fuck and for one of the clients I have to be "on" pretty hardcore

Ah right, I can imagine that's a real tiring job at the best of times.

best girl claimed
whats up /waifu/


i lik rin

but I do love it...took me a lot of work but I work for myself now...it's eat what you kill though so no client means no money...but I have a sturdy build up of clients already that exceeds my minimum for safety before taxes...benefits of being my own boss are incredible...but the risk is that everything falls on me

woah thats crazy. get any people who get emotionally attached to you?

not as often as you might think...if it is an emotional attachment it typically ends up being a client stays longer despite having truly sorted out what they needed.

But I'll give you one story..tbh only real one I have as far as attachment goes.

This gal had pretty hefty borderline PD and got super attached to me. After several weeks of trying to work on indirect methods I finally went for it and asked what she thought of me to which she denied everything

she stopped coming three weeks later...but that didn't stop her from faking being a doctor for a consult and getting my personal cell

nice dubs. thats a little crazy tbh. have you ever had to deal with someone with borderline personality disorder or sociopathy?

Look here you quadra heretic, how am I suppose to know when it's you?


Before I go on...let's recap our conversation and gets

my dubtrips
your dubs
my dubs
your dub trips


Anyway...yeah the women I mentioned was borderlinesevere case

sociopath? Only when I worked in the ER and jail

every time a dub is gotten in this thread a weeb gets a waifu
oh damn. my future sister in law is a sociopath and she can't get a psychologist to stay with her

what does she do or how does she act to get them to go?

>420 ayye
we dont know. she is very manipulative and fakes pretty much every emotion she displays. its frustrating


well the problem with sociopathy is the same as narcissism. To get to the root of either and start treating it the person has to open up. But since they are holding in something chemical or traumatic or personal so tightly that you risk losing them once you leave superficial discussion

We will all die, and we will all be forgotten, in the end. I'm still unsophisticated enough to find that sad. But society seems fairly stoical about it, to say the least. These days thousands are campaigning for "the right to die" and "the right to be forgotten" as if they're genuinely worried it might otherwise not happen.

What will our descendants think of it? "Bloody hell, those guys were a bit glass-half-empty! What else did they want? 'The right to self-harm'? 'The right to feel humiliated'? 'The right to decompose'? 'The right to have someone you hate turn up at your funeral and claim you liked them'?" Historians of future ages could be forgiven for concluding that this whole era was clinically depressed.

Come to think of it, historians of future ages could be forgiven for thinking pretty much anything, since we're about to deny them access to reliable information. Back in May, when the European Court of Justice upheld the notion of citizens' right to be forgotten online, it sort of seemed reasonable. It's nice for people to be able to shake off their pasts. Everyone makes mistakes – but the internet turns them into virtual tattoos, indelible marks of our moments of foolishness, visible to anyone wearing Google Glasses.

People's right to suppress unpleasant lies which are publicly told is being extended to unpleasant truths – until they die when it's suddenly open season on slander. The internet will become constructed entirely of two different sorts of untruth: contemporaneous unalloyed praise and posthumous defamatory hearsay.

No one has the right to be forgotten, any more than they have the right to be remembered. Our only right in this regard should be not to be lied about. And then maybe we can try to see the unflattering facts of other people's pasts in the light of our own imperfections. I wouldn't think less of someone because his house was repossessed 16 years ago. But I would if he turned out to be a liar.



i wonder what you taste like

Can't sleep?

Not time to start trying yet. How's your sleep been lately?

I'm Chen. If I write a lot people will think I'm smart.

It's been okay, started a double dose, but it's kind of eh so far

Finally on my days off

Most chemicals only go so far, and the exceptions to those do more harm than good. Sure you could take something to knock you out nightly, but that's more of a coma than actual sleep.

Good day.

The single dose helped me sleep fairly easily
Double just makes me feel incorporeal

These "claim" ur waifu threads are so fukn gay n pointless. How fukn stupid is this crap. I claim some anime girl shes in my dreams only ur not allowed to think of this drawing only me. Gay as fuck. Your all psychopaths.

whose your waifu?

Travel sickness pills do that for me, I start floating, my body runs on auto while my brain struggles to hold a thought. Makes me sleep, at least.
What do they have you on, melatonin?

No, Mirtazapine

Right. If you just got on a higher dose your body might just need time to adjust. Make sure you don't take it biblically, if you can't function then it's probably not smart to keep taking it. You've probably heard that a million times, though.

My doctor told me to double it, and I do need to take it every day

Make sure you work with them, your doctor can't tell how you feel, they just know the procedures. If a single dose doesn't do enough, but double does too much or has a different effect, get another prescription from the same prof. Give it time before doing that, though, it may start working.

dude, i'll buy some off you



In thread

What thread

This one

What's this

You are worrying about it too much


Tomo help I'm hearing voices in my head

Uh what kind?

What kinds are there

I don't know. I don't have those

Shut up

Help me tomo ._.

I'm not sure how really

Like most therapists we taste vaguely of ginger

you're a therapist for real? how do i stop thinking about eating people?

I suffer sleep deprivation apparently

Rem claimed.


I have nothing else to do

Go to sleep