How does this make you feel white boys?

How does this make you feel white boys?

Why would such a beautiful woman do this?

It doesn't make me feel white boys at all to be honest.


The BBC is the most powerful tool known to man. It has an almost hypnotic effect on white women.

>oh look, i posted it again
fuckoff already chink.

I dunno white boi you tell me? Also who gives a shit. Do you seriously sit there all day making these bait threads.

We're gonna see posts in the next 5 years mark my words. White women are gonna start accepting they made a mistake fucking nig nogs

probably russian troll anyways

you hang around long enough you start to see how /b is not random at all but just the same old propaganda constantly

it didn't used to be like this

Get married and have a family? Idk? It beats being tied up in your basement and readied everyday.

This is norwegian blogger Voe taking a picture with norwegian rapper Chawe (from the rapduo Madcon). The third pic is her on a visit to africa....

She is marries to a norwegian blonde dude with blue eyes...


Exactly it's gone to shit.


Absolutely indifferent because I'm not a paranoid racefag.

>implying she never fucked the rapper

This op is dreaming that if he has a black cock he will get to fuck all the white girl
But the white bitchs only care about rich guys not big dicks

idc I like black and asian girls so it's a fair trade imo

Very true, trying to work out which year it was when they started implimenting this propaganda campaign, was it around 2010-ish?

The most powerful tool of humanity is brain, something that niggers and skanks don't have. That's why they match so well.

>How does this make you feel
That she's a world traveler and takes lots of pictures with indigenous peoples.

Proof so we can shut this faggot up

>implying Russian bots listen to reason

>implying Russian

this, op a retard nig

>implying I was implying and not stating a fact that Russia has been doing shit like this for the past decade

Makes me laugh how low some people willingly go.

how narrow minded of you. it's always the big, bad, russians isn't it?


why do you think the memes are literally about shit?
the spambots took over and the rest of us are just too lazy to find somewhere else to waste our lives shitposting at.

>single mother.jpg

does this count as spamming?