>be me >attractive, mid 20s, respectable career >match with hot girl on tinder >text, FACETIME, snapchat, sext, for about 2 weeks until she finally comes over to hang (hookup)
>walks into my room, her jaw drops >she sees my giant simpsons plushes Ive won from carnivals, a 4x4 ikea shelf overflowing with manga, boxes of comics stacked nearly to the ceiling, shelf full of figures
>"a-user... y-you didnt tell me you were such a... fucking closet nerd... I think... I think my brother is calling me" >*phone isnt ringing* >"uh... I have to leave" >speed walks the fuck out of my life
Adrian Richardson
Nice blog.
Christian Baker
at this point any girl who won't even try to understand your hobbies probably shouldn't be with you in the first place
Jeremiah Lewis
Women are awful. Something similar is why I went to men.
Christopher Morales
>blogposting this is why that happened to you
Hudson Robinson
Just find a better girl. She may not be that pretty, but she'll understand you.
Brandon Ross
good read OP
William Anderson
What the fuck is tindr ? What is a facetime?
Cooper Kelly
OP here has this happened to anyone else?
Im super normie in my social life, but this has happened to me a few times when bringing normie girls to my nerd cave ass room baka
Brody Hernandez
maybe ask this on b, even if you're a normie aim for another nerd you useless faggot
Christopher Nelson
Even if I wasn't so shit on actual physical dates I'd still never get any pussy because I cannot for the life of me do the whole texting/messaging thing. It's just so fucking boring and annoying.
Josiah Diaz
You had two weeks to tell her you were a fucking closet nerd. Two weeks.
Nicholas Torres
I ask this here because I didnt turn into the nerd I am now until I found Sup Forums this is where my love for simpsons, comics (and from there manga) originated. I feel like this board has exponentially increased my nerddom
Jayden Gutierrez
Yeah, how about you mention what you do with your spare time and don't let someone walk into your masturbatorium unprepared? She'd likely react the same if your room was covered in pictures of horses or Chinese pottery.
Jackson Sanchez
You seem very normie on the internet too, dude. Get rid of your collection, cut ties with Sup Forums-stuff, go full average Joe.
Jordan Nguyen
I did tell her I was into comics and stuff I just dont think she was prepared at all to see just how intensely nerded out ky room is
Alexander Jones
he's a faggot, that's it, two weeks and you don't talk about the shit you like
dude, look for a nerd chick who will fucking outnerd you and stop being a faggot worrying about some bitch who's gonna run away at the most tame thing
Brayden Hall
That's why you go to HER place first.
Jacob Gonzalez
I used to think so too until Lync/SfB and its instant messaging infiltrated everyone's work. Now I think it's great, except when people who are actually annoying for real IM me...
Ayden Bennett
Maybe don't hide your biggest hobby from them until they reach your nerdcave. I'm sure you had plenty of occasions to mention it in casual conversation, and there's not much point to hiding your powerlevel if it's on display at your place. That or go to their place dummy.
Jace Howard
And discover her massive collection of dragon dildos, which you can then use as leverage to counter your own embarrassing foibles.
Thomas Nelson
Can't relate to that. The people I've brought home don't mind my interests, and I've been excited to meet people who have nerd shit on their shelves.
What sort of figurines do you have, anyway? I feel like all the rest can look innocent enough on a quick glance, but the figurines might bother people. They're very eye-catching compared to the spines of books or DVDs, and they can look like a bunch of childish toys of a childish person (or possibly lewd toys of some weird pervert).
Lincoln White
You should do what I did and move on to men. Women are bitches.
Levi Wood
I don't know what those are and even my best friends messaging me annoys me. Nobody has interesting things to say all fucking day long and yet people seem to feel the need to do that shit non stop. I so don't give a fuck that you're stuck in traffic or that your girlfriend is being a bitch again.