Clairo is like the modern day American remake of ye-ye like clothilde but with daws
So why do people act like it's some kind of new symptom of our modern degeneration or something? People have been doing this for ages and with enough time it becomes the "cool" thing to listen to like how avant teens listen to french pop now
>be a woman
>be totally average looking
>have a boring unremarkable personality
>be talentless
>still get hordes of beta orbiters
>black bearings inside white holes
Hmmmm... Now what could she have meant by this?
Your ressentiment is so obvious to anyone who doesn't share your weird pathological hatred lls shes not fucking Laurie Anderson yet but she has a good voice and makes catchy pop like a lot of artists start out doing
stop making threads about this talentless slut, tripfag.
>This is the intelligence of the average clairo hater
LMAO nice arguments boys
>>be totally average looking
get glasses fag
>boring unremarkable personality
how do you know this?
>get glasses fag
Step outside and go to like a mall or something and you'll see why you're wrong
Claire told me shes getting uncomfortable being posted here, says all the sexual comments freak her out
she is genius i agree
Stop it s/t
claire told me ur a fag
tell the negros to stop oogaboogaing in these threads
yeah there are so many gorgeous people at the fucking mall
>good voice
Are you implying she's "gorgeous"?
She looks like the average lassie I see in the street mate
she is so fucking cute
you dense boy
no s/t is a goth lesbian
oh, no, sorry
i thought you were implying there were attractive people at the mall, but i see what you're saying
i think she's fairly average looking as well but i can understand thinking she's cute
Cant even spell resentment. Clairo spamo saged
hehe look at me and my fidget spinner! I'm so quirky and cute :3
I'm not like the other girls.
>how to be a popular musician for beta guys?
Be a white woman.
what's wrong with latina or black?
yeah because holding a fidget spinner means pretending to be unique
please work on yourself before posting again
She is a fucking joke we all know this
>500k views on youtube
if you know so much about music then you get 500k views ;)
this beta orbiter just got ass blasted, damn
Thats for the CHAD vaginalinthepedestal lover
Tell her we love her though it's just the same troll
fug yo
why don't "beta" men like latina or black women? Are you saying they're just trendy white guys who are still racist?
I'm not a 17 year old with a twat
These instant replies from the beta orbiters, lmao this is too easy
post a fucking song then innit
christ this board is shite
& st leave the fuckin house once in a while
She makes music?
cuz theyre intimated
That's the french spelling u uncultured loinclothless retard
>Clairo is like the modern day American remake of ye-ye like clothilde
what in the ever living fuck does any of that mean
Clairo and Montie are working on an album together I heard
Unironically this. Thank you for having some sense, user.
Chad guys just want to fuck well made female bodies. White girls have boring bodies and always have a seek attention problems and are emotional broken, wich reflect their song perfectly, those girls are incompatible with Chad.
Chads dont want to hear how they make someone sad or about memedepression.
Clairo needs to cover superstar by the Carpenters omg
is that remy lacroix
t. virgin
She's good!!!!!!!!!!!!
>being this in love with a youtube personality
s/t please...
>White girls have boring bodies and always have a seek attention problems and are emotional broken
I bet you like to watch your white wife get fucked by a nigger, and you are now raising your wife's nigger son, you cuck.
I bet you listen to hip hop, numale.
I bet you voted for Bernie, you Jew lover.
I bet you feel ashamed for being white and think niggers should have rights, you fucking race traitor.
I bet you think niggers are genetically superior, you fucking white guilt faggot.
I bet you hate Trump because he says mean things and is sexually agressive, you fucking beta.
I say politcally incorrect and racist things to mask my insecurities on an anonymous image board.
Would it be beta if I sent my tracks to clairo to use for free
oh its a fucking tripfag thread