Which country has the worst natural disasters?

Which country has the worst natural disasters?


>he makes his houses out of cardboard


Chile is a fucking mess


apparently there's a br*zilian born every minute


america. we get them all cause god loves us

>has 10 years additional experience to work with
>acts like it's surprising that the situation was handled better
Good job, you did the absolute bare minimum to prove that you're human beings that are capable of thought


but that was a volcanic eruption

>1836 fatalities

us, unless you include small tropical islands that get wrecked from every cat1 hurricane

china is a close second, would be higher if they touched another ocean for double the cyclone fun

or australia if you dont have access to sunscreen

I didn't know that Europe got tornadoes

>The ones I know are the only kind of natural disasters the world has ever experienced
Even Italy go through more disasters than the US

finland has the worst tornadoes

We live between Russia, which is basically a force of nature that periodically fucks anyone unfortunate to have land nearby and Swedish Irak.

but they arnt even on the same magnitude of frequency as here
also finland doesnt get hurricanes, do you even get earthquakes?
how many active volcanos are there in finland again?

>he wants a brick to hit him at 500kph instead of light weight wood or plastic
moot point tho since everything kills you at that speed

thought it was mostly just earthquakes, and an occasional pompii every few hundred years or so?

actually chile may be worse than us, they get hurricanes and landslides along with earthquakes and tsunamis, and they are nothing but coasts
then again, does chile get any blizzards that arnt in the mountains?

natural disasters = Chile

We are off the scales


But you guys absolutely humiliated Russia the last time you fought

yea, they dont bother to go that low

latin america, or southern china

You'd just get jealous with your bitchass tiny tropical storms.

If correlated to population and landmass,


Is this some strange form of unique finnish shitposting?

i am sorry for what we did to you polan ;_;

they would stop invading you if you stopped trying to be an independent, so therefore not natural disaster, its a man made conflict

No bully, we're still fucked up over that.
God was trying to tell us to just abandon this shithole of a city. We didn't listen, that's why we're slowly sinking.

>he makes his houses out of cardboard
Pero user, fueron immigrantes mexicanos los que construyeron esas casas de carton. El término correcto seria "we"

Shut up crybaby at least you are surrounded by 1st world countries.

>3 salty amerifats and 1 angry CHICANO

Good job

That eruption looked so awesome

It's like someone took the cover art from a power metal album and made it real life