Mailing some thc oil for my buddy to try out in the UK. I am in FL

Mailing some thc oil for my buddy to try out in the UK. I am in FL.


Do i have to put return sender address for international shipping?

What should I declare is in the package? Should i say it is e-cig juice or something like a usb drive?

Can sniffer dogs smell this stuff?

>Can sniffer dogs smell this stuff?
yes, they can. Put some coffee in with it. Coffee masks the odor.


this doesnt work

Declare it vape juice put coffee in there


yes on return
also have to state whats inside
also drug dogs
you got a 37% chance if success if you expidite ship with fedex but itll cost more than its worth. tell your buddy to fuck off and stop being a faggot

no it doesnt you fucking idiot

Just ship it tbh.. its not like they are gonna find your package suspicious.. and they dont just have k9s that smell every package lmao.. and oh no! you got a little thc oil even if they do catch you, you most likley wont be arrested for it. You arent a drug lord or anything.

Yea, best way to go about it is to vacuum seal it multiple times and then dip the final bag in wax

I work for the post office and the only way that they'll catch you is if you write "this is weed" on the package. Unless it looks SUPER suspicious they don't bat an eye. Plus, THC oil like that is really hard to smell when it's sealed. You'll be fine.

This but wax on every single bag.
>Get mason jar
>Put juice in the container into the jar
>Deep clean the jar
>Put it into a vacuum seal bag
>Dip every bag into wax
>Do this for at least 3 bags but more is better\
Coffee won't stop the smell because dogs smell things individually so instead of the smell of say stew they smell carrots, potato, meat. Therefore trying to mask the smell won't work completely eliminating it is the only way to go. Make sure you clean the jar good, they can smell even the smallest traces of marijuana.

Don't send anything liquid or in vials/syringes. Trust me OP.

Coffee grounds are a major red flag too

Why not? Not OP just curious.

The envelope should be as flat as possible. The guy on the other end can package it in vials if he wants but I guarantee it won't make it through customs if it's pre packed like that.

Why would OP not just use a small box? Obviously he won't use an envelope.

hey op how much do you pay for those? asking for a friend

Dumbaas, the dogs alert to coffee, peanut butter all that shit, were not dumb we check everything

Declare it as vape juice, hell even hemp. As many have said, vacuum seals are the way to go. After dipping in wax, ad another smelly prof bag on. Your local pot shop should have one. Also, don't be an idiot a d give a real return address. Give them your neighborhood it's address so if anything they get home, or if it is just returned you will see it on their doorstep and be able to take it back before they notice and repeat the process.

We keep atleast 1 K9 officer inside a customs mailroom

This guy knows what's up

>envelope containing a mason jar

totally not suspicious at all



boxes cost extra to ship to britain and get damaged more easily.

How much would he be mailing? You'd be surprised how much weight you can fit into an envelope. It's stealthier too.