What is your opinion on abortion, Sup Forums?

What is your opinion on abortion, Sup Forums?

I believe it should be outlawed unless the baby is being aborted due to rape. If you don't want a kid, then use at least two forms of contraception. It's not that hard. And if you can't even afford free condoms and birth control pills or plan b then don't fucking have sex. If you're that broke then the last thing that should be on your mind is getting fucking laid.

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Abortion is the termination of a human life. It's similar to euthanizing the elderly against their will, though from an ethical standpoint it's clearly even worse than that since the fetus has a hell of a lot more potential than an old person.

I'm not religious, don't believe in god, believe Christianity is pretty retarded, but I am 100% against abortion. Even in the case of rape. Are you responsible for becoming pregnant? No, but that's an individual human life, and there's no legitimate argument as to why one person's life matters more than another person's. Getting pregnant from rape is extremely unfortunate for the woman, but it isn't just to end somebody else's life just to ease the pain and make things easier on them.

If you think human life is valuable, you should be against ending anybody's life against their will, including abortion. If you don't think human life is valuable, you should be fine with anybody murdering anybody. There's no logical way to argue anything in between those two positions.

I agree with the principle, but I think one must also consider the fact that a child of rape will often be 1) fatherless, 2) a likely target for unconscious hatred on the part of the mother, 3) a constant reminder of a terrible experience, 4) economically disadvantaged.

Often the matter is taken too lightly in my eyes, but I can respect somebody who makes the call when rape is involved.

Adoption is always the best option when a child is unwanted for whatever reason. It's a win-win, the child gets to live, and a couple who wants a child gets to raise a child.

I believe you should have been aborted.
SAGE for the horrible bait

Eh I'm fine with abortion.

>less population
>less strain on the female body
>means the parents don't have to raise a kid separately or together they can just move on
>kid doesn't have to grow up in a family home where their parents hate each other but stayed together cause baby
>kid doesn't have to grow up in an orphanage
>accidents do happen even when you're on the pill or using condoms sadly

Now I think you shouldn't be having an abortion every few months or so, no get your shit together but say something does go wrong and you really fucking don't want this child for above reasons, just get rid of it. Spares everyone around you a lot of drama

should be mandatory for anyone that has ever fucked a nigger

>Now I think you shouldn't be having an abortion every few months or so, no get your shit together but say something does go wrong and you really fucking don't want this child for above reasons, just get rid of it
How do you not the the logical inconsistency in that? You're saying that human life is sort of valuable, but only if it doesn't cause anybody an inconvenience. If that's the case, there are shitloads of people that should be getting murdered every day for causing other people inconvenience.

I believe in post-natal abortion.

Human life is nothing special. There are literally billions of people alive. If someone doesn’t want a kid, or it’s nkt the right time then who cares. It’s their decision. People shouldn’t be regulated by the ideas of some holier than thou, virgin bitch.

>a human life

Well it's not really a human life, it's a fetus, it has no clue what's going on, if you killed it it wouldn't know any difference. You can't really compare a living, breathing human being (let alone an adult) to a fetus

I million deaths per year makes Vegas look like an off weekday

This. I mean there are 7 billion of us, do you think the world really noticed the other billions of people that would be here if we didn't have abortion? Fuck we should be happy we do have it, we're already overpopulated and planning on a move to mars what if we'd his this problem beforehand?

I'm addicted to abortions

Abortion should only be allowed if she has health issues that could risk her dying in the process of giving birth. Other than that, I'm against it.

Abort yourself. You're brain isn't fully developed.

Sad that you won't ever be able to make that choice cause you'll only be the father ayyyy

>Well it's not really a human life, it's a fetus
"Fetus" is just a term for a specific stage in development for a human organism, much like "baby" or "toddler' or "teenager" or "adult". Implying that a fetus isn't human is absolutely retarded and 100% unscientific. You're saying that one organism magically turns into another organism at some arbitrary point.
>it has no clue what's going on, if you killed it it wouldn't know any difference
It logically follows from this that we should be able to murder anybody who is sleeping or otherwise unconscious.

It astonishes me how uneducated and illogical so many people are.

I decide it's the right time for you. Be prepared.

its wrong

What about complication with the pregnancy and one life has to be chosen where to you draw the line? Your wife knowing you'll never hold her again and have to raise this baby by your self or the baby? Knowing you'll never hold your baby girl or boy?

Don't get me wrong, I like dead babies, but giving women the right to chose, it's just wrong.

Its not human until its been shat out so I'm all for abortion

>comparing a fetus to a sleeping human

Bro just face it, people are gonna do it cause they don't want a 1 night stand where their pill didn't work or the condom broke for the first time ever to result in the woman needing to give birth just to give it up for adoption.

I say fuck it, let people make their own decisions. I don't consider a tiny embryo a human being, and I'd rather a couple of organized cells get destroyed than have someone be born into a shitty life that won't get better.

Or how about she just gets rid of it cause she doesn't want a half breed growing up without a mum and dad and they stumble across the information that their literally a rape baby and their mother never loved them and would WOULD have had an abortion but instead she was forced to give birth to it.

Would you be ok if this happened to you mother, daughter or wife? Or would you want to spare her from it as well as the kid?


Why stop there? Make it the first five years after birth.


Me and my now ex have a 10mo old baby girl and I love her to death. Seriously I can't imagine my life without her now.

We almost had an abortion. I guess it just depends on your situation. I'm sort of against it but I guess I can understand why sometimes people do it..

Can't tell if it's edgy op or someone trolling...

Fetus got a hear beat and brain activity the you keep it.

If not, product of rape, or the thing has some genetic issues like a Harlequin baby. Flush that Little mutant down the garbage disposal.

Cute, and not OP but hey good on you guys for keeping it and it turned out to be what you wanted.

Right, that's a totally logical extrapolation from my comment. I think people should be able to own guns. Fuck it, let's legalize murder.
>inb4 that's what abortion is

I know people are going to do it. My point is that every single person who is fine with abortion is a gigantic hypocrite and holds logically inconsistent beliefs.
I'm not against abortion because I think human life is special, I'm against it because making murder illegal but abortion (the murder of unborn children) legal is hypocrisy. And we need murder to be illegal to have a functional, civilized society. Hypocrisy and logical inconsistency just pisses me off.

I hate your baby and hope you all die in a fire.

There's no defition for life, especially before 3 months. You can't define it as life in a "permanent" way

Human life isn't valuable, let's go abortion.

>There's no defition for life, especially before 3 months. You can't define it as life in a "permanent" way

if a bitch that doesn't want a babby gets creampied she should take the morning after pill

the only reason to get an abortion is because she was too lazy and stupid to take care of it properly

>comparing abortion to actual murder

If you legit believe this, you need to wake up and get over yourself. A fetus is not the same as a living breathing human. If you really think they are, hopefully you'll grow out of it. I had these views when I was about 12 then I actually saw what people have to go through to give birth and the fact a fetus isn't the same as someone who isn't a fetus


It's really sad. Usually it happens because people are stupid. There are cases where it isn't due to stupidity. When it's because of stupidity people should be physically branded in a non visible spot. Near the genitals to always remind them and their partners of the occasion.

How can define it's alive? A fetus?
If you take it out, it won't go forward. Therefore, it depends on the MOTHER
Therefore, it's all about her opinion on the matter, not up to a bunch of false-moralist nerds on Sup Forums

And no, I'm not a fuckin woman

Nice trips and thanks.


>fuck science
^^ Literally you
A fetus is a human organism. That is 100% indisputable. If you think that a human in one stage of development matters more than a human in another stage of development, you need to provide reasoning as to why. But I'll tell you right now, there's no logical argument in your favor. Anything you say or believe in that regard is based purely on "feelings".

>mfw I've come to the acceptance a fetus isn't the same as a person who isn't a fetus

So a fetus isn't alive because if you took it outside the womb it would die?
You're not too bright, bud.
Firstly, that's simply untrue. Babies are born weeks, even months, ahead of when they're supposed to be, and most of them survive.
Secondly, a newborn baby cannot survive on it's own either, it is dependent on the mother, so by your logic we should be allowed to murder babies up until they can take care of themselves.

A human organism in FORMATION, btw
If it's not it's final form, I mean, if it doesn't furfill some requirements, it's no human live

That's what happens until 3 months of pregnancy

You can't say you killed a potential human being.

>most of them survive

With mass help from medical science

>A human organism in FORMATION, btw
>it's not it's final form
A human's "final form" is a rotting corpse. We are literally growing and changing for our entire lives.
It seriously amazes me that people don't realize these things. It's common fucking sense.

No pal, "even months" doesn't mean they would finish their formation if taken out with just 1,2 or 3 months.
Tell me how can a fetus survive if taken out of o womb with 3 months. Tell me and prove it for the majority of the cases and I'll buy your case.

You're the one blinded by a huge arrogance that makes you think you're the bright one.

Formation in the womb, stop with this silly tactics

Abortion is murder.


"Its just a clump of cells"

You're a clump of cells.

Murder is murder.

Extremely well put, I'm in 100% agreement

You should go to a Las Vegas abortion clinic and scream that it's the same thing

Rape accounts for less than .05% of all abortions.

They use that to justify all abortions.

It's bait.

Abortion is murder. There are ways to transfer the bby to a couples womb to fathers who can't have children, plan B, birth control.

Rape is just an abortionist excuse to justify murder.

Yeah, trying to make a point

So then we should be able to murder anybody who needs help from "medical science" to live. Anybody with a pacemaker. Anybody who takes any kind of medication that they would die without. Anybody with cancer. Anybody with AIDs. Anybody on oxygen machines. I could go on, but you get the point.

My goal in all of this is just to get you people to realize how logically inconsistent your beliefs and arguments are on this subject. As I said before, you either value human life and are against abortion, or you don't value human life and are fine with it. Literally anything else is hypocrisy.

Who the fuck cares? Fetuses don't have consciousness, they're not self aware. An abortion isn't taking a human life it's like adding a zero

Kill everyone.

The problem here is you consider an undeveloped fetus a "person".

But in those .05% cases, what do you think about?

And problems with formation and stuff life that?

>you get the point

That you still seem to think a fetus is the same as a possible adult

are you going to implement sweeping changes to maternity care, child support, and the likes to ensure all those children who would otherwise be terminated are given a decent quality of life?

If the answer is "no", then you are not "pro-life". you are pro-fetus, and fuck them once they've been squeezed out of a womb... and a fucking hypocrite.

I'm a clump of cells that can feel pain and know I exist. A >20 week fetus doesn't

You're basically the only one on this thread with well thought out and logically consistent points and I applaud you

I mean honestly in my own opinion im in favor if the parents go for abortion and they feel not suitable for both parties to raise the child.. However I will add my own experience. The girl i was fucking had a kid.. She didnt tell me this but i know she was a hoe and she told me she decided to abort it without even letting me know until we talked later on like a year or 2 .. Still runs through my mind if my child could be here with me right now.. Probally would be less stupid but ayye. Its just life m8..

He couldn't even define person

I guess he would have a worse problem trying to define "life".
Because you need to be alive in order to have it taken from you.

And it's something that neither of the sides has accomplished it.
The problem is: if you can't define it, therefore it's on the mother's choice.

I don't support abortion after 3 months of pregnancy nor a truly free abortion law, but I recognize it as a necessity sometimes.


Is it okay to kill post-birth children? Because they sure as fuck can't survive on their own either

First thing I found on google, but this is well-documented, widely-known stuff, and the fact that you don't seem to be aware of it is just further evidence of your general ignorance.


we have too many people anyways. also what if they're going to come out all fucked up like those two sister that look like they're in constant agony? you'd force that on a family or the child itself?
>see hartley hooligans

I'm 100% in favor of abortion, and think it should be encouraged in situations where a pregnancy is obviously life ruining.

Exactly. Would you rather abort an undeveloped fetus or have a bunch of mothers that don't even want their kids? Easy choice imo

So we should be able to murder people in comas? Even if we know for a fact that they'll be functioning in a matter of weeks? Because babies in the womb will be.

Even if you believe a fetus deserves a chance at life the fact is if the parents want to abort it then it's going to have a shit life after it's born anyway. I say if you wanna kill your kid before it even arrives you probably wont have a healthy relationship if it does end up being born. Sure adoption exists but there are millions of kids who already go unadopted. Why bring another life into this world when its guaranteed to suffer?

But why do you care?


You people confuse me to no end. it's not your child, not your problem, it's not even your position to tell people what to do with their children and pregnancies. Unless you're the father or the mother, you have no right to control someone's child.

If they're not your kid, you don't control them/

No, but the Hospital can provide maternal milk and then the State can take custody of the child.

That's what I mean

Dubs checked.

As an unplanned child whose mother didn't want them, I would have rather been aborted. There were times I wished I was.

He'll just say 'but you can give them up for adoption!' never mind the strain on the mother's body and her mental state through and after the birth of a child she doesn't want and let's make sure we sort out a system that utterly let's mothers off for months at a time, make sure their job is safe and people will look after their home and such cause around 7-8 months the woman becomes useless.

Yes, euthanasia is fine

What's your differentiation between the two other than you "feel" like ones a person? What's your biological basis?

>why do you care if somebody you don't know gets murdered
Most intelligent people find issues like this to be important to society as a whole.

The person had an identity before they were put into a coma. A fetus does not

A person who is brain dead can't do either of those things. Is it ethically right to kill them? Especially if there's the definite knowledge that they will know they exist and will feel things later on?

Oh and I bet you can count with your fucking fingers to figure that 23 weeks gives us about 5 to 6 months, right?
You can do this

Because I'm fucking talking about fetus with 3 months of formation

I could be a "radical" and talk about 4 months fetus but I think that's already too much for abortion

*tips fedora*


Abortion should be low cost, safe and rare.

Why does having an identity previous to the current condition suddenly make murder wrong? If they will soon have one, how is it not wrong? Explain please.

Hey user, you answered this yet?

Losing a term paper you worked hundreds of hours on is a tragedy

Losing a newly opened word document with nothing typed yet is not

Never claimed it wasn't an important issue. I said that it's not your place to tell people what to do with their bodies. And I still stand by that statement.

>fuck science
>fuck logic
>every argument is based on personal feelings/beliefs instead of facts

Holy shit, arguing with pro-choice people is literally the same as arguing with young-earth creationists.
How ironic.

>It logically follows from this that we should be able to murder anybody who is sleeping or otherwise unconscious.

wow you saw a Ben Shapiro video once and now you're all about conservatism

... that is strangely accurate


With education and the State running strong campaigns for prevention, it could be a rare thing

Unless the girl likes getting it on her inside, then I can't do anything about it

Abortion could have killed the Las Vegas shooter.

Why does the method of dependency change anything? It's dependency and being dependent on another person for survival doesn't give that person the right to murder you. Otherwise the state or parents would have the right to murder post-birth children