Comfy/Cozy Thread
Comfy/Cozy Thread
Could use one, feel generally shitty tonight.
need more like this
Were tf is that?
Thought you said comfy not places where ghosts and murders happen.
Oh fuck yeah, it just started raining
As desolate as this is, i like it because it means most of the worlds bullshit is far away there.
Thats fucking spooky
Zombies are gonna run at me any moment
Not enough good quality food pics, food is very comforting.
would you?
got a few more libraries
got a few more logs (like 500)
Got any other flat, expansive areas like this?
that chair looks like shit
Here is what may be the comfiest food pic I have.
heres mine
Doesn't look great and could certainly use an ottoman, but serviceable.
This chair looks better.
not that guy, but I love this doggo in ?nevada I think?
Noice! Only missing a log brah
>and the rest
Don't think I couldn't eat all that at once, but that is one fantastic plate. Fits the hedonistic side of comfy.
these threads have probably been my favorite lately. Sorry I don't have anything to contribute yet.
great pic. Doggo aside, its still a great pic.
I drove through northern nevada in the summer, and it was devastatingly hot, bleak, and wastelandish. Snow comfies that up nicely.
surf and turf
I'm going to guess Canada, right? Amazing how quickly the mountain rises up.
surf and turf is awesome, have desert.
You can save some and post in future threads, or find your own stuff to post. Good comfy OC is valuable. I dump all my stuff into a folder and pic stuff mostly at random unless someone requests snow or rain or libraries.
I'm getting that next time I'm in a decent restaurante. Crab is my favorite food, but lobster and steak isn't far behind.
In the winter it's wind blasted cold, bleak, and wastelandish.
I might move there some day.
comfy food for autists
I'd take cold and bleak vs hot and bleak. Both is nice for a change I guess.
It was a remarkably free place. Free in that it was so open, empty, and devoid of people. I enjoy cities at times, but ultimately would want a place in the middle of nowhere. That seems pretty middle of nowhere.
This some kinda weird art piece? I do kind of autisticlly like it.
Needs a word list so you can try and match them up. Some of them look difficult to name.
comfiest pupper of all time
That is why it appealed to me, nice and quiet. A while back I was up by the CA/OR border at a small farm town near Lava Beds National Monument, and it was gloriously quiet. You could hear the occasional car coming from who knows how far away.
>a word list so you can try and match them up
You know, I never thought of that but that would be cool.
why does this picture make me angry
because they aren't organized properly
Now we got some good winter pics going
its not that i just looked at it and i became angry im not even ocd ..
aside from dealing with the occasional bigfoot, living here might be cool
>pros: quiet, surrounded by nature, serene
>cons: occasionally raped by bigfoot
the creamy log would slide down so the answer is pretty obvious /thread
trains are a plus