Everyone here who flunked out college, what are you doing now? Did you cry when getting scolded by parents?

Everyone here who flunked out college, what are you doing now? Did you cry when getting scolded by parents?

Just the thought of wasting that 40 k my parents put into me succeeding, and all those times i should have stop browsing the internet to check what homeworks are due and to study makes me want to kill myself before i see their face.

I know a lot of people flunk because
>Dude, WEED mayne XD
and it means nothing to them. Its only devastating when you really did try, but just not hard enough.

Maybe I should start doing my homework...

What did you take>
Tell me you didn't take liberal arts or some bull shit.

i just wanted simple business job. but it has 3.2 gpa requirement in order to. Taking classes like Econ and Calculus gave me a 2.9 gpa. All the easy classes that were supposed to boost my GPA, ended with 86% because i accidentally forgot important homework due dates.

Better find a apprenticeship job and start paying that lone off.

I went to college for History and Political Science, turned into a massive pothead, then dropped out when my ex graduated and we moved back home. Then I tried technical school for Electrical Trades, where I accelerated at mathematics and was acutely interested in motors and generators (Nikola Tesla was my idol), but the course turned out to be more residential-focused than I liked, and opportunities for happiness in life were quickly running out in that town, so I left.

I worked an entry-level desk job at a lab for a couple years. It paid well, but the third shift was hell and was literally killing me. Then I got fired, and now I sell guns at a big retailer. Kinda strapped for cash at the moment, however.

just go back and do the remaining classes that you flunked, if you have a working brain be proud of it and put it to good use.

I didn't flunk, but I quit. At least for now. I was in an accident. Since then I've being in a "whatever" mind state because I know nothing matters. I'm not doing anyone harm besides my self so fuck it.

College is a scam in the first place, a breeding ground for libtards and it spreads misinformation like wild-fire.

You failed because you're a lazy idiot, but there's no fault in that. Lazy idiots can lead decent lives.

Go into an apprenticeship, or fake mental illness and live of the government.

That's my advice.

I have no student loans because parents are rich. But one thing is for sure, im getting kicked out of the house if i say im doing tradeschool
>gun retailer
That doesnt sound like it pays well at all. I give you props for not actually killing yourself, but i see since you had an idol, you had some sort of fun.
Cant retake classes unless flunked. I really wish my parents would let me do summer classes, since i could have just dropped ones that lowered my gpa.
How did parents react? Sucks you think life is nothing.

Paid for college myself. Flunked Out in my last semester for pre-law. Went through a terrible breakup shortly after. Became a pill junkie for a year after that. Said fuck it, took what I owned, and moved from Kentucky to Oregon. Lived in my truck for a month while I applied to jobs. Been happily working in the logging industry for close to 6 years now.

They didn't really care too much. I don't think life is nothing, but we can't save it. We can only save the way some people will think. I believe we have a higher purpose away from this world though. I'm just going with the flow in my physical form like everyone else.

>lazy idiot
tbph, this matches me completely. one day i tried to tell my dad that i was unironically naturally retarded. And he told me to shut the fuck up.
this sounds like happy ending, thanks. Living in truck sounds comfy too.

>I have no student loans
>parents are rich
Then you're fine OP just talk them through it and explain what happened, If you lie they'll defiantly fuck you up.
Now take this time to study and pay for it yourself.

You wasted $40k of your parents money? Maybe you should kill yourself...

Living in a small toyota pickup when you are 6’4” 260 is not comfortable. I ate room temp canned food most days. Once I had a job I was able to get an apartment.

Happy ending? Yes.
Hard journey? Yes.

I didn't flunk out but my dad died and I quit before finishing my bsc thesis. Got a job as a software dev immediately and haven't looked back... much...

well lets see anxiety got to much for me then i dropped out. depression got so much worse so i decided fuck it time to grow up.
i applied to a bunch of jobs i ended up landing at a windmill blade factory i loved it. could have seen myself work there for the rest of my life. especially because i was getting paid 20 dollars an hour.
then the factory closed we all got laid off. every single one of us.. havent been able to get the strength to re hand out resumes yet . so im currently unemployed and hating my life..
what you gunna do with your life OP?

>im getting kicked out of the house if i say im doing tradeschool
Why? Those are some of the best paying jobs for what you put in for training.

>That doesnt sound like it pays well at all.
It doesn't, but I'm looking for something else to fill my time. I tried to apply for various electrical jobs where I am, but nobody would take me on as an apprentice.

I'm just sort of stuck in Millennial limbo where everything outside of food service and retail wants fresh hires with a degree or certification and three years of experience.

its a shitty trap user. you fell for it and the only way out of it was to grit your teeth and push through til its over or to force your way out and take the damage.

sunk money. 40k down the drain. but you still have your life. believe me when i say that sentience and the ability to turn organics into kinetic energy is worth far more than the college degree would ever be worth in the long term.

if you dont start playing the game now, you will be in the shits and might endup homeless. even then you can still start playing just enough to get a car and be out of the rain.

moral of your story and everyones before you; the only way to lose is to die. dropping out of college is far from it.

yeah. but who cares what people save? most people have shit taste anyway, so itll go to shit. just enjoy it.
tbqh, i have 100 k saved up (dont ask), but even then, i dont know what to do with it, and i dont think my parents could provide much more. If worst comes to worst, i might be rooming it up with my sister who makes 40 k a year as marketer.
wow. i thought you were living in like an empty 18 wheeler. I sure hope you had the back seats removed.
i too also fear my dad dying. I try to talk to him everyday.
im interested in entering the coding field or network engineer. this is what i wanted to do before i got into business. Im not sure what to do though, since ive been taking business required classes till now.

well, my dad put it this way
>yes. go to electrician tradeschool. Work making only 40 k a year and live to see youre in debt paying for all your kid's school loans and supporting your wife, only to put a bullet in your head by the time youre 50
that is true. guess i should appreciate just being alive and able to read all the manga i want

Do some coding tutorials. See if you like it. You don't need a degree to work as a developef if you're good enough so it's all up to how much you want to learn.

wish i could do something that involves computers.. im very creative but ..honestly i dont think im smart enough for anything like that.
im more a hands on kinda guy like i said i worked my balls off making wind turbine blades. i have this idea to start making furniture or flooring outta all natural wood but not sure how to start.
i honestly just hope life turns out for me .
hell id like if it turned out well for everyone in this thread that's struggling with there life

Dude. You're much better off then most people.
I was kicked out of a poor household basically the moment I graduated HS with little to no money.
It's been two years and I live with a friend and make ends meet by working a shitty minimum wage job.

It could be worse, start a business with that money ffs.

>i have 100 k saved up
>parents are rich
>my sister who makes 40 k a year
OP you're going to be fine, You have money, Invest it in education or find a simple job and buy property. Worst case scenario you got family in a good position that you will help you out before ever you hit rock bottom.
>i have 100 k saved up (dont ask)
I got to ask, Give a poorfag the keys to the kingdom. How did you get that much and how can we.

I assume im gonna have to make a big coding portfolio. What should be in it? The only thing ive coded in my life were python GUIs and shitty javascript python games. but i was obsessed with it. I used to code for 10 hours a day. at the time i thought it was a mistake, but looking back, maybe i was into coding.
sounds like a cool idea. good luck with everything. im suprise you cant find another wind turbine job.
I got rich off of getting into crypto currency early. I know a lot of people dont take btc seriously, but i honestly do think i have that money.
only business i would start would just being good in the stock market. Im getting better and better focusing on low RSIs and have made steady 1% returns a day, but this could all be because were in an inflated bull market. thanks for different view point.

>getting into crypto currency early
Yup that ship sailed for me.
Just be smart and keep going when shit gets hard and you'll be fine. You may not be able to retire at 40 but life would be boring without a little fuck ups.

thanks. but i say its never too late for investing. As long as theres programs like robinhood, or the fact crypto currency exists, you can make a profit.

Also, buy ARK

I quit because I couldn't afford living expenses without working a full time job. And I barely passed my second semester doing a 40 work week with 40 of tutorials, lectures and classes. I quit then because I was unable to maintain a social life and my depression got too bad on top of it.

optimistic nihilism is the secret to contentedness.

once you truly understand that the human body is capable of anything except its physical limitations, you will view the world as your playground no matter what shitty job you work or how many times someone spat on you while you begged for money.

read that manga user, and know that no one else will read it knowing that its exactly what they want to do with the time that cant be wasted and only spent.

College represents everything that is wrong with human civilization. It is the epitome elitism, divisive competitiveness, and slavery to the false god of "achievement". It destroys the lives of those who pursue it via debt, stress, depression, and entrapment in an unwanted career, and destroys the lives of those who do not pursue it via shame, envy, regret, and low self-esteem.

You do not need to go to college to be intelligent and knowledgeable. You do not need to go to college to have an enjoyable and meaningful life. College is a scam.

College is a poor decision if you play your cards wrong. You can probably get by fine without it, but it's certainly easy mode for high paying jobs if you plan properly and/or work hard. I think a lot of people are disillusioned by sort of being forced into college by their parents and then failing for various reasons that are perceived to be beyond their control. Most people are probably not prepared for the gravity of the decisions relating to which college and what to study.

I mean, you can do fine without it (possibly), but it's easy mode for life if you are pragmatic about it.

I didnt try hard enough because in high school I never had to study to pass so I never developed any real devotion to learning beyond in-class osmosis.

I'm currently a supervisor at a UPS hub and saving money to pursue my culinary dreams by buying a food truck and traveling the country. I am a good cook.

But yeah I cried. I was also nearly forced into the military until I got in a fight with my stepdad about how he was marine reserve and he was trying to push me into active duty.

Then 5 months later we found out he's been molesting my younger half-sister (his full blood daughter) from age 10-14. He is currently serving 12 years and I'm the father figure to my 3 younger brothers and younger sister.

Feels bad but I know ill get out and you will too. Sorry for the ramble.

I flunked out a year and a half in, majoring in animation, hated college. I dropped/flunked out, parents told me I had to pay my own way if I did so. Spent a little over a year and half making minimum wage and having no car insurance, rego out, past oil change, didnt eat some days, all to make rent at my apartment.

That shit builds character real fucking fast. I dropped out as a 19 year old kid, and at least according the the gf about 3 months before we moved out of dallas I really grew the fuck up, once I decided I was tired of minimum wage and scraping by.

Im currently 22 now, own my vehicle outright (94 integra ls, about $3k in modification done to it, finishing a new motor for it this month), have no debt, live comfortably and happily with my gf in a house in a tiny town in oklahoma, with 4 owned and modified vehicles between us, a few cats, fish, etc. Life is really good right now, although it isnt easy, full time work and school is toigh to juggle, but itll be worth it. I taught myself to do every scrap of work on a car without formal training, and im now attending the local votec for auto collision repair. I'm the star student, score perfect on damn near everything, and im really pushing to place in the national auto refinishing competition my school is part of.

Flunking out of college forced me to grow the fuck up, and it was probably the best decision I ever made. ( it was a decision, I just stopped attending classes one day, said fuck college). The two years afterwards were fucking hell, but the work ethic it gives you and the perspective it creates for things like money and time management are life lessons that no classroom can teach.

>what are you doing now
sysadmin. bought a house, got a wife, enjoy work more than I ever did pure compsci.

>Did you cry when getting scolded by parents?
the fuck? no. I felt shit for a while, then when I started running out of money to rent I got a job and got my shit together. my parents were disappointed but did not scold their adult son.

another wind turbine job?! there was literally only one in canada. the rest are in the usa and offshore

if your wondering what the company is called im talking about its seimens


I dropped out of college twice, but I paid my own tuition - so although my parents weren't super happy about it, they weren't angry with me for that decision. Of course I'm not happy about wasting my money (not in the USA though, so tuition isn't quite as expensive).

I'm working right now, making a bit over minimum wage. I live with my SO and I do plan on going back to school at some point. For now I'm enjoying a low-key life with very few responsibilities. We travel when we can afford it, and cook dinner together every night. It's a simple life but for now I'm happy.

Flunked twice, but college in Canada is like cheap University so it wasn't much more than like 1 or 2 thou.
Finally passed at the end of last winter semester after a huge paradigm shift that really brought home to me how much of a lowlife failure I was. Fortunately my mother believed in me through it all. Graduating feels sooooo fucking good dude, you'll get there one day and you'll have that for yourself too.

>no one wants to hire me

毚 讒 饞 攙

Happy 木 day to go金ld day or whatever.[曰]

Sin Seriously,

[Footnote 曰: See N日H本N days of the week if interested.

yall are a bunch of retarded faggots for not paramotoring