This fucker

This fucker.
My first reaction, disgust. This little shit invaded my home. I reach for the nearest thing I felt would be toxic to him. I had just gotten up from the toilet so I got febreeze. Now there's a puddle of febreze in my bathroom.
My second reaction, sympathy. I see this bastard writhing around in a puddle of chemicals desperately trying to clean himself only to get covered in it again at the next turn.
My third reaction, respect. I swear to god this fucker can eat febreze. He loves it. If I tried to drink a bottle of febreze I'd end up in the hospital but this guy just wont quit. I think I made him stronger.

My fourth reaction, disgust. Af the faggotry that is, behold, OP

get snip-snap dogos not the woof-bark kind.

they eat these fuckers and if you see one there's lot more you don't.

one snip-snap way better than a bunch of these

wtf language are you speaking

Why do you think they make roach spray out of the insect equivalent of nerve gas? Those fuckers don't go down without sound thrashing.

That's why I hate spraying it inside my house. I swear it's more toxic to me than it is to them. I tried antifungal spray one time too, that stuff makes me gag. They don't give a fuck.

This shit.
It's a cleaner, but it kills those fuckers dead instantly. I don't know why.


reaction thread derail


Febreeze isn't toxic. Some streamer drank a bottle to an hero and just got wicked shits









wow, you learn something new every day






why are you doing this user? have i insulted your cockroach mother or somehting?

It doesn't look too hard to figure out user

attention to
i searched reaction on catalog for a reaction image thread, instead i got this thread

Fucking roaches have been literally pestering me for almost all of this year.

Raid won't kill them.

Roach motels won't kill them.

Glue traps, no matter how many I put out and however many dozens I catch, doesn't seem to stop them.


one day they will rule us all

I, too, despise the Turks.