Why is Atheism so popular with teenagers and young adults?

Why is Atheism so popular with teenagers and young adults?

Hinjaku Hinjaku!!

Oh hey user that posts the princess from never ending story talking about atheism.

How ya been? Haven't seen you in what feels like a year almost.

Thought you gave up or got bored or maybe died of cancer posting. Welcome back. I like you better than shit logs mcgee.

truth preveals

Hello? Op??? Where ya at faggot.. you abandon thread already??

There is no user behind this, it's part of the bots that automatically post to Sup Forums to simulate activity.

because yo'u're mater gey

They are edgy boyos with no wisdom ofc

>Why is Atheism so popular with teenagers and young adults?

>There is no user behind this, it's part of the bots that automatically post to Sup Forums to simulate activity.

There is no user behind this, it's part of the bots that automatically post to Sup Forums to simulate activity.

Atheism is popular with the highly educated. It spans all age ranges.

Religion is dying. It's superstitious nonsense and a waste of time. Gods are literally beneath human dignity. If you're still experiencing the god delusion in the year 2017, you've been left behind intellectually.

This. Soon you'll see the bot thread about Where Do You Work. (Wendy's $8.75 /hr). Sup Forums posts repeat threads to keep the board from drying up.


This. We have mentally evolved to be smart enough to know to follow laws, no need for religion to control us


It's not actual Atheism that's popular, it's the idea of Atheism.. mainly because they think they know what religion is and how stupid it's supposed to be so they'll 'join' the 'opposite side'.

Athiesm has been around since the dawn of time. Hell, only religions are the things to change over time. But Athiesm? Nope. Hasn't changed.

Or athiests don't want to be held accountable for their deviant behavior and immoral lifestyle choices, so they all hope there's no higher power that they'll have to answer to

Believing in invisible friends at an age older than 5 years old is the definition of stupid.

Religion creates and defines immoral behavior. Every single one of them.
For everything they say is wrong, they conversely actually condemn what they preach later.

Could you at least learn to fucking spell the word correctly?

ATHEISM (a-theism) (a-theist) (against god) (without gods)

easy to see through the shit

Because it's 'edgy' and it can be used as an excuse to do edgy shit.


You're calling reality 'edgy' now? Living without fear of a vindictive wrathful god is edgy?

How about if you take your gods and shove them right the fuck up your shitter! Ta-da!

To be fair we all know that cringy ass edgy atheists that floods our newsfeed with crap.

I dont know if there is a god and mostly i dont care.But if you really ask me about god i would think hes some kind of energy or w.e and not any of bible crap

Wait a second. God haters only have themselves to be accountable for there destructive behavior. Isn't it better to know you fucked up then to blame it on some persons sinning a thousand years ago and that you can't fight against anyway. I mean Christians are part of a club and can sin all they want if they repent before they die. (Or not, not sure how that works)