>be me >have one rough fuck with an ex >have a false rape claim made >2 years wasted waiting for trial >face it this week >watch the bitch talk shit on the stand >prosecution ask her to define what a meme is >cringe at her explanation >be cleared of all charges today >have a whisky then masturbate remembering the fuck that caused it all
Pic not related AMA
Liam Gutierrez
What the fuck are you talking about?
John Phillips
Uh, a meme is a concept or piece of iconography or symbolism which has permeated the shared cultural body of narrative such that it has a recognizability to participants in that same cultural narrative even if divorced from its original context. Typically, the deliberate change of context is core to the message behind the meme when used deliberately, though it can often be an accident of transmission.
What the fuck does this have to do with a fake rape charge?
Lucas Lee
Thats what I wanna know. What the fuck happened OP?
Eli Bailey
Explain more...
Logan Fisher
Jose Fisher
Who the fuck drinks whiskey Mr. fancypants.
William Johnson
Exactly. Whisky is where it's at.
Eli Myers
Gin is the superior race, praise stalin
Jack Clark
inb4 an entire thread of people who believe the rate of false rape accusations to be far higher than it actually is