It's friday!

it's friday!
the s/fur ride never ends!


Danke for bread


It's 5.20am, what am I even doing up this early on a Saturday?

I didn't even know Saturday had a 5am.




hi guys
how is everyone?

Fur Discord Server! come join and hang out with us!


As promised.


you might remember it as crawl-home-drunk o'clock



no complaints here
had the day off


Anyone got any good bro/sis for me?












anyone left in here?





since yesterday/tonight is full moon, let's have some awooos!

I want to boop her nose.




about time you showed up.
this thread needs more s/fur posters!


Well it's been a while since I've posted so...


whelp, welcome back , I guess


It's whatever.

>angery that worgens dont have tails
>ask gm why
>gm doesnt know
>says that there are mods to add tails
>dont use them because they arent allowed
>we have absolutely no way to tell and dont check but dont do it okay
>worgens have tails now


What a cute


Yes please Mr. Santa.








sup, GT





Changing injectors and coil packs on a 2v Triton. Tore the side of my thumb open so stopped to repair it. Hanging out here while it stops bleeding.



Praise Inari









damn, that sucks

hi Dani








fucking retard















