I lost her Sup Forumsoys, a girl that was way too good for me, looks and all.
>Pic related
I lost her Sup Forumsoys, a girl that was way too good for me, looks and all.
>Pic related
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aww come one bro, live will go on
It wasn't in my control, and I'm not sure I'll find someone as attractive or as fun as her. She gave her virginity to me man for fucks sake...
maybe you will, maybe you won't, but at least you will have tried
How the fuck is that positive in any way...
Why not tell us what happened?
Babby's first breakup? Get the fuck over it
because life will go on, like it or not
Nah man I had a few before but this was the girl man I'm telling you
don't worry too much, spend all energy trying to fuck new girls