So I have a mediocre job I've been working for about a month that I only like because of the benefits and my coworkers are fine. I get along with everyone I work with really well and until today I thought everything was aces.
Suddenly I got called in to a meeting room by my boss and her assistant who is a short fat black man-bitch to have a "weekly review" of my performance. Since working there I have only had one day where he told me I was working too slowly. In the review he said to my boss and i that I was unreceptive to new information. He made up a story where he said I was intimidating and standoffish when he gave advice, but he couldn't recall when or why it happened. He's a lying pussy. Before this my boss adored me and now she thinks otherwise.
Should I get revenge on this motherfucker? I know how to stir things up. I can get him sent to jail or worse. This piece of shit crossed the wrong guy.
My gut reaction is to ruin his life, I don't care that he has a wife and kid.
What should I do?
Jack Collins
If he’s a nigger scum then ruin his life however you can
Robert Baker
Op again. Come on guys give me the thumbs up to sociopath this shit or tell me to keep my nose down and prove myself. I need to go to bed for this shit job.
Luis Watson
File complaints with your state labor regulators and an internal company line if you have one. Come up with something good that you can either fabricate or something that just you the boss talked about (ie: I asked for FMLA and she told me she would fire me, etc). If retaliates at all repeat the cycle, but most likely she will hate her life and treat you better because of her fear you will do it again.
Nolan Lee
Gavin Gomez
Dude if you have the means to go and ruin his life then do it, make his ass pay however you can
Jayden Howard
Levi Long
Op here He actually has pretty good speech and we got along fine until todsy, but I don't get why he would make up a story and try to humiliate me like that. I want to kick his ass so bad.
Jordan Evans
Ryan Morales
Why are you asking us what to do if you know how to get him sent to jail? Just fucking do it.