I'm kinda scared about doing this for my first time by myself. This ain't my first time banging...

I'm kinda scared about doing this for my first time by myself. This ain't my first time banging, but I'm just nervous something is gonna go wrong. Any tips?

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Yea dont do it man. Not worth it I promise.

Dude, don't.

Advice is don't

pics if you do

Fucking degenerate faggot. Don't do it.

take the advice of the Sup Forums counsel , dont

It's to late for moral advice niggers. The meth is there and ready. I love it, I don't do it often, I just never done it by myself. Always had someone plug it for me.

Don't. My cousin ruined his life doing that shit and now he's in state prison for stealing to afford his shit habit.

just plz dont dude