If I get gay when I'm drunk does that mean I'm gay. Ps im drunk

If I get gay when I'm drunk does that mean I'm gay. Ps im drunk

they do say your honest shows when under the influence
you could be bi too

OP is always gay
also he didn't say he likes grills when sober

If you're a girl, you're bi
If you're a guy, you're gay

Timestamp or gtfo

I'm a dude pic related is my gf

Got any more you're willing to share?

Play with this fidget spinner while you sober up faggot.

I mean i feel straight and I like sex with my gf, but I don't see a future with her. Idk if that's because I hadn't fount the right girl, but when I'm drunk I just get kinda silly and wanna fuck around with guys

I'm the same when I'm high dude
Still trying to work this one out