Who would win in a war: US government vs US citizens?
Who would win in a war: US government vs US citizens?
Government. All they would have to do is promise safety. Not to mention they could cut us off from the food supply at any minute and we would be fucked, forced to do what ever they want. It's not like we already do this though.
how can I even kill a drone
or like a fleet of them
>govt stops printing money
>people cant get any money
>no more neet bucks or water or electricity
First the neets will loose
The citizens.
Eventually, the Government will have to hire someone.
US citizens, there are millions of us we could easily take on the government if we set our mind to it
Half of the population will be cheering it on. Either "yeah, kill whitey!" or "we democratically decided to exterminate the infidels" or "we're finally killing all men"
Who's minds will be left?
I think the point is that everyone's common enemy would be the government,no matter the mindset
we kill ourselves. Government can't rule with out citizens, mass hysteria would cause property damage in the billions. the top elites would essentially have to escape to canada and europe while abandoning there peons who will also go into hysteria.
Are you guys stupid? If the govt decides to do so, they can throw you back into rock ages and you need 200 years to recover. Who won, the destroyed govt or the civs who never had any chances to fight and will become technological new africa?