We're gonna take down reddit, every subreddit will bend a knee, and open those juicy assholes to out large vandal dicks...

We're gonna take down reddit, every subreddit will bend a knee, and open those juicy assholes to out large vandal dicks. This is a raid, Spam it, they hate it, they hate us, they don't want us to succeed, help us succeed.


if nobody responds Sup Forums is officially in the shitter

Nah, we just don't really give a serious fuck about reddit right now.

what the has happened to Sup Forums??????

holy shit..... depressing


NYPA, go fuck yourself faggot

greg i didn't let you borrow my laptop for this

it's ok, i'll just spam the shit out of this until i amass a following oh Sup Forums willing to help me piss of every subreddit on that faggoty website

Sup Forums will not fail
