Tell me a story Sup Forums. Experience you had with drugs. Greentext appreciated

Tell me a story Sup Forums. Experience you had with drugs. Greentext appreciated.

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Roll better joints and come back at another time.

Was 15 she was 17, game me E in a field and idk I think she raped me I'm not sure I don't remember saying yes or wanting it but she was hot so just told everyone it was my idea.
Not how I thought I'd lose my virginity

>be me
>Just bought a dry herb vape.
>Smoked weed for the past 3 hours watching YouTube videos about Mario technical glitches.
>I ate all the slim Jim's
>In bed now

I agree, that is the saddest joint i have ever seen.

Now as for a bit of a green text

>Sup Forums me
>super stoner kid in high school
>buy a blunt wrap that can roll an entire ounce
>get an ounce of some dank budz
>go to high school graduation after party
>roll that ounce up
>spark it up, swarmmed by stoners wanting in
>rekt about 12 kids
>some straight edge kid asks if he can take a hit
>takes a massive toke
>barfs all over the cheer leaders
>i loled

>second time doing shrooms
>home alone
>about 19 years old
>being the fucking idiot i am i take ~7 grams dried and made tea with 5 grams
(this is before the effects kick in)
>go to subway
> waiting in line
>shrooms hit me like a uhaul truck in a crowded urban area
>couldnt see the toppings through the glass at subway so i couldnt decide what i wanted
>the glass was wavy, almost blurry, but only the glass
>finally manage to order and head home

>late teens
>was hanging out with friends
>my friend started playing the guitar and we all started to smoke weed
>this was my first time smoking weed
>took a hit, started coughing
>start to feel the effects it was amazing
>minutes go by and start to feel drowsy
>start to go to sleep for a bit
>had dream that i was going through a wormhole in space
>wake up thinking that it was morning but only three minutes passed by

>doing shrooms with a good bud of mine
>about halfway through the trip we decide to go smoke some weed at our usual spot (when its dark out), the public pool by my house
>we go in the back behind some ferns like always, and ready up our shitty homemade sodacan bowl
>before we can even hit it some oldass lady starts making her way up the ramp towards the pool entrance
>she opens the gate and slowly walks around the pool towards us
>me and friend are noided as fuck from the shrooms, he starts trying to hide the bowl and I just kinda stare at her
>she comes us to us and asks what we're doing
>for some reason friend replies that we live here
>she gives him a look then after a few seconds says she just tryna smoke a bowl
>we proceed to smoke bud with this bitch who could easily be my grandmother while she tells us how she needs weed to sleep at night
>afterwards almost die trying to drive to mcdonalds

ate shrooms
smoked a pack of cigs (i dont smoke and dont know where they came from)
layed on my couch and watched the paint drip down my walls
try to kill myself
pussy out
power puke
pass out and have the best sleep of my life

Actually never had experience in them and I am wondering on how to approach the guy sitting next to me during lectures about the whole subject(he talks often about drugs). Any of you had speed/amphetamines before how did it feel?