My intuition tells me I'm needed. If you have eyes to see, I will answer your questions about the Deep Mysteries...

My intuition tells me I'm needed. If you have eyes to see, I will answer your questions about the Deep Mysteries. Don't abuse this opportunity; it doesn't often offer itself.

Please tell me about my health. How long do I have, rounded to the nearest 10th year?

Schematics for a plasma battery please.

I'm not a fortune teller. No one is. But I can teach you how to find out for yourself if you're interested; your unconscious has a pretty good idea already, which is why you've asked the question. The thing you need to ask yourself if whether there's a reason you haven't consciously allowed yourself to recognize the answer.

I know this is intended as mockery, but I'm curious; what does a plasma battery mean to you? Why this specific thing? There's no such thing as random. We choose our words for reasons, every single one. Tell me about plasma batteries and why they're important and I may be able to help you with the real question you're trying to ask. Yes, I'm the real thing.

lay off the acid faggot

What happens when you die

How do I open my third eye?

It's like asking where the shadow goes when you turn on the light. Your life isn't a thing, it's an event, and events end. What you really mean is, what happens to your sense of personal identity? And you can answer that question right now by achieving ego-death. You are Legion; you contain multitudes.

If you really want to know, take the heroic dose and visit the machine elves. It will all become clear.

>machine elves
alright OP took 10 doses or some shit

All that's required is the existential decision to do so. Have you read Through the Looking Glass? It starts with Alice and the mirror. When she steps through, she realizes that the far side of every object she could see from this side has a laughing face on the far side. Once you've been through the looking glass, you can never unsee the faces. Even if you pass back, you will always know those laughing faces are there.

I've never regretted stepping through. Make your decision and live with the consequences: 93.

U r nothing and cant do shit



your notions and education on life are based solely in fiction and reality is going to ruin you for it. Have fun dying on the streets druggie failure

I don't need to dose myself with anything. The reason psychoactive substances have the effect they do is they mimic chemicals which are already present in the brain. This means through meditation, biofeedback, and discipline it's possible to duplicate the effect of every drug known to humanity -- and more. The benefit of drugs as shamanic tools is that they're fast; they're an express elevator to the floor it may take hours to reach by the stairs.

The machine elves are a phenomenon currently being researched by neurobiologists because of the remarkably similar experience people have with them. Current thinking is that they are the mind's way of visualizing that part of us which manufactures representational reality down on the factory floor of the brain.

Why are you such a faggot?

>U r nothing
Thank you.

>what does it mean to u?
Bitch, please. How come u dont aleady know?!

are we fucked?

How would I know? I'm not psychic. I don't have magic powers. That's not what the Deep Mysteries are about. Ask what you really want to know. Wakers don't often reveal themselves to sleepers. I felt, however, that I was needed here today. Ask and I will answer.

What is the meaning of life, to you?

For certain value of "we" and "fucked" the answer is yes and no. The surface of the world is, and always has been, the domain of the powers and principalities. The Goetic forces reign supreme. It's why it's so dangerous to stay on the surface once you're awakened to the existence of the Deep Mysteries. Down in the maternal depths the male has no power, which is why they try so hard to distract you with cellphones and jobs and politics and noise and the thousands of tiny hooks which anchor you to the material world.

In the depths you will find change, and change is one of the manifestations of death. You must become dead to the world in order to dive deep. The choice is always yours. The cage made for you at your birth can be opened from the inside, and only you can choose to do so.

Explain as above. So below.

This. What I'm experiencing now. Dasein. That's its meaning. I made it. Do you like it? Feel free to make your own. All you need to do is give yourself permission to do so.

No. The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao. I could go on about fractals and constants and the relationship between the individual and the group, and how all of the relationships are connected in ways which can't be understood through logic, but ultimately you have to understand for yourself by finding the gods inside and recognizing yourself in them, and them in you.

If this seems confusing, that's good. Confusion is the beginning of wisdom. Start with "Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind" by Julian Jaynes, then follow up with Jung's "Man and his Symbols" and Campbell's "Hero with a Thousand Faces."

>wakers dont often reveal themselves to sleepers
But the world is full of lunatics like u

Sadly, it's not.

Stfu, retard

What is your MBTI type?

Will I graduate this year?

Is there an afterlife?

INTP, the exact opposite of ESFJ. I tend to see forests while bumping into trees.

She loves me?

If a tree falls in a forest with no one around to hear,does it make a sound?

You already know the answer to this. It's why you're asking someone else; you're trying to give yourself permission to recognize the answer. I'll teach you a simple exercise for harnessing the powerful machinery of the unconscious mind and coaxing it to give you accurate information.

Take a hardcover book, any book, and hold it up on its spine, ask your question out loud, then allow the book to flop open to a random page. Point to a random paragraph, and it will answer your question directly and succinctly. This works because of the phenomenon of apophenia, the tendency of the brain to find patterns in things which have to inherent pattern. With no context, the paragraph you read will be interpeted by your unconscious through the lens of the question you asked; the reason you asked out loud was to prime your unconscious through suggestion, bringing that material closer to your conscious awareness.

ITT: non-answers

Why not simply state that you are a faggot and made a bullshit thread?


Koans aren't supposed to be answered. Their function is to stymie the logical portion of your brain, making it lock up.

There's an interesting psych experiment in which they ask people to select which colour they prefer from a set of three, then have them press a button when they've made their choice. Under brain scans, what we see is that the parts of the brain associated with interpreting colours and making choices lights up and goes dark almost instantly, and then several seconds later people press the button. This suggests that decisons are actually made on an unconscious level, then rationalized by the logical, conscious part of the mind.

The rigid division between conscious and unconscious is the source of most problems humans endure. If you can learn to quiet the conscious mind and live in the state of what the Taoists call wei wu wei -- action no-action -- then things will become clear. Hence koans.

This makes sense to me, recalling moments where religious people ask "God" a question and then flip to a random page in the Bible, then reading and interpreting some religious speech as an answer.

Terry A. Davis's random number generator in TempleOS holds similar values.
He thinks he is talking to God, but he is only talking to himself.

What do you think about religion, about God? A tool for mass manipulation?

I've talked to gods. Often. I do a lot of work through lucid dreaming, and I'm reasonably good at invocation, though I tend to avoid it as I have a high suggestibility and the gods are extremely powerful -- powerful enough to make summoning them dangerously convenient.

Jung believed that the reason so many people followed Hitler is that he had manifested the Shadow so strongly that he became, in essence, possessed by a god. He spoke to people with their own internal voice. So yes, the gods are tools for mass manipulation -- and quite, quite real, though not in the sense most people hold them.

If you're interesting I can teach you how to find them and talk to them.

OP, do you believe in the idea that thoughts are things? Do you think that we're thoughts too?

I have talked to goddesses and other spirits before. But I'm curious what methods you use. Teach me.

I am interested, but I can't help my curiosity stopping at talking to them.

Is it possible to usurp their power? To become a god yourself?

How we describe things determines their reality. In most Eastern languages, "things" are more accurately represented as events. A hammer is something which occurs to metal between being ore and rust. It's why Eastern and Western philosophy seem so far apart.

You don't need my help. I'm not here to help adepts; I felt an intuitive calling today to assist someone here who's asking for guidance. Any technique advanced enough to be of use to you wouldn't be appropriate to discuss openly.

To "usurp" an entity's power is to become them. If what you're asking is whether you can choose to be possessed, then the answer is yes. There are many people, places, books, and organizations which are prepared to teach you how to give up your Self in exchance for temporal power; if that's what you want, you don't need me.

But in my opinion, the gods have far more interesting functions than passing around rulership of the surface of the world.

OP, were you always like this? How has thinking in this way changed you?

What are your thoughts on depression?
How to manage it? An hero?

Kill yourself.

I can point to the two specific events in my life which opened my eyes.

The first happened when I was six years old, in grade 2. I put my pencil down on the desk and turned away. I heard it roll down the desk, then felt it hit my foot and heard it clatter to the floor. I bent down to pick it up and saw the pencil sitting on my lap. In that instant I knew that all the adults had been lying to me about the nature of reality, and that nothing they said or did could be taken at face value.

How do I find and talk to them?

Do all things tessellate? I feel myself coming full circle.

Which entities or gods/goddesses have you talked to, summoned or allowed to possess you?

Oh, schizoid.

Schizotypal, faggot. Get it right.


The second happened when I was about 12 or so. I belonged to a club for kids, and there was a gym coach named Kojak. He was a very strange man. He was a big, fat, sloppy dude who always had two or three days' beard, and always wore a pair of gym shorts with bright white sneakers and a red stripy shirt. He always had a whistle around his neck, and never used it; he would always yell "TWEET!"

One day, for no reason I could discern, he gave me an odd look and asked if I wanted to go for a walk. We began making laps around the grassy area behind the club.

He asked me, "What's life?"

I gave him the answer I'd been taught in school: something which is capable of locomotion, respiration, and reproduction.

He nodded and seemed to change the subject. He then asked, "What's a door?"

"It's a rectangular--"

"If it's square, it's not a door?"

"It's a wooden--"

"If it's made of metal, it's not a door?"

"It's an object between two rooms which--"

"If I take it off its hinges, it's not a door?"

And on and on like that for maybe 40 minutes as it slowly dawned on me that I'd been using doors all my life, could point to any object and tell you instantly whether or not it was a door -- but I had no idea how I knew, or why.

And as we walked in silence, the gears were revving in my head. Then he smiled, looked at me, and said: "Now, what's life?"

And it was like the top of my head exploded. Like I'd lived all my life in a box and he'd just opened the lid and shown me the sky.


Schizotpyical folk tend to also be Schizoid. Often enough that you'd be a faggot to think this was an unfounded or unrealistic assumption to make given the evidence in the thread.

Look at this.

Depression is a dark blessing. A gift. Are you familiar with the theory of depressive realism? Psych studies have repeatedly demonstrated that people who are depressed show markedly better judgement at estimating whether a given shape will fit a given hole than non-depressed people, who err constantly on the side of optimism. Depressive realism holds that depression is actually the removal of a filter which makes the world seem irrationally pleasant to everyone else.

If you've been blessed with depression, use its gifts wisely and try to hold on that lucidity as long as your mind can tolerate it.

This will sound very paranormalfag but... When I was younger I had almost constant visitations from what I can only describe as the stereotypical grey aliens with the large, oil black eyes. They drove me insane trying to figure out how they could exist and not fit into any known category. And UFO literature and alien literature always seemed so phony or false. They drove me to look at the world in a completely new way. I've since then become a biologist, but I still struggle to explain them in any rational way. I don't believe I was hallucinating or crazy. I saw what I saw. They never seemed to hurt me or even touch me, but they constantly observed in silence and always at night.

That might be, faggot; but Schizotypal is a better fit for what we're observing here. You don't know what you're talking about. Go kill yourself.

If it might be, then Schizotypical isn't a better fit. Either it isn't and Schizotypical is a better fit, or it is and Schizotpyical isn't the end of it.


Lucid dreaming is the best way of interacting with these kinds of entities, since the machinery will safely pack them away on waking. Summoning them up while conscious uses the same machinery dreaming uses, but requires the skills and discipline necessary to banish them when you're done.

If you're really hell-bent on talking to them, I can teach you a simple Jungian active imagination exercise, though it won't allow you to choose who manifests.

Get a hat, one you can afford to lose. Say out loud, "When I put on this hat, I am no longer me. When I take it off, I am me again."

Then put on the hat and babble. Make nonsense baby-noises. It's important that you not think about it. Just whatever sounds happen to come out of you. It may take several sessions to master the trick of not thinking about it. But once it starts, you'll find that the noises begin to assemble themselves into words, then the words into sentences, and the sentences finally into a voice emerging from you which is not your conscious identity.

At this point, you can remove the hat to address the voice, then put the hat back on to allow it to respond. If the voice becomes hostile or you start to feel frightened, the hat serves as a form of strong suggestion which will allow you to stop it all simply by removing it. If necessary, you can even burn it.

It's okay. I'm just yanking your chain. I love you, user.

Honestly? I don't know. If there's a bottom, I haven't found it yet. The circle seems infinite, but infinity is very large, and I may simply not have dived deep enough yet to find the way out. I'm in no hurry.

Those are just words. Current thinking is that Jung himself was a self-treating schizophrenic. His wife relates a story about how Jung was becoming more and more paranoid, and began sleeping with a gun under his pillow. Then one day she woke to find him missing and feared the worst. She found him playing in the mud outside with stones and bits of wood and thought that he had lost his mind; he had in fact just invented art therapy.

If it makes you feel better to be able to draw a box around me and then put a word on that box, who am I to tell you that you can't? But those boxes have been used for millennia by the sleepers to catch and kill those who wake, so I'm wise enough to keep myself hidden.

>I'm wise enough to keep myself hidden
No, you're posting openly on a medium that holds less obscurity than porn piracy.

What you encountered was a pop-up warning box.

When you begin diving for the Deep Mysteries, it requires you to make alterations to the operating system of the human mind. When you try to make changes to your computer's operating system, particularly ones which have the potential to permanently crash the entire thing, you will get a series of increasingly urgent pop-ups warning you that what you're doing is dangerous and permanent, and are you really, really, REALLY sure you want to do this?

Your experience is not unique. These entities have been described across millennia as demons, angels, Men in Black, greys, black-eyed children, and more. They don't exist in the same sense that we do; they are archetypal entities which exist inside the collective unconscious. It's why they feel so strange to us; we intuitively understand that they don't have the same *kind* of reality we do, though their reality is neither more nor less than our own.

You aren't hallucinating. You aren't crazy. You are receiving a warning from your own operating system that some of the alterations you're making have consequences and are potentially dangerous. If you have the courage, keep diving and they will recede into the background again.

So where do one start when the awakening has begun?

I largely agree with you. Since then I've had experiences with everything from the Baron Samedi to Sumerian goddesses. It's made me seriously question my own sanity but also force me to realize that I can't use logic and science to explain everything. I realize that my existence here is but one layer of many. I really can feel this deeper, older existence. I call it my inner being: the truest self. And, strangely, I've even had similar ideas of those beings being a sort of "pop-up," too. It was right after they stopped appearing that my mind seemed to expand at an exponential rate.

I have a similar experience but not with "grey aliens".

When I was little, roughly 5 or 6 years old, I used to sleep in my parent's living room.

The room was very large and wide. It had an extended ceiling which was probably 30 feet in height.

Every night, for until I would turn 8 or 9, I would look upon the ceiling, and spot a small light.

The flew around the ceiling and seemed to have been observing me.
I would sit and watch this light dance around the heights of the room until I fell asleep.

>You are receiving a warning from your own operating system that some of the alterations you're making have consequences and are potentially dangerous

Dive deep, quickly. For those who wake, the surface is extremely dangerous. The Goetic forces, the "powers and principalities" who rule the surface, are nearly omnipotent in the sphere of their influence. And they keep a vigilant watch for wakers; if they can, they'll drug you or shock you or psychoanalyze you back to sleep, and if that doesn't work they'll simply kill you -- if they can.

But their power is limited to the surface. The deeper you go, the less power they have. Choose a paradigm and learn its rituals, but beware false schools; the Goetia have set many traps for the unwary.

Do you have any idea what the light might have been? Or was it just something you observed? I couldn't stop my mind from questioning what I saw.

As a scientist, I'm sure you're aware of the limitations of science. In the Aristotlian model there are three ways of obtaining knowledge: empiricism, rationalism, and revelation. The application of pure empiricism is science, the application of pure rationalism is philosophy, and the application of pure revelation is mysticism. All three are useful, as each has strengths which offset the limitations of the others.

Ultimately, science, philosophy, and mysticism lead to the same place, just as time, space, and energy are three ways of describing the same phenomenon.

I had no idea what the light was and still can't explain it to this day.
It was during a time of my life where everything just "was", if that makes sense. I didn't question what I was seeing because it wasn't abnormal to me. I didn't know anything else, really.

It might seem weird to others, but it feels like I was never really "alive", or conscious maybe, until I was around 5 or 6 years old. It seems that time was when my mind really started to form memories and experiences.
I don't remember a single thing from before that time.

That being said, knowing nothing else, it wasn't weird at all to me.
The light was not normal and the more I started to learn about the world the less the light would show up.

Eventually, it disappeared forever. I never saw it again.

>it feels like I was never really "alive", or conscious maybe, until I was around 5 or 6 years old
Carl Jung was originally a child psychiatrist, and he first became interested in archetypes as a result of his observation that all children began drawing mandalas spontaneously at the age of about 5 or 6. (The simplest form of a mandala is a circle with "crosshair" lines through it.) He began investigating and found that the mandala means exactly the same thing in every single religion on Earth: spiritual unity. He hypothesized that the symbol emerged naturally from the structure of the mind as a child's sense of self coalesced, and this hypothesis became the starting point for his entire body of work.

>Ultimately, science, philosophy, and mysticism lead to the same place
No they do not.
>just as time, space, and energy are three ways of describing the same phenomenon
No they are not.

I can definitely relate to this, but what about the light?

I don't think the light would be the same as what you described here because at this point in time, it would be more like the OS was "installing" - you don't typically get warning boxes during installation.

How did the first cell learn to divide? Is there a god? Are you a simulation?

Do you have a spirit/dream guide yet? These are the kinds of questions your guide can help you answer.

I do not

Explain infinity and the permanent existence that is our reality. There was no before, so how has everything always been? What do I do with myself knowing everything is infinite and nothing changes anything, nothing really matters?

1) Did it divide? Male and female are poles on the same continuum. Self-and-other is something a person has to be taught; it's not something built in. We know this from studies of modern stone age tribes who almost universally lack a first-person.

2) Yes. Several. I've met them.

3) Of what?

Will I ever get the incubus bf I've always wanted

What religion is most accurate?

Okay, your first step is to alter the way your brain dreams. You do this by keeping a dream journal. Keep it by your bed and scribble down every dream you can remember as quickly as you can on waking. When this becomes habit to the point where you don't need to even think about it and your body just does it, your brain will begin storing your dreams differently. Right now, they're kept in a short-term form of memory which lasts about 15 minutes; in time, it will begin storing them in longer term memory so you will be able to remember them.

After that, you need to ask your unconscious to manifest a guide for you. A character will begin showing up across multiple dreams, making itself known to you. For me, it was Christina Applegate. My unconscious apparently regards her as the perfect female form, as she represents my Anima, my own female nature.

When I have difficult questions or dreams I have difficulty interpreting, Christina will assist me.


If you're not careful, yes. The creation of a tulpa is an extremely advanced shamanic technique, requiring a very strong sense of self and the discipline to be able to uncreate it. Servitors are safer, but also not without risk. Creating a tulpa to have sex is like masturbating with an artillery shell.

All of them.

allright op are you willing to help people wake up or are you just here to help them with their problems

This statement is contradictory at best.

Many religions don't agree with eachother, and if every single one of them was the most accurate, then it would mean that none of them are accurate at all.

No one can help you wake. Waking is a personal choice every person gets to make. Once that choice is made, I can help that person avoid unnecessary risks and dive deeper, faster. But the initial choice to awaken is beyond anyone's control but that of each person individually.

Correct. There's a reason why I posted Magritte's etching.

I fail to recognize the significance of the etching.

"Ceci n'est pas une pipe" means "this is not a pipe." It's not. It's a drawing of a pipe. Or, even more accurately, it's the symbolic representation of the drawing of a gun you create in your mind. In other words, all maps are wrong by definition because a map is not the thing it's mapping. And just as maps can be useful, so can religions -- even though, like maps, they are all false.

fucking furries

how can i access this knowledge, how do i dive?

The word "occult" means, literally, "hidden." If you want to learn, you have to cultivate stillness. You possess a built-in compass which will tell you where to go and what to do and whom to trust and whom to avoid, but this "still, small voice" is very quiet, and world is deliberately flooded with noise and distraction to keep you from hearing it.

Get rid of your cellphone. Stop watching television. Stop playing video games. Stop trying to fill up your hours. Let yourself be bored. Cultivate stillness. Listen to your still, small voice.