Repealing Obamacare failed 3 FUCKING TIMES

>repealing Obamacare failed 3 FUCKING TIMES
>Mexico not paying for the wall
>several failed travel bans
>under investigation for treason
>no proof of 3,000,0000 million illegals votes for Hillary so far
>Clinton not under investigation
>DACA not repealed
>several administration members caught wasting taxpayers money on private charter flights
>higher travel expenses so far than Obama had in EIGHT YEARS

So, already tired of all that winning Trumpanzees?

Other urls found in this thread:


and the tears flow.

>and the tears flow.

Trumpanzee tears


no originality
only failure
how is your president these days?

Is there anything in that family that isn't degenerate?

Russian investigation is getting Trump impeached

Say hi to Pence

"Calm before the storm", I wonder who we are invading soon? North Korea? Iran? Venezuela? ISIS? All of them at once?

oh wait
that what we're always told to do, wait.