Caturday thread

Caturday thread.
I'm sad to say that my cat, Montoya, has passed away due to unforseen consequences. I think he's been ran over. He's stiff, body is still warm, when I picked him up he was bleeding from the mouth and I think I tracks on his tummy.

Sorry friend, I couldn't save you from this car accident.


it was niggers

Sorry op, cats really shouldn't be outside though if possible. This is a prime reason. Still sucks though.




Montoya was a really nice cat, condolences.
But I'm sure that Montoya sent you these dubs from heaven.

aww, poor guy. sorry for your loss Sup Forumsro, i have a gray tabby of my own. first cat ive taken care of, its gonna be a sad day when she passes.

It's your fault.


shut up, faggot





I'm sorry for your loss, such a pretty cat =(
We just rescued this big baby once his shitty owners moved away and left him, he trills and makes little fairy noises constantly despite being fuckhuge



Ma Kat

Comfy catter

Thanks, that big baby looks so cute!

Incidentally, Montoya was also rescued from a close call car incident. Stupid fucking mad drivers.

Why does kitty cry?



Thank you, and checked.

Montoya was a fluffly little gift that kept on giving.

I guarantee that it was a nigger that ran your cat over. If it was a white guy, they would have stopped.
If they were Asian, you wouldn’t even have bones left.

Niggers. Definitely niggers.

He still keeps to his word, even late.

He was yawning, I just happens to get the photo at the right time

Sad to hear another kitty died. My cat, fluffy was put down recently because she was so old and could barely do anything without being in obvious pain. I never got to see her much after moving out of my mom's house, but she will always be in my heart after knowing her for 7 years since I was 13, plus I named her.

Sorry OP, I constantly think about my cats.

Only 2 mg

That cat is kawaii as shit.




Sorry to hear that, user. Rest in peace, fluffy.