Caturday thread. I'm sad to say that my cat, Montoya, has passed away due to unforseen consequences. I think he's been ran over. He's stiff, body is still warm, when I picked him up he was bleeding from the mouth and I think I tracks on his tummy.
Sorry friend, I couldn't save you from this car accident.
Alexander Johnson
Jason Roberts
it was niggers
Michael Price
Sorry op, cats really shouldn't be outside though if possible. This is a prime reason. Still sucks though.
Nathan Thomas
Tyler Johnson
Josiah Cooper
Jayden Roberts
Montoya was a really nice cat, condolences. But I'm sure that Montoya sent you these dubs from heaven.
Angel Thompson
aww, poor guy. sorry for your loss Sup Forumsro, i have a gray tabby of my own. first cat ive taken care of, its gonna be a sad day when she passes.