Unpopular opinion thread

Unpopular opinion thread

I'll start: The Matrix sequels were as good as the original

The Beatles are overrated

Asians are almost as bad as Pinoys

I hate Jews.

In Utero is overrated and Dave Grohl only got famous beause of Cobain's death.

Abortion is fine.

EoE is just an inferior version of Ideon: Be Invoked

Women's prisons are underutilized and too soft. They should crank up the humiliation factor. That might get decency through their dainty heads.

i am a very attractive and successful male

Big mouth sucks because of the distracting art style. The main characters head is as big as the sidekick's torso. It makes it seem like Im watchinng a show with a mishmash of different styles. The eye caustics look weird on a head design that simple. The lips all look totally out of place as well. It scored well on IMDB and I'll never be able to validate this.

OP said unpopular opinions...not outright lies....

You actually watched this???

Maisie Williams isn't hot and Eliza isn't a trap

Alice thrrads are one of the best things Sup Forums has to offer

this is really only a testament to how shitty Sup Forums has gotten, not a statement of the quality of said threads.


98% of you fuckers deserve to die slowly. I'm just here for the weird shit.

>as good as the original
every matrix movie is kinda shit

Black ppl are indeed capable of living in peace with society and even contribute to the development of it, clearly only a minority

This is a blatant lie

Disney is overrated af. Movies, parks and merchanduse. It's all just to make rich people richer by taking advantage of stupid people.

This is only unpopular on Sup Forums other alt-right heavy websites.

Some of the films (especially Disney+Pixar and Disney before the last decade or so) are good IMHO but most of the TV is mediocre at best, and the parks and merchandise are overrated. I never went to a Disney park growing up, and don't plan on it.

>It's all just to make rich people richer by taking advantage of stupid people.

Oh geez, you mean they're a corporation? What a fucking mind blower.

Dave was famous and a millionaire before in utero or unplugged was released, long before Kurt's death.

what is going on w her fingers ??

The Fbi should police Sup Forums and use it as a starting platform for a eugenics program targeting societies undesirables.

Underground famous isn't reguar fame cock mongler.

What? You don't have six knuckles?

Emo fag detected


Dr Pepper>Coke>Pepsi