Rekt bread

rekt bread

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boring as fk


more this this pls stupid people getting rekt









negro detected



Just another gang













fkin rekkkt

what the actual fuck

I've seen shit on Sup Forums, but this, single handedly, is the most violent fucking one! Jesus, dude. I'm not even grossed out or anything but fuck!



>Teammate aggros onto you



please like and subscribe


More than anything I'm just... confused by this one...

Wtf was this idiot trying to do?

yeah I don't even know how to feel about it...

I'm not even disgusted or horrified, it's just... wow...


Human Brakes


deserved it


Land of the free

Is that zombies?

I really don't see how people are this fucking stupid.
>Be me 16male
>drive my truck on dirt road next to my house that leads to my grandads land
>i stop the truck about to put it in park so i can pick some black berries
>sudden japanese hornet appears, inside the truck
>i freak out, jump out of truck before i put it in park
>it starts moving almost instantly
>I some how manage to jump in my truck and slam the breaks it comes inches away from hitting my door into the front of my grandads old truck
I was alone when all that happened so no one found out
thats a true story and its not that hard to stop a fucking moving car if you just press the brake

nice immune system

So fucking hot









You counter violence with violence. Let's see what proceeded the cherry picked clips, faggot.

LOL dumbest whore ever


Kek. Took me a second


South Africa me thinks

Kidney harvesting you idiots. Can sell for upto 10k even in a shithole

I am black and what is the point?


Cops help blacks to become whites.
See all the impacts in blacks circles become white after being shot.

So, as a black, try to get shot by cops to become a good white guy



and nothing of value was lost

Are you retarded? Does that look like a bean to you? Clearly a heart.



meanwhile in Africa...


>no blood

They bleed curry sauce only when burned.




dat filename :D


Save yourself. Fuck your kid

What the actual fuck

Probably had to have that fucker amputated after that crunch snap.

I'm really surprised there isn't hot girl edition rekt threads. Never seen one. There's lots of content for it.

I'd make one but I lack the content
Need one made by others so I can start saving it kek



Did he travel to the future just to kill himself?




Brazilian prison for sure. Loads of shit like this on Best Gore.


Rucky as fuck

When you're in a real hurry to get your car washed.