>oldfags give youngfags advice based on experience / mistakes they've made in the past
General life tips.
>oldfags give youngfags advice based on experience / mistakes they've made in the past
General life tips.
Contraceptives should be used on every conceivable occasion
Don’t say no so much. Don’t be a dick, obviously if your meth-head of a brother offers you heroin you fucking say no, but if you got some people going down to the city or the bar and they’re asking you if you’re coming you fucking say yes. One day people aren’t going to be asking you that ever again, they might have families or they’ll have grown out of that sort of thing. You’re missing out on so many memories and connections when you stay home, and each one you miss you can never get back. If you’re lucky enough to have friends, don’t take it for granted. Nothing lasts.
When finding a superhot crazy chick, no matter how many tits you are offered; run. Run your ass off.
I'm a virgin, tips on how to get it on with girls?
Choice #1 (smart choice):
Be YOU. Not "a cool guy", not "someone they might like" or anything like that. Just be you. Dishonest pickups and moviestyle tryhard attempts can be smelled a mile off, and just get you sent packing; they either think you're lying or they think you have no clue what you're after, which might even be worse. While this might take more time, its easier to keep them around if you decide to like them.
Choice #2: Be a super douche. There will always be girls who go for a cool super douche. You need to really commit to douchebaggery, though, including being an ass in every aspect of your life, or they won't belive it. Mind you, this attracts a shitload of crazy, but very few girls you'll wanna keep around.
Choice #3 (the fucking annoying one):
Get a girlfriend. When relaxed and not appearing to look for a girl, you're more likely to seem comfortable around girls, and they'll open up to you more easily. Super-annoying, because now you probably shouldnt go for it tho.
gl hf user
We all thought we could just do heroin from time to time.
>be you
Idk. If you're a pussy nice guy, good luck. I was shy forever but now I have this beautiful younger girl who loves when I take control.
It's always tough tho because when you get on a girl that you really like, you have to find that balance where she knows you're into her but you're not like "baby let's hang out" every day. Some days you have to make her work for it just so you know she really likes it. Girls play those games all the time so you gotta do it back to them. If you can get them to send you the first text of the day, you got a keeper.
I'm trying to stay balanced with that. Not being like "I need you every minute" but then after we chill, I make sure I tell her that it was really nice to spend time with her.
This girl is the first one I ever met who is this into me. I love it. I might try and keep her because she's super easy to deal with.
Always encrypt your hard drives and don't tell anybody that you browse any chan.