Hey /b am i the only one who has all this lava shit on the background, what is it for?
Hey /b am i the only one who has all this lava shit on the background, what is it for?
uh...you sure you didn't install a theme or anything?
mine looks perfectly normal dude
a theme? no none, what browser are you using?
it is like this on my phone also
me too, on firefox
you don't use Catalog?
Can confirm that it happens on chrome, but i use catalog so it doesnt matter. Anyone know what this shits about?
Sup Forums got hacked, check twitter also
I got it too. This is pretty gay.
its a wirus
conqueror hirohito is trolling
Same on iPhone
I had it for a bit when I refreshed it went back to normal
guessing halloween thing
>change scares me
Yeah me too, also using firefox....
Some music started playing too... WTF is going on!!!?!?!?!?!?!
Not using catalog.. Poor bastard
we are all in hell
This started playing too??!?!?!?
You guys just got hacked by ((((her))))
Safari using Faggot
they've pulled this shit before but not since moot left a beleive.
mods got bored if is true i will be banned for some days.. hahahha
I’m in LA for the weekend so I’m taking uber & such everywhere
It’s my new gimmick to look at porn of the ethnicity of my driver.
This time it’s Asian
I have no point
Only on 4chans board. Not on any of the threads.
>newfags the thread
Forgot image.
Fuckheads didnt even test it. The OP comments are barely readable.
thanks Sup Forums
catalog what?
Faggot cunt
Quads confirm
I have it too wtf, its also playing some free to use music. Im going on Chrome
witnessed and checked
Newfag leave REEE
to anyone wondering what is going on heres the post
no you are newfag gay homo
>catalog what?
How does that work? When I click on it all the background is the same as in the board.
Can confirm it's ok mobile aswell
Also lmao porn adds
yep just got it, there'smusic too
I had it for a second but it went away from reloading
I had 40 keks then 40 more. Then keks came out my ass and mouth. Just thousands of keks spewing forth from every orifice like the mighty amazon.
There have always been porn adds. How did you notice them?
Mood returned
Yep. That's the one. Close it and you're fine.
Ditto, plus song. Pretty weird.
>he hasn't skinned Sup Forums with stylish.
Hi I don’t have the music. I am also on mobile but I don’t see how that might have affected it.
it works by finding that post on the catalog and hiding it, then refresh catalog
14th birthday Sup Forums guys, learn to read
Dub trips dont lie
i have never seen a thread where every single poster was new and under the age of 8
with his fucking eyes
can i stay if i start using catalog?
He can’t have had eyes all this time and not have noticed the porn adds. The only option is that he has bad eyesight or that he is a newfag.